Presentations by PhD student in Cross-Care Old at international geriatric congress in Berlin

The 14th EuGMS (European Geriatric Medicine Society) congress took place October 11-12th 2018 in Berlin. From Cross-Care Old, three PhD students from work package 1 (WP1), Linda Aimee Hartford Kvæl, Ingvild Lilleheie and Christine H. Hestevik, attended this inspiring congress, together with Maria Bjerk, a fellow PhD student from the Department of physiotherapy at OsloMet.

The congress theme was “Advancing Geriatric Medicine in a Modern World”, with a special focus on developments driven by technological and pharmaceutical innovations. In addition, new concepts that have evolved directly from the traditional principles of geriatric medicine were presented. The congress aimed to reflect the diversity and offer new ideas and insights for clinicians working with older patients in any continent of the world.


Linda had a poster presentation showing the results from her interviews with geriatric patients and their relatives in the context of intermediate care (IC) regarding patient participation. The title of the poster was “Choice, Voice and Co-production in Intermediate care: Exploring Geriatric Patients’ and their Relatives’ Perspectives of Patient Participation in Intermediate Care”. The analysis disclosed a lack of choice in a predetermined pathway. Being deserving means to be “sick enough” and was associated with the compliant patient that fits the system. Some main additional features are the need of a rehabilitation perspective and patient engagement to enable co-production as well as the important contribution of relatives as advocates and allies. Finally, the results show the patients vulnerable voice in the meeting with experts’ views. Although most of the patients benefited from IC, patient participation in this context could indeed be delivered in a more empowering way. Patient participation in IC seems to be influenced by underlying structures such as market, bureaucracy and psychology.


Christine presented a poster with results from her patient interviews, in addition to results from a study that investigated nutritional information in medical records/journals. The title of the poster was “Inadequate Nutritional Care and Nutritional Documentation in Medical Records of Older Patients”. The aim was to explore older patients’ experiences of nutritional care in hospital and after hospital discharge and to investigate documentation of nutritional information in medical records. The results presented here was lack of continuity of care, inadequate communication with and poor involvement of elderly patients in own nutritional health and care planning and inadequate documentation of nutritional information in the medical records.


Ingvild had an oral presentation where she presented her systematic review, Elderly patients’ experience of participation in the hospital discharge: A Qualitative Metasummary.  The aim of this systematic review was to integrate international findings of older patients’ experience of participation in their discharge process from hospital, and to explore the patients’ rights and opportunities to influence the decision-making process through dialogue attuned to their preferences and potential. The findings show that older patients experience little impact in the discharge process. Participation are not sufficiently embedded in the process, and the results demonstrate that there is a gap between published health policy regarding elderly patients’ participation and the professionals’ opportunities to fulfill this policy in clinical work.


The congress was truly inspiring and packed with interesting presentations. As PhD students it was useful to get a taste of what is happening within our fields. With respect to truly inspiring presentations, Ingvild and Christine agreed on that the cultural gerontologist Prof Desmond O’Neill was memorable. He is specialist in geriatric and stroke medicine, and a writer and commentator in national media. He is concerned with the ways we portray older people and emphasize that we should use sensitivity and precision in such portraying to prevent ageism. The focus in media makes us see only disability and frailty and we therefore lose sight of the core values of those we serve as well as the benefits of ageing. He emphasizes that older people should be described in ways that respects their complexity, contribution, and civic engagement.


We also had the chance to meet the Editors in chief from major geriatric journals such as “The Journal of Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine”, “Journal of the American Geriatrics Society” and “Age & Ageing” at a workshop, providing us with powerful insights on how to “get ready for research and publication”.


We really enjoyed this trip. We arrived home, full of new inspiration for our projects. It was also nice to socialize with colleagues and get to know each other a little better. Berlin was warm and sunny, and in our free time, we (of course) did some shopping and ate at some very lovely restaurants.

Hvordan opplever sykepleiere i sykehus at eldre pasienter blir ivaretatt i overgangen til kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester?

