Here is a sample of books, most of them open access online, which may provide students and academics with interesting transnational perspectives on media, freedom of expression and related issues.
Elisabeth Eide, Kristin Skare Orgeret & Nil Mutluer (eds.) Transnational Othering, Global Diversities. Media, Extremism and Free Expression. Nordicom. Open Access.

UNESCO publishes a handbook on journalism, fake news and disinformation.

Northern Lights: Film and Media Studies Yearbook was first published in 2002 and places particular emphasis on film, television and new media. The yearbook, although carrying a theme each issue, welcomes a broad range of articles along with shorter review pieces.

Frey, Elsebeth; Rhaman Mofiz; El Bour, Hamida (eds. 2017) Negotiating Journalism. Core Values and Cultural Diversities. Gothenburg: Nordicom Open access publication. Chapters from Authors in Bangladesh, Tunisia and Norway.

Carlsson, Ulla & Poyhtari, Reeta (eds. 2017) The Assault on Journalism. Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression. Gothenburg, Nordicom.

Eide, Elisabeth; Ismaeli, Afshin; Senatorzade, Amin (2017): “På flukt med mobiltelefon : en dyrebar følgesvenn». Pax Forlag.

Kunelius, R.; Eide, E.; Tegelberg, M.; Yagodin, D. (Eds.) (2016): Media and Global Climate Knowledge. Journalism and the IPCC. Palgrave Macmillan.

Lippe, Berit von der; Ottosen, Rune (2016): Gendering War and Peace Reporting. Some Insights – Some Missing Links. Nordicom. Open Access publication.

Carlsson, Ulla (ed.) (2016): Freedom of expression and media in transition: studies and reflections in the digital age. Gothenburg: Nordicom. Open access publication.

Orgeret, Kristin and Tayeebwa, William (eds.) (2016): Journalism in conflict and post conflict conditions. Worldwide perspectives. Open access publication. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

Eide, Elisabeth; Kunelius, Risto (eds.) (2012). Media Meets Climate. The Global Challenge for Journalism. Nordicom. Review:

Online articles
Eide, Elisabeth; Lånkan, Kjersti Blehr (2016): Autonomous journalists and anonymous politicians? – Norwegian media coverage of the NSA surveillance and the «Snowden Affair». Norsk Medietidsskrift 03 / 2016 (Volum 22).
Orgeret, Kristin (2016): Cheap clothes: Distant disasters. Journalism turning suffering into practical action. Journalism, October 5, 2016. (On media coverage of the Rana Tower catastrophe in Bangladesh).
Eide, Elisabeth (2016): Lectures en contrepoint. Caricatures et contextes d’interprétations. Communication & langages, Volume 2016/Numéro 187, pp 31-46.
Schäfer, Mike; Berglez, Peter; Wessler, Hartmut; Eide, Elisabeth; Nerlich, Brigitte; O’Neill, Saffron (2016): Investigating mediated climate change communication: A best-practice guide. Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, Research Reports No. 6, 2016.