
  • Vebjørn Bakkestuens forskning kan forbedre materialteknologien
    – Det er jo en av de beste måtene å prøve å forklare verden rundt oss. Kvantefysikk kan beskrive verden på mikroskopisk skala. Det er ganske fjernt, men også nødvendig. Bakkestuen har alltid interessert seg for fysikk, men lot karrieren bli til mens han gikk. September 2023 …
  • Donut Physics
    During January and February, we enjoyed very productive visits (and stays!) from Pedro Ribeiro (University of Lisbon) and Lucas Sá (University of Cambridge). We discussed the first experimental detection of “Donuts”—the distribution of complex spacing ratios, CSRs, for various quantum channels (see the theoretical plots below). Depending …
  • Teknologirådet besøker Kvantehuben
    Denne uka fikk Kvantehuben besøk av Joakim Valevatn og Sjur Hamre fra Teknologirådet. For å orientere seg om nye teknologitrender som kan bli viktige for Norge, fikk de innspill fra instituttleder André Brodtkorb og OsloMet-professorene Sølve Selstø og Andre Laestadius. Teknologirådet er oppnevnt av regjeringen og gir …
  • How to wisely spend 70 quantum millions annually?
    On December 6, Are Magnus Bruaset, a member of the QH Hub and Adjunct Professor at OsloMet (and Research Director of Simula Lab), together with André Brodkorb, a founding member of the QH (and Head of the Department of Computer Science at OsloMet), provided input to the …
  • Forsker på bruk av Kvante-KI i kreftbehandling
    Siden 2022 har stipendiat ved OsloMet, Heine Olsson Aabø, undersøkt hvorvidt kvantedatamaskiner kan være nyttige innen helseteknologien, mer spesifikt for å finne optimale behandlinger til en kreftpasient. Ved behandling av kreftpasienter finnes det mange kombinatoriske muligheter gitt et utvalg av tilgjengelige medisiner. Derfor undersøker han om kvantedatamaskiner …
  • Kvanteverden-kurs snur opp ned på universet
    Kurset Introduksjon til kvanteverda for nyfikne gikk av stabelen denne høsten. Professor Sølve Selstø og studentene håper at flere får øynene opp for kvantefysikken. Selv om emnet, som er et kurs med studiepoeng, kan være spesielt interessant for de som jobber med informasjonsteknologi, passer det for alle …
  • There were quantum channels. And now superchannels!
    The 3rd Krakow-Torun-Oslo workshop, “Beyond Quantum” (November 26–December 1), has now concluded. It was an intense brainstorming week (as always) where the main topic—What’s next?—was discussed. Holmenkollen and the weather provided the perfect conditions for day-long sessions, interspersed with coffee sips and lunch breaks. The main topic …
  • OsloMet hosts the 4th annual NQLS
    The 4th annual Nordic Quantum Life Science Round Table (NQLS) was held at Soria Moria on the 16th and 17th of september, hosted by NordSTAR, the Quantum Hub, OsloMet AI Lab and Simula. Since 2021, representatives from Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway have taken turns hosting the …
  • Wise words from our leaders
    In regard to the most pleasant visit we had had on Monday, our leders, Christen our Rector, Laurence our Dean and André our department leader, has written an interesting and highly relevant opinion piece in Khrono: Good read!
  • A very pleasant visit
    Image credit: Christen Krogh. We love having visitors at our Hub. Monday September 30th, we had particularly distinguished ones: Karianne Tung (minister of digitalization), Bjørn Arild Gram (minister of defence) and Oddmund Hoel (minister of higher education and research) came by. The occasion was a budget leak: …
  • REGAL-prosjekter på MANUEL
    16.-20. september presenterte Vebjørn Bakkestuen og Andre Laestadius sine REGAL-prosjekter på konferansen Mathematical and Numerical Analysis of Electronic Structure Models (MANUEL). Konferansen ble arrangert av Professor Benjamin Stramm ved Universitetet i Stuttgart på campuset i Vaihingen. Her samlet de matematikere, fysikere og kjemikere fra hele verden som …
  • Kvantehuben til stede på konferanse om cybersikkerhet
    10. og 11. september deltok kvantehuben på Finans Norge sin konferanse “Digital robusthet 2024 – svindel og cybersikkerhet”. Der diskuterte de informasjonssikkerhet og svindel i finansnæringen. Sølve var på plass for å fortelle om kvanteteknologi, og trusselen kvantedatamaskiner kan utgjøre mot dagens krypteringer i fremtiden. Les mer …
  • Yves brings a new perspective to the Quantum Hub
    Yves Rezus, lecturer in physics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS), is joining the Quantum Hub team this year.  Having a PhD in ultrafast spectroscopy, Yves led a research group for several years. He has always been eager to find out about the laws of …
  • Hjelp med kommunikasjon
    Vi er veldig glade for å ha fått Noa Cecilie Sæther med på laget! Noa studerar journalistikk på andre året hos oss på OsloMet. I tida framover vil ho hjelpe oss med reportasjar, bilder, tekst og anna som har med kvante-aktiviteten vår å gjere. Velkommen, Noa!
  • Welcome to the Quantum Hub, Yves!
    Professor Yves Rezus from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool van Amsterdam) joined the Quantum Hub last week for his one-year sabbatical. During his time, he will participate in various Quantum Hub activities, including outreach and teaching. Specifically, he will contribute to our course on Quantum …
  • Arendal: Quantum of interest
    The Arendal week has long since passed. And, in terms of technology, the winner of the battle for attention was quite undisputed: AI. There were, however, some events dedicated to emerging quantum technologies too. Two, to be specific. While few, less than 1 per mille of the …
  • The QHub in Arendal
    To anyone in who happen to be in Arendal Tuesday August 13th: Please join the quantum session at 14.00! We are happy to see GlobalConnect raising the issue of the Norwegain participation in the quantum race, or, rather, the lack of such. They have put together very …
  • Cool workshop
    From 9th to 12th of June, we had the pleasure of hosting a little workshop on atoms and lasers – and a couple of other things too. This was put together in connection with a visit from our esteemed colleges from Warsaw University, prof. Katarzyna Krajewska (picture), …
  • Visit from Kempten
    Last Wednesday, Quantum Hub had the pleasure of welcoming Prof. Dr. Arthur Kolb, Vice President for Internationalisation and Equal Opportunities from Kempten University of Applied Sciences (Germany). Prof. Kolb showed great interest in our agenda and goals, particularly in the means and strategies we’re using to achieve …
  • GoForIT: Quantum assisted twin transition?
    Last Tuesday, GoForIT hosted their annual conference. This year’s topic was AI, geopolitics & twin transition. It was a pleasure to see that the quantum agenda was included too. Clearly, Mali Hole Skogen, Technology and sustainability director ICT-Norway and the head of GoForIT, had not forgotten that …