
Peer­reviewed articles:

SUGAHARA, G., Oliveira, E., Matos, M. (in press) “Mitigating ageism through intergenerational practices: Lessons from a Portuguese co-constructed local intervention”
Matos, M., SUGAHARA, G. (in press) “Unintentional isolation, loneliness, and social relationships in the municipality of Cascais.”
SUGAHARA, G., Todd, J., Muller, A., Clausen, T. (in press) “Treatment goals should not be considered static over time: a longitudinal study of opioid maintenance treatment patients”
Todd, J., SUGAHARA, G., Muller, A., Clausen, T. (in press) “Quality of life whilst ageing in Opioid Agonist Treatment: a narrative analysis”
Azevedo, S., Ramos, S., Rato, V., SUGAHARA, G. (in press) “The process of adaptation and validation the Portuguese version of the Sheffield Care Environmental Assessment Matrix (PT-SCEAM)”
Hatlo, C., Clausen, T., Muller, A., SUGAHARA, G. (2023) “Pet ownership, physical activity and mental health among people in opioid maintenance treatment: a prospective, observational study”- Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, Published Ahead of Print, December 29, 2023
SUGAHARA, G., Nordvik, V.; (2020). “Knitting alone – in the city – ageing and kinship availability as a vulnerability marker.”, Nordic Social Work Research)
SUGAHARA, G. (2017), “A Critical Approach to the Demographics of Ageing: The Case of Oslo.”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 35 (2017), pp. 1 – 26 doi: 10.15847/citiescommunitiesterritories.dec2017.035.art01           
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2011), “The urban milieu and the genesis of creativity in cultural activities: An introductory framework for the analysis of urban creative dynamics”, Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios, 22 (2011), pp. 3 – 21
Kilsztajn, S., Rossbach, A., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É., Lima, L. (2009) “Aluguel e Rendimento Domiciliar no Brasil” (Eng. title: Rent and domestic spending in Brazil). Revista de Economia Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, Volume nº13 Nº1 pp.113-134.
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2008), “On ‘creative cities’ governance models: A comparative approach”, The Service Industries Journal  Volume 28(3-4) April–May 2008
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B., SUGAHARA, G. (2007), “A discussion on the governance of ´Creative Cities´: Some insights for policy action”, Norwegian Journal of Geography Vol.61, pp.122-132, Oslo.
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2007) O envelhecimento populacional pode tornar-se estímulo de vantagem competitiva territorial? (Eng. title: Population ageing could become a competitive territorial advantage?) In: Revista Kairós v.10 – n.1. Brasil: EDUC – Editora da PUC-SP pp. 143-153.
Kilsztajn S, Carmo MSN, SUGAHARA GTL, Lopes ES. (2006) “Comparação entre diferentes fontes de dados sobre homicídios no Município de São Paulo” (Eng. title: Comparison between different data sources about homicides in São Paulo Municipality). Saúde e Sociedade v.15, n.1, 2006.
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2005) O Perfil do Idoso Brasileiro. (Eng. title: The Profile of the Brazilian Elderly) In: Revista Kairós v.8 – n.2. Brasil: EDUC – Editora da PUC-SP pp. 51-75.

Review articles, book chapters, books

SUGAHARA, G., Matos, M. (2024) ” Involving the community in ageing policy design: The Cascais Protocol” in Linking Ages – A dialogue between childhood and ageing research, Routledge.
SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A. (2014) “Para Além do Espaço Fiscal – A proteção social no contexto da transição demográfica moçambicana” (Eng. title: Beyond fiscal space – Social protection in the context of the mozambican demographic transition), in Brito, L., Castel-Branco, N., Chicava, S., Francisco, A. (org). Desafios para Moçambique 2014: IESE
Francisco, A., SUGAHARA, G., Fisker, P. (2013) “Growing Old In Mozambique: Dynamics Of Well-Being And Poverty”. IESE, Maputo, Mozambique, ISBN: 978-989-8464-18-7.
SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A. (2012) “Idosos em Moçambique – Romper a Conspiração do Silêncio” (Eng. title: Older people in Mozambique – Breaking the Conspiracy of Silence), in Brito, L., Castel-Branco, N., Chicava, S., Francisco, A. (org).  Desafios para Moçambique 2012: IESE, ISBN: 978-989-8464-11-8.
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B, SUGAHARA, G. (2012), “O meio urbano e a génese da Criatividade” (Eng. title: The urban milieu and the genesis of creativity), in Costa, P. and Borges, V. (org). Criatividade e Instituições: Novos desafios à vida dos artistas e dos profissionais da cultura.
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2005) Contando os “novos idosos” brasileiros (Eng. title: Counting the “New Old” Brazilians in The Complexity of Ageing). In: CÔRTE, B., MERCADANTE, E.F., ARCURI, I.G (org). Velhice Envelhecimento Complex(idade). Brasil: Vetor Editora. pp. 267-278.

