
  • Cool workshop
    From 9th to 12th of June, we had the pleasure of hosting a little workshop on atoms and lasers – and a couple of other things too. This was put together in connection with a visit from our esteemed colleges from Warsaw University, prof. Katarzyna Krajewska (picture), …
  • Visit from Kempten
    Last Wednesday, Quantum Hub had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Dr. Arthur Kolb, Vice President for Internationalisation and Equal Opportunities from Kempten University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Prof. Kolb showed great interest in our agenda and goals, particularly in the means and strategies we’re using to achieve …
  • GoForIT: Quantum assisted twin transition?
    Last Tuesday, GoForIT hosted their annual conference. This year’s topic was AI, geopolitics & twin transition. It was a pleasure to see that the quantum agenda was included too. Clearly, Mali Hole Skogen, Technology and sustainability director ICT-Norway and the head of GoForIT, had not forgotten that …
  • Quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms
    Recently our faculty received funding from Ministry of Education and Research for 8 PhD positions. We are happy to announce that one of these will be allocated to a quantum-related topic. The project is lead by Kazi Shah Nawaz Ripon. We let him explain what it is …
  • Exciting podcast: Kvantespranget/The Quantum Leap
    Ina von Turow, entrepreneur and quantum enthusiast, has, for a long time now, contributed actively to the campaign for making Norway quantum ready. Her latest contribution in this regard is a podcast in Norwegian: Kvantespranget – a podcast where experts and other enthusiasts share thoughts and opinions …
  • The Hub in
    Elise Kjørstad, journalist at, had obviously done her homework before visiting the hub last week. During the interview, both Sergiy and Sølve was made to think. Please read the interview here:
  • Family day, April 21st
    Sunday April 21st employees at the Oslo Metropolitan University had a very nice opportunity to give the rest of their families an impression of what goes on at their workplace. A lot of people, both young and old, found their way to Pilestredet 35 (P35), where they …
  • Commuting in a noncommutative space
    Bridging quantum theory and gravitation is a great and mind-thrilling challenge. Non-commutative geometry is considered to be a candidate for such a bridge. This mathematical concept integrates quantum principles like the non-commutativity of operators into the fabric of spacetime. We gained insights into this fascinating topic last …
  • Quantum Adjustments
    Until recently we were not aware about ongoing quantum initiatives at the Norwegian Metrology Service (Justervesenet – JV). But then we got a pleasent e-mail from Susmit Kumar from JV’s Electricity group informing us about their mandate regarding accurate SI values of voltage, resistance, and current. During …
  • Yet another flight with Bendiksen Airways
    It was a pleasure for us to welcome podcast host Alexander Bendiksen at our hub once again. Clearly, some of our quantum fascination has rubbed off on him! Please tune in to his new podcast episode here (in Norwegian): And do check out the other interesting …
  • Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences gets a visit
    It was a true pleasure when the Hub was contacted by Arnstein Wee, from the Stavanger-branch of Norges tekniske vitenskapsakademi, the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. He wanted to hear more about quantum computing. Of course, asking a quantum hubber whether she or he would like to …
  • Visit from Akademiet
    It was true pleasure to host the Agora class from Akademiet Bislet Wednesday March 6th. Fifteen eager and attentive learners found their way to our hub, where they heard about quantum theory and technology. And more importantly: The got to do it. They did so by solving …
  • Talk by V. Bakkestuen at the Center for Advanced Study
    During one of the events of NTNU Associate Professor Ida-Marie Høyvik’s YoungCAS fellowship, PhD student Vebjørn Bakkestuen delivered a presentation on his recent studies in quantum electrodynamics density-functional theory (QEDFT). His talk provided an overview of the mathematical formulation of density-functional theory and its application to the …
  • Girls & Tech
    We are really proud about having been a part of the Jenter og teknologi gathering held at Chateau Neuf February 15th. Maryam Kaviani, along with Kersti Fosse Blålid and Notto Thelle from the OsloMet Makerspace and people from the University of Oslo, made it all happen. About …
  • PhD Fellowship position in Visualization of Quantum Theory
    The Department of Computer Science has a vacant PhD Fellowship position within the field of visualization of quantum theory. The project is a novel and innovative research collaboration that combines technology and art and is a newly established collaboration between the Department of Computer Science and the Department …
  • Kvantefysikk for nyfikne
    Vi synest kvantefysikk og kvanteteknologi er alt for viktig og forunderleg til å vere ei greie for spesielt interesserte. Men mykje av det ein lærer om kvante-verda legg opp til å ha lag på lag med matematikk-kurs på førehand. Det ønsker vi å gjere noko med. Til …
  • Visit from the Danish embassy
    We were thrilled to be contacted by Anton Højris Middelhede at the Danish embassy in Oslo for a get-together while 2024 was still young. Together with Emilie Michaelsen and Øystein Sandvik we had a very interesting – and promising – exchange of thoughts and interesting opportunities. Øystein …
  • Exploring the Wonders of Quantum Mechanics: High School Visit to the Quantum Hub
    At the end of November 2023, the Quantum Hub welcomed a group of high school students from the Kuben videregående skole eager to learn about quantum mechanics. The visit comprised detailed lectures and practical tutorials aimed at introducing the students to the intricate and beautiful world of …
  • Nordic Quantum Life Science Roundtable in Helsinki
    With some delay, we are reporting about an exciting event that took place in Helsinki (November 14-15th, 2023). 3rd Nordic Quantum Life Science Roundtable is a next link in the chain of all-Nordic meetings that are designed for key players in the field, aiming to catalyze Quantum …
  • Quantum food production?
    It was a truly pleasant surprise when Anja Løkken Stokke at NCE Heidner Biocluster in late November contacted our hub to ask if we would be interested in giving a webinar. (Of course we were.) The NCE Heidner Biocluster is Norway’s leading national cluster for green bioeconomy …