In addition to the PPs, stakeholders from youth organizations, political institutions as well as academic and cultural institutions in the participating countries will advise and work with the research partners in order to strengthen intercultural dialogue and inclusiveness among young people:
- Save the Children, Norway
- European Youth Parliament, Norway
- The Austrian Centre of Philosophy with Children
- National Institute for Social Integration
- Ingjerd Østrem Omland, NRK
In addition to the coordinating partner, OsloMet and its Department of Journalism and Media Studies (JM), and research partners from SIFO and Institute of Information Technology at OsloMet, the international project partner (PPs) will participate in the consortium: FH Joanneum – University of Applied Sciences (FH Joanneum).
OsloMet has a strong record in journalism and media studies, combining specialty in linguistically grounded analytical methods and focus group analyses more typical of a social science research tradition (Hornmoen, Hågvar, Fonn) with expertise in participatory design approaches in Living Labs (Stuedahl). OsloMet also has specialization in collaborative processes in media design, with a special focus on how humanities perspectives can enhance participation. Two OsloMet team members furthermore have specialization within Information technology (Habib) and design-led social innovation and creative citizenship (Mainsah).
Specialized in digital humanities, Internet & SoMe research, and journalism and gender studies, researchers from FH JOANNEUM (Dvoršak, Goldgruber, Radkohl) and from University of Music and Performing Arts (Sackl-Sharif) are well equipped to studies on how SoMe spaces contribute to inclusion among youth.