PhD Fellows Cristina Paupini and Helene Teigen have finally completed the data collection and the interview process and are now tackling the first stages of the Data Analysis!

This year has been challenging for the research and has required continuous flexibility as the conditions of the pandemic kept changing and evolving. We started the recruitment with a clear idea of how we would work and we ended up having to completely revise it multiple times. We visited the home of our pilot informants the day before the first lockdown. We turned to social media for the recruitment and re-elaborated a digital strategy to conduct the interviews. We had to adapt methods, tools and even each other as we could not even be in the same room anymore.
Nonetheless, we are very proud of the work done and the results achieved so far, and very thankful to all the informant that sat with us for two hours to talk about their homes and their lives with the IoT devices. We hope you’ll keep following our progress as we start publishing the first results!
Helene and Cristina