Publications and dissemination

Description of the ARDU survey methodology:

Baliichuk, Vladislav (2020), The methodology of the ARDU survey, Dnipro: Operatyvna Sociologiya (in Russian).

Books and book chapters:

Sabine Kropp and Jørn Holm-Hansen, Why No Federalism? (2022) The Challenges of Institutionalizing a Multilevel Order in Ukraine, in S. Kropp and S. Keil, Emerging Federal Structures in the Post-Cold War Era, Palgrave 

Aadne Aasland and Sabine Kropp (2021), The Accommodation of Regional and Ethno-cultural Diversity in Ukraine, Palgrave (chapters by all researchers in the project)

Aasland, Aadne & Oleksii Lyska. 2020. «Signs of Progress: Local Democracy Developments in Ukrainian Cities». In Shelest H. & M. Rabinovych. Decentralization, Regional Diversity, and Conflict. The Case of Ukraine. Springer International Publishing.

Articles in refereed journals:

Deineko O. A critical review of J. Chan’s model of social cohesion measuring: perspectives of adaptation to the Ukrainian context. Bulletin of Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University. Series: philosophy, philosophy of law, political science, sociology. Issue №4 (51). 2021. P. 192-207. URL :

Deineko O. Social cohesion and social solidarity: in the search of Essential Distinction. Almanac «Grani», №6, 2021. P. 81-89. URL :

Deineko O. Social cohesion in the discourse of related concepts: the experience of relational-attributive approach. Perspectives. Socio-political journal, №2, 2021. P. 159-168. URL :

Konstantyn Federenko & Andreas Umland (2021). Between Frontline and Parliament: Ukrainian Political Parties and Irregular Armed Groups in 2014–2019.  Nationalities Papers doi: 10.1017/nps.2021.20, 25 pages. Published Online on 10 August 2021

Артем Литовченко, Дмитрий Бойко, Татьяна Юрчик. Символические    инструменты    воспроизводства    и    признания идеологии (Artem Lytovchenko, Dmytro Boyko, Tetyana Yurchyk. Symbolic Tools of Reproduction and Recognition of Ideology). Грани. Том 24 No 5 2021. 35-45. DOI: 10.15421/172145 

Oleksandra Deineko (2021). Social cohesion of decentralized Ukraine: From old practices to new orders. Studia Socjologiczne 1 (240). 

Oleksandra Deineko (2021). Локальний громадський активізм як компонент соціальної згуртованості в об’єднаних громадах. (Local civil activism as a component of social cohesion in amalgamated territorial hromadas: peculiarities, displays, agents) Актуальні проблеми філософії та соціології, (26), 51-59.

Дейнеко О.О. Об’єднані територіальні громади як нові локальні спільноти в Україні: механізми формування соціальної згуртованості. Вісник НТУУ «КПІ» Політологія. Соціологія. Право. Випуск 1(49). 2021. С. 14-22. (Deineko Oleksandra. Amalgamated territorial communities as new local communities in Ukraine: mechanisms of social cohesion formation) (, the text will be available soon)

Дейнеко О.О. Роль етнокультурного різноманіття у формуванні соціальної згуртованості у децентралізованій Україні. Журнал «Перспективи». Випуск 1, 2021. C. 103-111. (Deineko Oleksandra. The role of ethnocultural diversity in social cohesion formation in decentralised Ukraine)

Дейнеко О.О. Моделі конструювання соціальної згуртованості: теоретичні рефлексії та емпіричні кейси. Соціологічні студії. №3(18). 2021. С. 33-40. (Deineko Oleksandra. Models of Social Cohesion Construction: Theoretical Reflections and Empirical Cases)

Дейнеко О.О. Дискурс-устрій соціальної згуртованості як категорії соціальної політики: досвід застосування критичного дискурс-аналізу. Український соціум. №2 (77). 2021. С. 140-153. (Deineko Oleksandra DISCOURSE-STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL COHESION AS A CATEGORY OF SOCIAL POLICY: EXPERIENCE OF CRITICAL DISCOURSE-ANALYSIS APPLICATION)

Оleksandra Deineko, Inter-Group Cleavages in Amalgamated Territorial Hromadas: Risks of Social Cohesion Weakening in Decentralized Ukraine, Sociological studios, No 2(17) (2020) 

Umland A.L. Far-Right in Ukraine before and after Euromaidan: From Ultranationalist Party Policy to EthnoCentral “Non-Civil” SocietyComparative Politics Russia. 2021;12(1):89-117. (In Russ.)

