Voices about the pandemic from Asia and Africa

The journalist Jocylynne Nakibuule was interviewed by her colleague Eunice Kasirye from Uganda for the podcast Insight Talk.  

This is a collaborative podcast made by and about female journalists on the rise of security concerns in times of COVID, sharing insights about the challenges and breakthroughs while covering the pandemic.  

Jocylynne Nakibuule with her child in the studio in Uganda (Photo: Eunice Kasirye)

The podcast was one of four made by members of International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT), coordinated by the Long Documentary and Mentoring Committees and financed by JMIC´s flexible fund. 

Four women from four different countries made their first podcast on a chosen topic, while receiving mentoring from other members.  

The podcasts were made from India, Pakistan and Kenya in addition to Uganda – and can be listened to here:
