Peerreviewed articles:
SUGAHARA, G., Oliveira, E., Matos, M. (in press) “Mitigating ageism through intergenerational practices: Lessons from a Portuguese co-constructed local intervention” |
Matos, M., SUGAHARA, G. (in press) “Unintentional isolation, loneliness, and social relationships in the municipality of Cascais.” |
SUGAHARA, G., Todd, J., Muller, A., Clausen, T. (in press) “Treatment goals should not be considered static over time: a longitudinal study of opioid maintenance treatment patients” |
Todd, J., SUGAHARA, G., Muller, A., Clausen, T. (in press) “Quality of life whilst ageing in Opioid Agonist Treatment: a narrative analysis” |
Azevedo, S., Ramos, S., Rato, V., SUGAHARA, G. (in press) “The process of adaptation and validation the Portuguese version of the Sheffield Care Environmental Assessment Matrix (PT-SCEAM)” |
Hatlo, C., Clausen, T., Muller, A., SUGAHARA, G. (2023) “Pet ownership, physical activity and mental health among people in opioid maintenance treatment: a prospective, observational study”- Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Published Ahead of Print, December 29, 2023 |
SUGAHARA, G., Nordvik, V.; (2020). “Knitting alone – in the city – ageing and kinship availability as a vulnerability marker.”, Nordic Social Work Research) |
SUGAHARA, G. (2017), “A Critical Approach to the Demographics of Ageing: The Case of Oslo.”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 35 (2017), pp. 1 – 26 doi: 10.15847/citiescommunitiesterritories.dec2017.035.art01 |
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2011), “The urban milieu and the genesis of creativity in cultural activities: An introductory framework for the analysis of urban creative dynamics”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 22 (2011), pp. 3 – 21 |
Kilsztajn, S., Rossbach, A., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É., Lima, L. (2009) “Aluguel e Rendimento Domiciliar no Brasil” (Eng. title: Rent and domestic spending in Brazil). Revista de Economia Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, Volume nº13 Nº1 pp.113-134. |
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2008), “On ‘creative cities’ governance models: A comparative approach”, The Service Industries Journal Volume 28(3-4) April–May 2008 |
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2007), “A discussion on the governance of ´Creative Cities´: Some insights for policy action”, Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol.61, pp.122-132, Oslo. |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2007) O envelhecimento populacional pode tornar-se estímulo de vantagem competitiva territorial? (Eng. title: Population ageing could become a competitive territorial advantage?) In: Revista Kairós v.10 – n.1. Brasil: EDUC – Editora da PUC-SP pp. 143-153. |
Kilsztajn S, Carmo MSN, SUGAHARA GTL, Lopes ES. (2006) “Comparação entre diferentes fontes de dados sobre homicídios no Município de São Paulo” (Eng. title: Comparison between different data sources about homicides in São Paulo Municipality). Saúde e Sociedade v.15, n.1, 2006. |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2005) O Perfil do Idoso Brasileiro. (Eng. title: The Profile of the Brazilian Elderly) In: Revista Kairós v.8 – n.2. Brasil: EDUC – Editora da PUC-SP pp. 51-75. |
Review articles, book chapters, books
SUGAHARA, G., Matos, M. (2024) ” Involving the community in ageing policy design: The Cascais Protocol” in Linking Ages – A dialogue between childhood and ageing research, Routledge. |
SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A. (2014) “Para Além do Espaço Fiscal – A proteção social no contexto da transição demográfica moçambicana” (Eng. title: Beyond fiscal space – Social protection in the context of the mozambican demographic transition), in Brito, L., Castel-Branco, N., Chicava, S., Francisco, A. (org). Desafios para Moçambique 2014: IESE |
Francisco, A., SUGAHARA, G., Fisker, P. (2013) “Growing Old In Mozambique: Dynamics Of Well-Being And Poverty”. IESE, Maputo, Mozambique, ISBN: 978-989-8464-18-7. |
SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A. (2012) “Idosos em Moçambique – Romper a Conspiração do Silêncio” (Eng. title: Older people in Mozambique – Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence), in Brito, L., Castel-Branco, N., Chicava, S., Francisco, A. (org). Desafios para Moçambique 2012: IESE, ISBN: 978-989-8464-11-8. |
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B, SUGAHARA, G. (2012), “O meio urbano e a génese da Criatividade” (Eng. title: The urban milieu and the genesis of creativity), in Costa, P. and Borges, V. (org). Criatividade e Instituições: Novos desafios à vida dos artistas e dos profissionais da cultura. |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2005) Contando os “novos idosos” brasileiros (Eng. title: Counting the “New Old” Brazilians in The Complexity of Ageing). In: CÔRTE, B., MERCADANTE, E.F., ARCURI, I.G (org). Velhice Envelhecimento Complex(idade). Brasil: Vetor Editora. pp. 267-278. |
