Call for papers

6. Gender and work life balance in the Nordic countries

NB! THIS IS A PANEL. Only 4-5 papers or presentations will be selected.

Coordinator(s): Andrea Hjálmsdóttir and Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir, (University of Akureyri, Island).

For many years in a row the Nordic countries have been at the top of the World’s Economic Forum gender gap index. This indicates that the Nordic countries have been quite successful when it comes to gender equality in terms of women´s economic participation and opportunities, educational attainment, health, survival; and political empowerment. Still, as everyday tasks have become more and more miscellaneous resent research indicates that many people are experiencing difficulties balancing work and family tasks in their everyday life. Despite their higher level of labour force participation, women still do a greater share of domestic work and childcare than men. This shows that gender inequalities seem to be embedded in social structures and are reproduced not only in the workplaces but not in the least at home.

This panel will address work life balance issues and gendered patterns of division of labour; and invites presentations focusing on division of labor, both in public and private life, how people experience pressure in everyday life, hours of work and health and wellbeing of couples and families.