Social Policy: A Critical and Intersectional Analysis with Professor Fiona Williams, University of Leeds

Welcome to a seminar with Professor Fiona Williams, University of Leeds on 28 September 2020 from 11:00 – 13:00.

In this seminar Professor Fiona Williams will talk about her most recent book, Social Policy: A Critical and Intersectional Analysis (Polity, 2021). The book provides a new and critical analytical and ethical agenda for social policy and social work. The lecture will be followed by comments from a panel of scholars in social work and social policy from OsloMet, and a Q&A session with the audience. 

Location and date/time

Location: Room 141, Pilestredet 48, Pilestredet Campus, Oslo. Hybrid

Date: 28 September 2023 – 11:00 – 13:00


Dr Håvard Aaslund, Dr Ariana Guilherme Fernandes, Professor Cecilie Basberg Neumann and Dr Alejandro Miranda Nieto 


Professor Rune Halvorsen

About Fiona Williams

Fiona Williams is an Emeritus Professor of Social Policy, University of Leeds. Her roles at Leeds included Director of the ESRC CAVA Research Group on Care, Values and the Future of Welfare. Fiona’s publications have for many years been central to developing critical approaches to social policy. Her latest book Social Policy. A Critical and Intersectional Analysis (Polity, 2021) brings the global crises of care, climate change, and racialized borders to bear on an understanding of social policy. 

The seminar is arranged in collaboration with the Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy at OsloMet.

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