Den 25 oktober 2015 ble paperet “Kluss i vekslinga? Hvordan opplever sykepleiere i sykehus at eldre pasienter blir ivaretatt i overgangen til kommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester?” presentert på Den 6. nasjonale konferansen for omsorgsforskning, ved Quality Airport Hotel Gardermoen. Heidi Gautun, Ragnhild Hellesø og Henning Øien har i dette arbeidet analysert svar fra de 2431 sykepleierne som jobbet på sengeposter i somatiske sykehus i mai 2017.

Cross-care at the international agenda

Cross-care was visible at International Medical Informatics Associations – Nursing Informatics (IMIA NI) conference in Guadalajara, Mexico in June 2018 by providing one oral presentation and one panel presentation. The oral presentation build on a survey conducted among 2 431 Norwegian hospital nurses were we investigated how safe and effective e-messages were regarding discharge planning between hospital nurses and the municipal level of administration. Hellesø and Gautun’s proceeding submission received award quality by the reviewers. The paper is published here:

The panel presentation highlighted Digitalization of Patient Information Process from Hospital to Community Home Care Nurses: International Perspectives. More information about the panel is published here:
How international conferences can contribute to connect and build sustainable research collaboration is described at IMIA NI’s website:

Møte i Cross-Care Old

30. april 2018 ble det arrangert et det statusmøte for Cross-Care Old på OsloMet. Alle tre arbeidspakker presenterte hvor langt de er kommet så langt i arbeidet med datainnsamling, analyse og publisering. Mye har skjedd siden sist møte, og flere artikler er publisert!


Vi diskuterte også mot slutten av møtet muligheten for å samle kunnskapen vi tilegner oss i løpet av prosjektet i et spesialnummer i et tidsskrift samt arrangere et et-dags seminar for relevante fagpersoner, politikere og andre interesserte.

Survey: Local nurses’ experiences and perspectives

In November and December 2017, a nationwide web- based survey was conducted among 5816 nurses working in nursing homes and home nursing (members of The Norwegian Nursing Organization). Altogether 88% of Norwegian municipalities were represented (378 of 429). The survey focused on local nurses’ experiences’s and perspectives from vertical coordination of discharging older patients from hospitals. The respondents’ answered several questions about their collaboration with hospitals in the critical phase when older patients were transferred to their workplace. A main purpose with this survey was to investigate whether there is a connection between amount and types of collaboration and how well older patients are taken care of in the transition from hospitals to local care services.

New PhD student in WP1

One of the PhD students in WP1, Cecilie Fromholt Olsen, has been working in the Cross-Care Old project since August 2017. The name of her project is “Learning networks to develop better patient pathways for older people in primary care- health professionals’ experiences”. This is a qualitative project with method triangulation of observation, focus group interviews and individual interviews with health professionals who are involved in learning networks for paient pathways. These learning networks are driven by the Norwegian Association of Local and regional Authorities. Eight learning networks will take place in different regions in Norway within the next two years with the aim og improving and making the patient pathways for older and chronically ill patients more user-friendly. Cecilie has recently started to follow one of these networks and her main interest seems to be the implementation of new ways of thinking and working in a more user-friendly manner in everyday practice from the perspective of health- workers. She is currently working on a qualitative meta-analysis concerning these topics.

”Det er ikke greit å forstå hvor skoen trykker, når man ikke har den på…”

For å få innblikk i hvor skoen trykker hadde derfor forskerne i Cross Care Old et møte med brukerrepresentantene fredag 29/9-2017. Møtet ble innledet med en presentasjon av brukerne og diskusjon om ulike måter å involvere brukere på.

I diskusjonen ble det pekt på at etter samhandlingsreformen, er det utviklet mange nye tjenestetilbud i kommunen der ulike brukergrupper har en sentral rolle. Videre ble det vist til at mye tyder på at liggetiden på norske sykehus er på vei opp etter å ha vært blant de laveste i OECD i 2012-13. I denne sammenheng ble det pekt på at et velfungerende samarbeid mellom ansatte i tjenestene i sykehus og i kommunene er en viktig forutsetning for at helsemyndighetenes målsetting om at en raskere utskrivning av pasienter skal bli en realitet. Dette medfører at pasienten får et bedre tilbud og kostnadsbesparelser for samfunnet. Annen lærdom fra møtet er at det foregår mye forskning på pasientforløp i Norge og at nettverksbygging med andre forskermiljøer kan være nødvendig.