Working Papers

  SUGAHARA, G., Francisco, A., Fisker, P. (2013) “Is Living Longer Living Better?”. IDeIAS, Nº54e, Maputo, Mozambique.
Sugahara, G., Francisco, A. (2012) “The doubling elderly: challenges of Mozambique’s ageing population”. IDEIAS, nº46e, Maputo, Mozambique.
Sugahara, G., Francisco, A. (2011) “Population Ageing in Mozambique: Threat or Opportunity?”. IDEIAS, nº37e, Maputo, Mozambique.
Kilsztajn, S., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É. (2005) “Planos Privados e Assistência à Saúde do idoso no Brasil” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Private Health Plans and Health Assistance to the Elderly in Brazil”).
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É., Petrohilos, S. (2004) “Concentração e Distribuição do Rendimento por Raça no Brasil” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Concentration and distribution of income by race in Brazil)
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G. (2003) “Pobreza e Violência na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Poverty and Violence in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo)
Kilsztajn, S., Rossbach, A., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Souza, L. (2002) “Vítimas Fatais da Violência e Mercado de Drogas na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Fatal Victims of Violence and the Drug Market in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo)
Kilsztajn, S., do Carmo, M., SUGAHARA, G., Lopes, É. (2000) “Vítimas da Cor – Homicídios na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo” – LES/PUCSP (Eng. title: Colored Victims – Murders in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo)

Other publications

SUGAHARA, G. Medetti, S.(2021) “Ditch the utilitarian view”, The Age Buster ,
SUGAHARA, G. (2020) Vida precária, saúde mental na velhice… precária (Eng. title: Precarious´s life, mental health in old-age… precarious), Portal | Dossier temático, Portugal:
SUGAHARA, G. (2020) E se envelhecer não fosse um drama? (Eng. title: What if ageing wasn’t a drama?), Revista Esquerda, Portugal:
SUGAHARA, G. (2013) “Em democracia, inovar também é preciso” (Eng. title: Democracy also needs innovation)
SUGAHARA, G. (2011) The Mirror of Narcissus – Knowledge and Self-conscience for a better development of the Mozambican Civil Society, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Mozambique:
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Estabilidade e Crescimento” (Eng. title: Stability and Growth)
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “A Economia Política do desastre no Haiti” (Eng. title: The Political Economy of Haiti’s Disaster)
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Privatizar recursos estratégicos” (Eng. title: The privatization of Strategic Resources)
SUGAHARA, G. (2010) “Que opções para o investimento?” (Eng. title: Alternatives for public investment)
Costa, P., Magalhães, M, Vasconcelos, B, SUGAHARA, G. (2008), “Modelos de Governança de ´Cidades Criativas´” (Eng. title: Governance Models in ‘Creative Cities’), Revista Obscena – Parte 1   Parte 2
SUGAHARA, G. (2008-2010)  Boletim económico/ Economic newsletter in webnews portal #1 – Sobre a Crise Financeira (Eng. title: About the Financial Crisis) #2 – Pobreza e Desigualdade (Eng. title: Poverty and Inequality) #3 – Privatizações (Eng. title: Privatizations) #4 – Precariedade Laboral (Eng. title: Job Insecurity) #5 – Crise Alimentar (Eng. title: Food Crisis) #6 – O 3º Choque Petrolífero? (Eng. title: The Third Oil Shock?) #7 – “O Orçamento de Estado e a Crise” (Eng. title: The State Budget and the Crisis)
Teles, N., SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Privatizações: O Insustentável Peso do Seu Ser” (Eng. title: Privatizations: The Unsustainable Weight of Your Being), Revista Vírus,  #2 – Abr/Maio 2008 –
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Crise Económica – Análise SWOT” (Eng. title: Economic Crisis – SWOT Analysis), Opinião.Esquerda
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “A quem interessa a viscosidade do Petróleo?” (Eng. title: Who are interested in the density of oil?), Revista Autor,
SUGAHARA, G.T.L. (2008) “Política Económica e a Europa “no” nosso dia-a-dia” (Eng. title: Economic Policy and Europe “in” our daily lives), Revista Autor,