Our research projects

Read about our ongoing and completed research projects spanning from the study of patient rights and social citizenship in European countries to consumption and public services research at a national level.

HARBOR: Healthcare Access in Rural Border Regions. Realizing Patient Rights Across European Borders

Marie Curie Individual fellowship 2022-2024 with postdoctoral fellow Alban Davesne.

REFLEX: Revising work time flexibility policies to promote work inclusion

Funded by The Research Council of Norway and led by Tanja Nordberg og Cathrine Egeland.

Utvikling av digital porttelefon for omsorgsboliger

Finansiert av Smart Oslo. Samarbeidspartnere er Defigo og Oslo Bygg. Ledet av Marit Haldar.

Flex-IT – A mixed-method study of cross-domain information technology use in everyday life

Funded by The Research Council of Norway 2019-2025.

Why am I seeing this ad? Forskningsprosjekt om markedsføring rettet mot forbrukere på nett

Oppdragsprosjekt for Barne- og familiedepartementet 2023 med forsker Arne Dulsrud m. fl.

Professionals interviewing maltreated children supported via artificial avatars

Funded by The Research Council of Norway 2021-2024 and led by Gunn Astrid Baugerud.

Crossbow: Crossing and Managing Boundaries between Work and Non-Work – Co-creating Healthy Teleworking

Funded by The Research Council of Norway 2021-2026. Led by Cathrine Egeland et al.

VIRTUAL PRESENCE: A cultural analysis of the emergence of ‘telepresence technologies’ as a solution to loneliness

Funded by The Research Council of Norway and led by Marit Haldar et al.

DIGIT: The National Research School on Digitalization, Culture and Society

Funded by The Research Council of Norway 2022-2030, led by professors Marit Haldar and Rune Halvorsen.

DISCo: Digital infrastructures for sustainable consumption

Funded by The Research Council of Norway 2023-2026 and led by Arne Dulsrud.

Barn og unges digitale kompetanse

Ledet av Dag Slettemeås m.fl. Ferdigstilt 2022.

Sino-Norway Welfare Policy Dialogue (SINOPO)

Funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Norwegian Embassy in Beijing. Led by Rune Halvorsen.

EUROSHIP: Closing gaps in social citizenship. New tools to foster social resilience in Europe

Funded by Horizon 2020. Led by Professor Rune Halvorsen et al.

U-YouPa: Understanding Youth Participation and Media literacy in Digital Dialogue Spaces

Research project 2020-2024 funded by The Research Council of Norway and directed by Henry Mainsah.

Barns digitale forbrukervern – en kunnskapsoppsummering

Forskningsprosjekt finansiert av Barne- og familiedepartementet 2022-2023, ledet av Dag Slettemeås m.fl.

BOVEL: Bo lenger hjemme med sosial velferdsteknologi

Funded by The Research Council of Norway Research (2022-2025). Directed by Erik Børve Rasmussen et al.

Årvåken og overvåket? Norske forbrukeres holdninger og erfaringer med digital forbrukerovervåking

Finansiert av Barne- og familiedepartementet (BFD) 2022-2023. Ledet av Dag Slettemeås, Helene Fiane Teigen og Henry Mainsah. Ferdigstilt 2022.

PÅDIGVEL: Pålitelig digital velferdsforvaltning

Funded by NAV and directed by Julia Köhler-Olsen, Cathrine Egeland and Knut Fossestøl et al.

Enkel og trygg pårørendekontakt

Funded by The Research Council of Norway. Directed by Erik Børve Rasmussen et al.

RELINK: Building resilient digital households through interdisciplinary and multilevel exploration and intervention

Research project at SIFO funded by The Research Council of Norway led by Ardis Storm-Mathisen et al.

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