Seminar: Quantum dynamics

We are pleased to invite you to listen to and talk with Stefanos Carlström from Lund University, who is going to present his work on Mathematical methods for high-dimensional physics; atoms and molecules in strong laser fields.

This invite goes out to the Dept. of Computer Science – and a few other colleges for whom this seminar could be of interest. Perhaps I have missed some;  do not hesitate to forward this invitation to anyone who might be interested.

QCNorway: The need for a Norwegian quantum strategy

November 7th and 8th, 2022, jointly with Simula, Sigma 2 and Sintef, OsloMet organized a workshop in order to highlight and emphasize the need to establish a Norwegian strategy when it comes to quantum computing.


The workshop featured contributions from several notable experts in the field of quantum computing and more than 80 in-person participants.

All presentations may be found on the website.

Here is the OsloMet Quantum Hub’s own contribution: The OsloMet Quantum Hub: Bringing the Quantum to the People.

Note also this interesting presentation from Shaukat Ali: Time for another Simula

and Umair Imam’s presentation on how Ruter has sucessfully implemented quantum machine learning: How Ruter uses Quantum computing in its machine learning algorithms.

Aleksandar Davidov, Sergiy Denysov and Sebastian T. Overskott at our Quantum Hub are all affiliated with this project.