
Towards Algorithmic Luddism: class politics in data capitalism

Algorithms are everywhere, shaping decisions in education, work, policing, and more. But are these systems fair? A recent article by Vassilis Charitsis, Mikko Laamanen, and Tuukka Lehtiniemi, explores this question and introduces a framework for resisting harmful algorithmic practices. Inspired by the 19th-century Luddite movement, where workers resisted technology that threatened their livelihoods, the researchers…

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Exploring Digital Accessibility Policies in China: An Interview with Biao He

Biao He is a PhD researcher affiliated with the University of Tartu in Estonia, contributing to the ECePS ERA Chair in e-Governance and Digital Public Services, a research team funded by the EU Horizon 2020 program. He is currently based at OsloMet and affiliated with the Research Centre for Digitalisation of Public Services and Citizenship…

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Ecologies of friction in digital platform investment

Digital platforms are often praised for their “frictionless” design, making it easy for users to access services with minimal effort. Yet, as researchers Mikko Laamanen and Karolina Mikołajewska-Zając reveal, this frictionless ideal doesn’t always align with ethical goals. Fairbnb, a smaller alternative to the dominant Airbnb, illustrates the tension between running a fair, community-focused platform…

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Digital Application of Law: System Design and the Concept of Justice

As technology continues to change nearly every part of our lives, it’s also making its way into legal processes. Julia Köhler-Olsen looks at the experience of Norway’s welfare agency, NAV, where digital systems now assist in making certain decisions. The goal is clear: make processes faster and more efficient. But the big question remains: Can…

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Olga Gheorghiev begins her role as Postdoctoral Research Fellow at CEDIC

We are excited to welcome Olga Gheorghiev to CEDIC! Olga brings extensive expertise in migrant workers’ labour market integration, with a focus on transnational networks and the impacts of digital transformation on employment conditions. Her current research project, IDILAB, explores the challenges migrants face due to technological shifts, aiming to inform policy improvements for a…

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CEDIC Talks: New Sessions This Fall

The CEDIC team is excited to announce a series of new and engaging seminars and webinars, centered on the theme of innovation in welfare. This fall, we are pleased to present the following two events: Webinar | October 31, 14:00-15:30: Future Housing SolutionsWhat opportunities and challenges lie ahead when building care-friendly communities for the future?Read…

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The RC19 Annual Social Policy Conference 2024 in Oslo Was a Success

In September, 110 scholars attended the RC19 conference in Oslo to discuss research on global social policy and social policy globally. This year, the main topic was “Sustainable welfare in global context: responding to societal and environmental transformations”. The conference was opened by State Secretary Per Olav Hopsø (Labour Party), from the Norwegian Ministry of…

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Kronikk: Følelsene rundt et fysisk og et virtuelt kyss kan være nokså like

Ibelin-dokumentaren viser oss at vi ikke bør undervurdere vennskapene, kjærligheten, sorgen og det sosiale samholdet vi kan oppleve gjennom den virtuelle verdenen, skriver Maja Nordtug (CEDIC) og Jo Fosby Jaavall i en kronikk på Les mer her:

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MSCA fellow to CEDIC!

CEDIC has been awarded a research fellow through the EU’s prestigious mobility programme Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA). We look forward to welcoming Dr. Marijke Roosen to OsloMet later this year. The proposal title of her project is: “Justice in Surveillance Systems” Read more here:

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Successful Sino-Nordic workshop on digitalization of welfare at the Nordic Centre, Fudan University  

The emerging digital transformation is having a profound effect on the provision of welfare services in China and the Nordic countries, and beyond. Digitization is expected to continue changing service offers and public administration. Expectations range from hopes for increased efficiency, justice and accountability, to dreaded problems such as social exclusion, dehumanization and inequality. In…

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Rune Halvorsen has been elected board member of the portfolio board in the Research Council of Norway

Rune Halvorsen, co-director of CEDIC, will sit on the Research Council of Norway’s (RCN) portfolio board for welfare and education from January 1, 2024. The portfolio boards make decisions regarding the allocation of funds by the RCN and are tasked with providing advice on academic, thematic, and structural development, as well as future investment needs.…

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Lars E. F. Johannessen får prisen Årets lovende forsker

Tirsdag 23. november delte OsloMet ut prisen Årets lovende forsker til Lars Emil Fagernes Johannessen. Johannessen har vært tilnyttet CEDIC siden oppstart, og er førsteamanuensis ved Senter for profesjonsforskning ved OsloMet. «Vinnerens forskning har vært preget av en kombinasjon av høye ambisjoner, noe som reflekteres i et usedvanlig høyt antall publikasjoner og siteringer, og en…

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