Seminar: Fabian Faulstich
It is a pleasure to invite you all to a lecture by Assistant Professor Fabian Faulstich from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in New York. The lecture will be given as a part of the Workshop on Quantum Theory: Foundations and Extensions of Density-Functional Theory held the same week.
A practical guide to quantum linear algebra
Abstract: We provide an introductory and practical guide to quantum phase estimation algorithms. We begin with a concise overview of the principles of qubits, focusing on state visualization, measurement intricacies, and their relationship to the classical eigenvalue problem. We introduce the Hadamard test and quantum phase estimation (QPE) as methods for eigenvalue approximation. For both algorithms, we detail their mathematical foundations, implementation steps, and error analyses, demonstrating how precision improves with increased measurements or ancilla qubits. Example simulations are performed using hardware emulators and the IBM Eagle One quantum machine, comparing the two approaches. Finally, we highlight the practical significance of QPE by applying it to the Transverse Field Ising Model, illustrating its utility in quantum physical systems.

Fabian has a background in mathematics, physics, and theoretical chemistry with a focus on problems arising from quantum many-body physics. In 2020, he earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Chemistry from the University of Oslo. Currently, he servers as an Assistant Professor of Mathematics at RPI, where he also holds the Eliza Ricketts Foundation Career Development Chair.
His research focuses on advancing knowledge and methods for quantum many-body problems. His research involves the development, implementation, and mathematical analysis of cutting-edge numerical methods on classical as well as quantum machines.
Time and location
Wednesday December 4th, 11:00 – 12:00
Ellen Gleditschs hus (P35), auditorium PI646
On behalf of the organisers,
Vebjørn H. Bakkestuen