CEDIC Is Organized in Six Research Groups

I. The Platform Economy and Sustainable Welfare

Focuses on social innovation for sustainable welfare models in the context of the twin green and digital transitions and resistance to digitalisation and digital surveillance.

IV. Digitalization and Everyday Life

Explores how digitalization affects the everyday life of families and domestic life, and their interaction with school, health and welfare services.

II. Digitalization, Law, and Governance

Examines regulatory policies, legislation, and ethical issues to ensure good governance of digitalized public welfare services. It also aims to produce new knowledge on how legislation and policies in this domain are shaped, transformed, and implemented.

V. Data Science Methods in Social Research

Applies, adopts and develops data science methods for use in digital social research.

III. Digitalization, Innovation, and Implementation

Explores innovation processes within welfare services, from initial idea conception and development to the practical implementation of new solutions across various welfare institutions.

VI. The Digitalization Process and AI Adoption in the Public Sector

Examines the management and benefit/cost-effects of digitalization and artificial technologies within public services and society. The research group also contributes to technology development and innovations in the field.

I. The Platform Economy and Sustainable Welfare

Examines and cross-nationally compares law and policy measures aimed to ensure that digitalization of public welfare services foster the exercise of full and effective citizenship for vulnerable persons. This research group is directed by researchers Arne Dulsrud and Dag Slettemeås from Consumption Research Norway (SIFO) at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet).

II. Digitalization, Law, and Governance

Conducts cross-national comparisons of regulatory policies, legislation and human rights issues for vulnerable users of digitalized public welfare services and producing new knowledge on how legislation and policies in this policy domain are shaped, transformed and implemented in a multilevel governance system. This research group is directed by Professors Cathrine Egeland and Julia Köhler-Olsen at OsloMet.

III. Digitalization, Innovation, and Implementation

Traces innovation processes in public welfare institutions by exploring how they come about and function in public services, as well as examining how different stakeholders interact with the reconfiguration of the welfare state through digitalization.

Ardis Storm-Mathisen from the Faculty of Education and International Studies at OsloMet
Professor Tore Gulden from the Faculty of Technology, Art and Design at OsloMet.

IV. Digitalization and Everyday Life

Explores how digitalization affects the everyday life of actors in welfare institutions such as schools, nursing homes, and child welfare institutions. This research group is directed by Professors Ardis Storm-Mathisen, Tore Gulden, and Henry N. Mainsah.

V. Data Science Methods in Social Research

Applies, adopts and develops data science methods for use in digital social research.

VI. The Digitalization Process and AI Adoption in the Public Sector

Examines the management and benefit/cost-effects of digitalization and artificial technologies within public services and society. The research group also contributes to technology development and innovations in the field.

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