Kostiantyn Fedorenko & Andreas Umland (2020), Between Front and Parliament: Links among Ukrainian Political Parties and Irregular Armed Groups in 2014-2019. Ideology and Politics Journal, 2(16), (in Russian).

Umland, Andreas. 2020. The Far Right in Pre- and Post-Euromaidan Ukraine: From Ultra-Nationalist Party Politics to Ethno-Centric Uncivil Society. Demokratizatsiya 28(2) (247-268)

Nekhaienko; Oksana; Yashkina; Daria, 2019. Educational Reform in Ukraine’s Election Discourse, Sociological studios, 2(15): 82-89.

Оleksandra Deineko. 2020. The Sociological Analysis of the Legislation: the Revision of Traditional Approaches and Proposals for Contemporary Directions, Visnyk V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series «Sociological studies of contemporary society: methodology, theory, methods, 44(-), 50-58.

Romanova, Valentyna and Andreas Umland. 2020. «Первая фаза децентрализации Украины в 2014-2019-м гг.: первые достижения и будущие вызовы». (The first phase of decentralisation in Ukraine in 2014-2019. First achievements and future challenges). Форум новейшей восточноевропейской истории и культуры. Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte. 18(1-2) (188-210)

Deineko Olexandra, Filippova Olga, Bilokopytov Dmytro. 2019. Decentralization reform in assessments of leaders of united territorial communities: new dimensions of social subjectivity.. Vysnyk Kharkivs’kogo Universitetu. Sociology Series – 2019 – Issue 42 (In Ukrainian: Реформа децентралізації в оцінках лідерів об’єднаних територіальних громад: нові виміри соціальної суб’єктності)

Romanova, Valentyna & Andreas Umland. 2019. Decentralising Ukraine: Geopolitical Implications. Survival: Global Politics and Strategy, 61 (5). 

Aasland, Aadne. 2018 Mot økt folkelig innflytelse? Desentralisering og lokaldemokrati i Ukraina. (Towards greater popular participation? Decentralization and local democracy in Ukraine), Nordisk Østforum, volume 32, pp. 174-194, 2018. (in Norwegian)

Other articles and reports:

Aasland, Aadne. 2021. Multiple Identitäten und Einstellungen gegenüber der ukrainischen Ethnopolitik: Ergebnisse einer Bevölkerungsumfrage. Ukraine-Analysen no. 254. pp: 3-8.
also published in English:
Identities and attitudes toward Ukrainian ethnopolitics: A population survey, Forum for Ukrainian Studies, 21 September 2021.

Härtel, Andre; Pisarenko, Anton; Umland, Andreas. 2021. The OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine, Security and Human Rights. doi:

Romanova, Valentyna; Umland, Andreas. 2021. Реформа децентралізації в Україні: перші результати та виклики, Політичні дослідження 1(1),

Karelska, Khrystyna; Umland, Andreas. 2020. Die neue Orthodoxe Kirche der Ukraine und ihr Konflikt mit dem Moskauer Patriarchat: Internationale Auswirkungen der wiedergewonnenen ukrainischen Autokephalie, Portal für Politikwissenschaft, 30. April.

Karelska, Khrystyna; Umland, Andreas. 2020. How Religious History Helps Us Understand Russia’s War Against Ukrainian Independence, History News Network, 9 February,

Karelska, Khrystyna; Umland, Andreas. 2020. Inter­na­tio­nale Aus­wir­kun­gen der wie­der­ge­won­ne­nen ukrai­ni­schen Autokephalie, Ukraine verstehen, 31 March,

Umland, Andreas. 2020. Радикальні націоналісти до і після Євромайдану: Зліт та падіння ВО «Свобода», VoxUkraine, 29 October,

Borovkova, Kristina; Umland, Andreas. 2020. Как Русская православная церковь отвергает украинскую автокефалию, Форум новейшей восточноевропейской истории и культуры, №№ 1-2, 272-280,

Rabinovych, Maryna & Oleksandra Deineko. 2020. «Die Lokalwahlen 2020 und ihre Bedeutung für Dezentralisierung und Konfliktlösung in der Ukraine», Ukraine-Analysen Nr. 242 16.11.2020, S. 16–17.

