Impressive Warsaw

In September this year, my good college Morten Førre and I had the pleasure of being invited by Katarzyna Krajewska to her group in Warsaw. Recently, they have developed a promising method for studying with photo ionization of atoms computationally. PhD student Mihai Suster is central in this development work.

Typically, atoms and molecules exposed to strong laser field, which, incidentally, was the topic of this year’s Nobel prize in physics, are described theoretically and computationally without considering magnetic interactions. However, with strong enough fields and low/high enough photon energies, this approach breaks down – rendering the problem much tougher.

This was one of several topics for discussion.

Morten and I also had the pleasure to learn about ongoing activities within quantum information technology at the University of Warsaw – both theoretically and experimentally. We were quite impressed by their various labs – and their efficient setups.

Impressive was also a relevant word for describing the city. Well worth a visit!

Something to stretch towards: Julia Derlikiewicz (left) and Marie Skłodowska Curie (right).

We thank our hosts, Katarzyna, Julia, Deeksha, Jurek, and Mihai, so much for their overwhelming hospitality and hope that we can return the favor at some point.

-Sølve Selstø

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