Diskusjon rundt begreper som modeller, retningslinjer for praksis, veiledning, best praksis, anbefalinger og modeller. Representantene fra Cross Care Old presenterte de ulike arbeidspakkene og inviterte brukerrepresentantene til diskusjon av hele prosjektet. De fire Ph,d – prosjektene som inngår har alle et kvalitativt design og med fokus på ulike typer brukermedvirkning knyttet til utskrivning fra sykehus og overføring til helsehus, samt utskrivning fra sykehus og overføring til tjenester i kommunen eller hjem. I tillegg vil en utforske tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid etter at pasienten er utskrevet fra sykehus og betydningen av et læringsnettverk knyttet til pasientforløp i kommunen.

Kommentarer i denne sammenheng var at ulik kompetanse, ferdigheter, ressurser og kulturer i helsevesenet utfordrer samhandling. Mål, forventninger, roller og ansvar kan være uklart mellom ulike aktører og pasientforløpet for eldre kan være uforutsigbart og avhengig av kommunal kontekst. Andre utfordringer for samhandling kan være at selv om man jobber i samme dokumentasjonssystem er det utfordringer med informasjonskontinuitet.

Delprosjektet med fokus på vertikal samhandling rettet mot sammenhenger mellom liggetid, reinnleggelser til sykehus og ulike kjennetegn ved pasienter, kommuner og sykehus ble også presentert og diskutert. Et viktig spørsmål er hva er ”best praksis ” med hensyn til vertikalt koordinert omsorg. Data fra ulike register og spørreskjema fra sykepleiere i sykehus og i kommunale tjenester vil bli brukt. Det siste delprosjektet fokuserte på horisontal samhandling i kommunen med utgangspunkt i heterogene brukergrupper, spesialisering av tjenester og økende medisinsk fokus.

Det vil være fokus på:
(1) Hvor mye flytter eldre mellom ulike kommunale tilbud?
(2) Hvordan foregår samhandlingen?
(3) Hvilke erfaringer har ansatte med horisontal samhandling?
(4) Hvilken rolle har dokumentasjonssystemet i horisontal samhandling?

En viktig erkjennelse fra møtet er at det er viktig at brukerne opplever å være en integrert del av prosjektene, og ikke noe som er på siden av det «egentlige» prosjektet. Vi vil ikke ende opp på denne måten:

Advisory Board Meeting of “Crosscare-Old”

The Norwegian project group arrange a meeting with international partners on 24th of August .


10-10.30: Welcome and presentation round

10.30-11: Overall presentation of Crosscare-Old

11-11:30: WP 1: User Perspectives on Quality in Transitional Health Care for Geriatric Patients

11.30-12.00: Discussion WP1

12-12.30: Lunch

12.30-13: WP 2: Vertical coordination of health and care services

13-13:30: Discussion WP2

13:30-13:45: Coffee break

13:45-14:15: WP 3: Horizontal coordination of health and care services (Ragnhild and Maren)

14:15-15:15: Discussion WP3

15:15-15:30: Break

15:30-16.15: WP4: Intro and discussion: Input and advice from advisory board members on transitional care model development

The first Advisory Board Meeting of “Crosscare-Old”

Programme 24th of August 2017  Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences

10-10.30: Welcome and presentation round (Professor  Astrid Bergland)
10.30-11: Overall presentation of Crosscare-Old ( Professor Astrid Bergland)
11-11:30: WP 1: User Perspectives on Quality in Transitional Health Care for Geriatric Patients (Associate professor Jonas Debesay and 3 PhD-students)
11.30-12.00: Discussion WP1 (all)
12-12.30: Lunch
12.30-13: WP 2: Vertical coordination of health and care services (Senior researcher Heidi Gautun)
13-13:30: Discussion WP2 (all)
13:30-13:45: Coffee break
13:45-14:15: WP 3: Horizontal coordination of health and care services (professor Ragnhild hellesø and Associate professor Maren Sogstad)
14:15-15:15: Discussion WP3 (all)
15:15-15:30: Break
15:30-16.15: WP4: Intro and discussion: Input and advice from advisory board members on transitional care model development