Rabinovych, Maryna, 2020. Ukraine’s Decentralization from the Perspective of Territorial Self-Governance and Conflict Management, Forum for Ukrainian Studies

Rabinovych, Maryna, 2020. Synonymous with European integration: how decentralization will bring Ukraine closer to the EU (in Ukrainian), Evropeyskaya Pravda

Khrystyna Karelska & Andreas Umland (2020), Russia set to escalate fight against Ukrainian Orthodox independence in 2020, Ukraine Alert, Atlantic Council, 2 January 2020.

Romanova, Valentyna; Umland, Andreas. 2019. Ukraine’s Decentralization Reforms Since 2014: Initial Achievements and Future Challenges, Chatham House Research Paper 

Romanova, Valentyna & Andreas Umland (2019), Ukraine’s Decentralization Reforms Since 2014: Initial Achievements and Future Challenges. Chatham House Research Paper, September 2019. In German: Dezentralisierungsreformen in der Ukraine 2014-2019 Erste Ergebnisse und künftige Herausforderungen, Bertelsmann Stiftung.

Umland, Andreas (2019). «How Ukraine’s decentralisation makes the country more resilient and helps post-Soviet democratisation», New Eastern Europe, January 31, 2019,

Romanova, Valentyna & Andreas Umland (2019) Achievements and Prospects of Ukraine’s Decentralization Reforms Since 2014, published with

Romanova, Valentyna & Andreas Umland (2019), Ukrainian Local Governance Prior to Euromaidan: The Pre-History of Ukraine’s Decentralization Reform, Kennan Institute, Kennan cable no. 32

Andreas Umland и Valentyna Romanova (2019), Протиотрута від сепаратизму: підсумки першої п’ятирічки децентралізації в Україні,Европейский диалог

Andreas Umland и Valentyna Romanova (2019), Реформа децентрализации в Украине с 2014 года: первые достижения и будущие вызовы, Вокс Україна

Andreas Umland и Valentyna Romanova (2019), Досягнення та перспективи реформ децентралізації в Україні з 2014 року, Vox Ukraine

Conferences and seminars:

Aadne Aasland and Oleksandra Deineko, Effects of the Ukrainian Decentralisation reform on Social Cohesion in Ukraine’s border regions. WEBINAR 6 JUNE2022
IGU Commission on Geography of Governance (IGU-CGoG)

Aadne Aasland, Ukraina: Land og folk, Public lecture, OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, 1 June 2022

Jørn Holm-Hansen and Sabine Kropp, Federalism, federal society and regional diversity. Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021.

Marthe Handå Myhre, Educational reform and language policy in Ukraine: Implementation in the border regions. Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021.

Oleksandra Deineko, Social cohesion in decentralized Ukraine: the experience of applying J. Chan’s approach in a qualitative sociological perspective. Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021. 

Olga Filippova, Educational reform and politics of identity in the border regions of Ukraine. Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021.  

Aadne Aasland (Oslo Metropolitan University), Oleksandra Deineko and Olga Filippova, Sabine (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University), Kropp (Freie Universität Berlin), Citizens’ perspectives: Reform and social cohesion in Ukraine’s border regions, Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021. 

Dmitro Boyko, Ruslan Zaporozhchenko, Local and public identifications in a divided society: the discourse of the parliamentary elections of Ukraine, 2019, Paper presented at the IV Sociological Congress, Karazin Kharkiv University, 28-29 October 2021. 

