22 February 2021:
NSA CONFERENCE CANCELLED (key-notes will still be available online)
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. For further information please see the front page.
- 2020:
Since the conference is postponed, we will close the submission portal temporarily and until we have confirmed sessions and session leaders for the new date. We are truly sorry for the inconvenience, and hope to see you in Oslo, 4-6 August 2021.
When you have found your session of interest, you can submit your abstract here (the link will direct you to another page).
Important dates
- 15 March 2021: Deadline for abstract submission.
- 15 April 2021: The review process is finished.
Paper sessions and panels:
1. Comparative-historical macrosociology
Coordinator(s): Lars Mjøset (Department of sociology and human geography, University of Oslo, Norway) and Kristian Berg Harpviken (Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway)
2. Sociology of social movements and protest
Coordinator(s): Rune Ellefsen (Faculty of law, University of Oslo, Norway) and Sebastian Svenberg (The School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro Universitet
3. (Non-) whiteness and racialization in the Nordic countries
Coordinator(s): Laura Maria Führer and Sabina Tica (Department of sociology and human geography, University of Oslo, Norway)
4. Work in aging societies. Senior employment and retirement transitions in the Nordic countries
Coordinator(s): Anne Skevik Grødem and Ragni Hege Kitterød (Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Norway)
5. Civil Society in Times of Transformation and Conflict
Coordinator(s): Professor Lars Skov Henriksen, (Aalborg University, Denmark, Research), Professor Kari Steen-Johnsen (Institute for Social Research, Oslo, Norway) and Professor Jón Gunnar Bernburg (University of Iceland, Iceland).
6. PANEL: Gender and work life balance in the Nordic countries
Coordinator(s): Andrea Hjálmsdóttir and Hjördís Sigursteinsdóttir, (University of Akureyri, Island).
7. Environment, risk and expertise
Coordinator(s): Rolf Lidskog (Örebro University, Sweden)
8. Social inequality in the Nordic Societies: Social Stratification in Education, Labor Markets, and Wealth Accumulation
Coordinator(s): Øyvind Wiborg (Department of sociology and human geography, University of Oslo, Norway)
9. Institutional Ethnography: The Social Organization of Knowledge
Coordinator(s): Rebecca Lund (University of Oslo, Norway) Ann Christin Nilsen (University of Agder, Norway) and May-Linda Magnussen (University of Agder, Norway)
10. Volunteering: Causes, Effects, and Mechanisms
Coordinator(s): Hans-Peter Y. Qvist, (Aalborg University, Denmark)
11. “Facing inequalities in Sports” – Sociology of sport in Nordic welfare states
Coordinator(s): Lone Friis Thing (National School of Sports Sciences, Norway), Ørnulf Seippel (National School of Sports Sciences, Norway) and Nils Asle Bergsgaard (University of South-Eastern Norway)
12. The role of science in the context of power
Coordinator(s): Ketil Skogen, Olve Krange, Helene Figari and Håkon Aspøy (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research)
13. Cognitive sociology
Coordinator(s): Tuukka Kaidesoja (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Mikko Hyyryläinen (University of Helsinki, Finland)
14. The impact of global insecurity on family formation in the Nordic countries
Coordinator(s): Senior Researcher Lars Dommermuth (Statistics Norway)
15. Trends and dilemmas in the Nordic Labour Markets
Coordinator(s): Cathrine Egeland and Ida Drange (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
16 Minorities’ Perspectives on their Life Projects, Civil Rights, Participation, Authorities
Coordinator(s): Emdjed Kurdnidjad (European University Institute, Florence, Italy).
17. Digitalization (Title of session and revised call for paper coming soon)
Coordinator(s): Ardis Storm-Mathiesen and Arne Dulsrud (National Institute for Consumer Research, OsloMet)
18. Life after rape: Symposium on the consequences of sexual violence
Coordinator(s): May-Len Skilbrei (Department of Criminology and Sociology of Law, University of Oslo, Norway) and Kari Stefansen (NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
19. Mainstream Religion in the Nordic Countries
Coordinator(s): Erika Willander (Uppsala University, Sweden)
20. PANEL: Narratives and stories connecting local and global forms of conflict.
Coordinator(s): Iris Beau Segers and Cristina Archetti (Department of media and communication, University of Oslo)
21. Cultural Sociology
Coordinator(s): Håkon Larsen (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway)
22. Open Master Session
Coordinator(s): Lars Erik L. Gjerde (Master Student, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, Norway)