
Articles & book chapters

  • Teigen, H. F. (2024). Troubleshooting the connected home: Exploring the perspectives of non-initiators. Convergence,
  • Teigen, H. F., Paupini, C., & Mainsah, H. (2023). Intra-Acting With Technology During Remote Fieldwork in Homes: Curating Video Interviews and Drawing Methods. International Journal of Qualitative Methods22,
  • Mainsah, H., Slade, E., Slettemeås, D., Southerton, D., & Storm-Mathisen, A. (2022). Methodological innovations and challenges of research on digitally connected homes: an introduction. Digital Creativity33(3), 183-187.
  • Paupini, C., Teigen, H. F. & Habib, L. (2022). “A change of space: implications of digital fieldwork in connected homes during the COVID-19 pandemic”. Digital Creativity.
  • Paupini, C., van der Zeeuw, A. & Teigen, H. F. (2022). “Trust in the institution and privacy management of Internet of Things devices. A comparative case study of Dutch and Norwegian households”. Technology in Society, Vol 70.
  • Boe, C. S., & Mainsah, H. (2021). Detained through a Smartphone. Digital Culture & Society7(2), 287-310. DOI : 10.14361/dcs-2021-070214
  • Paupini C., Giannoumis G.A., Gjøsæter T. (2020). A User-Centered Approach to Digital Household Risk Management. In: Stephanidis C., Antona M. (eds) HCI International 2020 – Posters. HCII 2020. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1226. Springer, Cham.

Project reports

Academic conference papers

  • Mainsah, H., Slettemeås, D. & Teigen, H. M. F. (2024) Consumers’ Fragile Relations with Privacy and Trust in a Surveillance Economy. 16th European Sociological Association Conference; August 27-30, 2024.
  • Slettemeås, D., Teigen, H. M. F. & Mainsah, H. (2024) Consumed by data. Reconnecting consumers with their personal data through data domestication.16th European Sociological Association Conference, August 27-30, 2024.
  • Slettemeås, Dag & Ardis Storm-Mathisen (2021). Smart tech – a salvation for our sustainable future and/or part of the problem? A household perspective. Paper presented at ESA 2021, RN05-Smart tech in consumption, Barcelona (online), 2. Sept. 2021.
  • Storm-Mathisen, A (2020). Om å bruke, utvikle og kombinere et knippe metoder ved hjelp av overordnede teorier – Begrunnelser for teoretiske perspektiv og metodiske framgangsmåter vi anvender i forskningsprosjektet RELINK. Fremlegg i forskningsgruppen WATT- Welfare Access through technology, Det samfunnsvitenskapelige Fakultet, OsloMet, 24.09.20.
  • Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane (2020). Reassembling the practices: Researching digital risk in households. Paper presented online in video format at ESA Sociology of Consumption Midterm Conference, RN5 26-28 August 2020
  • Slettemeås, Dag (2020). Outsmarting the smart home: Consumer engagement in social media. Paper presented online in video format at ESA Sociology of Consumption Midterm Conference, RN5 26-28 August 2020
  • Storm-Mathisen, Ardis; Berg, Anne-Jorunn & Slettemeås, Dag (2020). ‘Homeward bound.’ – Children’s home-based digital interfaces and how parents make sense of IT. DigitaliseringssesjonenSosiologisk vinterseminar, Golsfjellet 01.02.2020 
  • Teigen, H. M. F. (2020). ‘Autonomi i eldreomsorg: et ‘governmentality’ perspektiv på velferdsteknologi’. Sosiologiforeningens Vinterseminar 2020.
  • Slettemeås, Dag & Storm-Mathisen, Ardis (2019). Domesticating home-IoT: A research framework for studying connected homes. Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, RN05, Manchester, UK, 20-24 August 2019
  • Storm-Mathisen, Ardis & Slettemeås, Dag (2019). Domestication Theory and ANT as Theoretical Tools for Research on Digital Everyday Risks in Connected Households. Paper presented at the 14th Conference of the European Sociological Association, RN08, Manchester, UK, 20-24 August 2019.
  • Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane; Mainsah, Henry (2019). Simply complex? A discourse analysis on future living with the Internet of Things. 14th ESA Conference 2019. European Sociological Association.
  • Storm-Mathisen, Ardis. (2019). Are households prepared for a connected future? The RELINK project, questions and ambitions. Relink kick-off conference: Are households prepared for a connected future?; 2019-06-11, OSLOMET  
  • Slettemeås, Dag (2019). RELINK: Preliminary survey results – IoT in Norwegian homes. RELINK kick-off conference, OsloMet, Oslo, Norway, 11. June 2019
  • Storm-Mathisen, A. (2019). Uses of connected consumer technologies & welfare technologies in households – framework for an interdisciplinary and multilevel exploration of risks, vulnerabilities and solutions for resilience. Teknologisosiologi. Gruppesesjon. Norsk sosiologisk vinterseminar, Storefjell, 1- feb. 19 

Presentations for stakeholder groups and the public

  • Slettemeås, Dag (2020). Digitalt hjemmekontor under koronakrisen. Zoom-presentation, Institutt for Sosialfag, OsloMet, September 12, 2020.
  • Storm-Mathisen, A (2020). RELINK – A research project about digital vulnerabilities in households and tools for building digital resilience in the connected everyday life. Presentation at Ratheau instituut, Den Haag, March 3,2020. 
  • Slettemeås, Dag (2020). RELINK project. Home-IoT survey – Norway: Prevalence, experiences and attitudes. Presentation at network seminar, Rathenau Instituut, Den Haag, Netherlands, March 3, 2020
  • Teigen, Helene Maria Fiane; Paupini, Cristina (2020). Practices and perceptions: doing fieldwork in the connected home. Presentation at Ratheau instituut, Den Haag, March 3, 2020. 
  • Valevatn, Joakim (2020). Foresight and Future scenario building. Presentation at Ratheau instituut, Den Haag, March 3, 2020. 
  • Storm-Mathisen, Ardis (2020). HomeRisk, Relink & PrepCit – forskning om egenberedskap i nordiske hushold. Innlegg for DSB og MSB, Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap, Tønsberg 22.01.2020. 
  • Mainsah, Henry (2019). H2020 Proposal Workshop, Kiev 11.10.19.
  • Storm-Mathisen, Ardis. (2019). RELINK – Nytt forskningsprosjekt om husholdenes digitale sårbarheter og løsninger for å styrke deres robusthet. Fagmøte Barne- og familiedepartementet; 2019-08-28 – 2019-08-28, OSLOMET
  • Slettemeås, Dag (2019). RELINK: Survey-resultater om bruk av og holdninger til smarte/tilkoplede/IoT produkter i norske hjem – våren 2019. Presentation at fagmøte in Barne- og familiedepartementet, Oslo, Norway, 28. August 2019
  • Storm-Mathisen, A. (2018). Befolkningens egenberedskap: Hva vet vi, hva trenger vi å vite mer om og hvordan kan vi gå frem for å styrke befolkningens egenberedskap? Kunnskapsfrokost, Direktoratet for samfunnssikkerhet og beredskap, 13. November, DSB, Tønsberg.
  • Storm-Mathisen, A. (20189. A new approach to researching digital vulnerabilities. European Commission, Consumer Policy Network, November 6th 2018, Brussels, Belgium. 

Multimedia and infographics