Working Papers
SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A., Fisker, P. (2013) “Is Living Longer Living Better?”. IDeIAS, Nº54e, Maputo, Mozambique. |
Sugahara, G., Francisco, A. (2012) “The doubling elderly: challenges of Mozambique’s ageing population”. IDEIAS, nº46e, Maputo, Mozambique. |
Sugahara, G., Francisco, A. (2011) “Population Ageing in Mozambique: Threat or Opportunity?”. IDEIAS, nº37e, Maputo, Mozambique. |
Kilsztajn, S., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É. (2005) “Planos Privados e Assistência à Saúde do idoso no Brasil” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Private Health Plans and Health Assistance to the Elderly in Brazil”). |
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É., Petrohilos, S. (2004) “Concentração e Distribuição do Rendimento por Raça no Brasil” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Concentration and distribution of income by race in Brazil) |
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G. (2003) “Pobreza e Violência na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Poverty and Violence in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo) |
Kilsztajn, S., Rossbach, A., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Souza, L. (2002) “Vítimas Fatais da Violência e Mercado de Drogas na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Fatal Victims of Violence and the Drug Market in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo) |
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É. (2000) “Vítimas da Cor – Homicídios na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Colored Victims – Murders in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo) |
Other publications
SUGAHARA, G. Medetti, S.(2021) “Ditch the utilitarian view”, The Age Buster , |
SUGAHARA, G. (2020) Vida precária, saúde mental na velhice… precária (Eng. title: Precarious´s life, mental health in old-age… precarious), Portal | Dossier temático, Portugal: |
SUGAHARA, G. (2020) E se envelhecer não fosse um drama? (Eng. title: What if ageing wasn’t a drama?), Revista Esquerda, Portugal: |
SUGAHARA, G. (2013) “Em democracia, inovar também é preciso” (Eng. title: Democracy also needs innovation) |
SUGAHARA, G. (2011) The Mirror of Narcissus – Knowledge and Self-conscience for a better development of the Mozambican Civil Society, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Mozambique: |
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Estabilidade e Crescimento” (Eng. title: Stability and Growth) |
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “A Economia Política do desastre no Haiti” (Eng. title: The Political Economy of Haiti’s Disaster) |
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Privatizar recursos estratégicos” (Eng. title: The privatization of Strategic Resources) |
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Que opções para o investimento?” (Eng. title: Alternatives for public investment) |
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B, SUGAHARA, G. (2008), “Modelos de Governança de ´Cidades Criativas´” (Eng. title: Governance Models in ‘Creative Cities’), Revista Obscena – Parte 1 Parte 2 |
SUGAHARA, G. (2008-2010) Boletim económico/ Economic newsletter in webnews portal #1 – Sobre a Crise Financeira (Eng. title: About the Financial Crisis) #2 – Pobreza e Desigualdade (Eng. title: Poverty and Inequality) #3 – Privatizações (Eng. title: Privatizations) #4 – Precariedade Laboral (Eng. title: Job Insecurity) #5 – Crise Alimentar (Eng. title: Food Crisis) #6 – O 3º Choque Petrolífero? (Eng. title: The Third Oil Shock?) #7 – “O Orçamento de Estado e a Crise” (Eng. title: The State Budget and the Crisis) |
Teles, N., SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Privatizações: O Insustentável Peso do Seu Ser” (Eng. title: Privatizations: The Unsustainable Weight of Your Being), Revista Vírus, #2 – Abr/Maio 2008 – |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Crise Económica – Análise SWOT” (Eng. title: Economic Crisis – SWOT Analysis), Opinião.Esquerda |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “A quem interessa a viscosidade do Petróleo?” (Eng. title: Who are interested in the density of oil?), Revista Autor, |
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Política Económica e a Europa “no” nosso dia-a-dia” (Eng. title: Economic Policy and Europe “in” our daily lives), Revista Autor, |