Olga Filippova, Oleksandra Deineko (V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine), Education reform and politics of identity in Ukrainian border region. Presented at “Relations on the Borderlands: Old and New Inhabitants”. Poland Sept 23-23 2021

Oleksandra Deineko (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine), Aadne Aasland (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway), Olga Filippova (V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine), Ukrainian decentralization reform and social cohesion in the ethno-culturally diverse border regions. Presented at “Relations on the Borderlands: Old and New Inhabitants”. Poland Sept 23-23 2021

Andreas Umland, Triadic Nexus Conflict? Ukraine’s Nationalizing Policies, Russia’s Homeland, Association for the Study of Nationalities World Convention, Columbia University, New York, 5-8 May 2021

Oleksandra Deineko, Decentralization reform as a cohesive reform of the Ukrainian Society: Diversity of manifestations. «Traditions and innovations in the development of modern sociological science: Research of Young Scientists»(February 24, 2021, Vydim Hetman Kyiv National Economic university)

Oleksandra Deineko, III Ukrainian scientific-practical conference of students, graduate students and young scientists «Traditions and innovations in the development of sociological science: research of young scientists» (Kyiv, February 24, 2021), topic: «Decentralization reform as a cohesive reform of Ukrainian society: diversity manifestations «.

Oleksandra Deineko, XII Lviv Sociological Forum «CONTEMPORARY SOCIAL TRANSFORMATIONS: GLOBAL EXPERIENCE AND LOCAL SPECIFICATIONS «(Lviv, April 2, 2021), topic: «Social cohesion formation on the level of amalgamated territorial communities in Ukraine».

Oleksandra Deineko, International scientific-practical conference «Identity and social cohesion in Central and Eastern Europe» (April 22, 2021, Odessa). The topic of the report: «Social capital and social cohesion: features of the relationship and delimitation of concepts.»

Aadne Aasland, Marthe Handå Myhre and Jørn Holm-Hansen presented three papers from the project at the University of Oslo, Centre for Slavic and East European Studies, 19 February 2021. Name of the seminar «Regional effects of political reform in Ukraine».

Deineko Oleksandra., Aasland Aadne., Filippova Olga. Decentralisation, social cohesion and ethnocultural diversity in Ukraine’s border regions, «International Research Conference «Interaction. Integration. Inclusion», the National Research University Higher School of Education in Moscow 21 December 2020

Filippova Olga, Deineko, Oleksandra. Educational reform and politics of identity in Ukrainian border regions «International Research Conference «Interaction. Integration. Inclusion», the National Research University Higher School of Education in Moscow 21 December 2020 

Muradyan Olena, Handå Myhre, Marthe., Nekhaenko, Oksana. Educational reform and language policy in Ukraine: implementation in the border regions, «International Research Conference «Interaction. Integration. Inclusion», the National Research University Higher School of Education in Moscow 21 December 2020

Filippova O. Public dialogue within a political nation. Third Kharkiv Security forum. December 2, 2020;

Aasland, Aadne; Rabinovych, Maryna, (and others): Webinar: Regional Diversity, Decentralization and Conflict: The Case of Ukraine. Book launch. Oslo Metropolitan University & Kyiv School of Economics, 17 September 2020 

Deineko, Oleksandra, The phenomenon of solidarity and social cohesion in Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova: new challenges and contexts, International scientific-practical conference (Odesa), 2020

Aadne Aasland, Øst-Europa i endring: Ukrainas veivalg. Litteraturhuset, Bergen, 11 November 2019

Aadne Aasland, Involving citizens: Highlights from 10 years of Ukrainian-Norwegian research collaboration on local community development and local democracy, The Norwegian-Ukrainian Conference Dedicated to Fridtjof Nansen’s Activity in Ukraine in 1921-1922, Kharkiv, 10 October 2019

Open Methodological seminar of Sociology Department. Karazin Kharkiv National University. September, 11 2019:
Olena Muradyan. Accommodation of Regional Diversity in Ukraine. Presentation of the ARDU project
Olga Filippova. ARDU project: research methodology and challenges
Artem Lytovchenko. Pre-election political discourses in Ukraine: preliminary findings of discourse-analysis


Andreas Umland has been interviewed about Russian reactions to Ukrainian ethnopolitics based on his forthcoming ARDU paper in two interviews in Ukrainian media (in Russian). See and

Viten & Snakkis podcast episode with Nataliya Yeremeyeva and Aadne Aasland on Ukraine in connection with prime minister Groisman’s visit to Oslo and OsloMet (in Norwegian):