Young user involvement group

Young user involvement group
Principal Investigator Margreth Grotle
Collaborators Henriette Jahre (Oslo metropolitan University), Parisa Gazerani (Oslo metropolitan University), Thor Einar Holmgaard (Norwegian Back Association), Britt Elin Øiestad (Oslo metropolitan University), Kåre Rønn Richardsen (Oslo metropolitan University), Kjersti Storheim (Oslo University Hospital), Amy Martinsen (Oslo University Hospital)
External Funding Stiftelsen Dam
Short Project Description
This is a two-year project aimed at establishing a young user-involvement group in Centre for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health. The project started in August ’23. The establishment of this user group consist of five different phases: I) Recruitment of adolescents and young adults aged 16 to 29 years who experience pain, II) Development of an engagement plan to specify the users’ roles, time commitment, expectations, scope of engagement, and associated costs, III) Development and delivery of a training course for young user representatives and researchers, IV) Creation of an evaluation plan to collect feedback and make improvements, V) Implementation.
The young user group will serve as a shared platform for users and researchers. Two annual meetings with project staff will be implemented to facilitate the sharing and discussion of experiences with the goal of improving user involvement. Additionally, users will have the opportunity to contact project leaders as needed. Over time, it is reasonable to expect a regular turnover of user participants among adolescents and young adults; the two annual meetings will be crucial for recruiting and integrating new individuals into the user participation database.
Are you a youth or young adult and would like to participate in research on pain in young people? Press here and become part of the Center for Intelligent Musculoskeletal Health user pane