Call for papers

2. Sociology of social movements and protest

Coordinator(s): Rune Ellefsen (Faculty of law, University of Oslo, Norway) and Sebastian Svenberg (The School of Humanities, Education and Social Sciences, Örebro Universitet

2019 marked a remarkable international wave of large-scale social movement mobilizations, across diverse issues and socio-political contexts. Nordic sociology have for a long time engaged in analysis of social movements, protest events and the like, but at times with a lack of dialogue among different scholars and perspectives. This session seeks to gather empirical and conceptual contributions on the sociology of social movements and the protest repertoire.

We welcome contributions on a range of issues, formats and approaches. For example, papers on case studies of specific movement mobilizations, the outcomes of social movements, or the responses by governments to social movements that pose a substantial political challenge.

In relation to the overall topic of this year’s conference, papers addressing the following questions would also be of particular relevance: What role does social movements and protest play in ongoing conflicts and social transformations? How does global contentious issues manifest differently across local social movement mobilizations and uses of protest repertoires?

Both qualitative and quantitative works are sought for this session, as well as studies of any geographical context, historical or contemporary movements, spanning from primarily non-violent ones to movements that also employ violent repertoires. The width of contributions in the field of social movement studies can contribute to crucial discussions on the overall topic of this year’s conference.

Call for papers

1. Comparative-historical macrosociology

Coordinator(s): Lars Mjøset (Department of sociology and human geography, University of Oslo, Norway) Kristian Berg Harpviken (Peace Research Institute Oslo, Norway)

35 years ago, Theda Skocpol edited “Vision and method in historical sociology”. The volume contained introductions to 5 European scholars (Marc Bloch, Karl Polanyi, Reinhard Bendix, Perry Anderson, E.P. Thompson) and 4 American scholars (S. N. Eisenstadt, Charles Tilly, Immanuel Wallerstein, Barrington Moore).

This panel invites papers on where this tradition stands today. Papers could discuss other scholars, either more recent ones (such as Michael Mann, Francis Fukuyama, Acemoglou & Robinson) or scholars that might have been included even in the Skocpol volume (for example, what about Stein Rokkan?). But even more importantly, we invite substantive analyses that develop one or more of the current macro-historical frameworks, responding to research questions that are relevant today.