Vebjørn H. Bakkestuen

PhD Research Fellow, REGAL project
Affiliation: MatMod group at
Researcher IDs: TBA
Address: Pilestredet 35, PS437

About me

Vebjørn has a background from physics with a focus on quantum mechanics, with both a bachelor and master’s degree in physics from the University of Oslo. He received his master’s degree in theoretical physics form the University of Oslo in the spring of 2023, with a thesis titled “Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics: On the role of PT-symmetry and exceptional points”.

Research Interests

Vebjørn is currently a PhD candidate working on the mathematical aspects of quantum chemistry, in particular that of Density Functional Theory (DFT). At the moment he and the group are working on applying and analysing methods from DFT on a quantum electrodynamical system. He is also working on an application of Moreau-Yosida regularisation of DFT to periodic systems.

Vebjørn is currently a part of the ERC project REGAL at OsloMet.


Vebjørn currently has no teaching responsibilities.

Previously, during the two years as a master’s student at the University of Oslo, Vebjørn was a teaching assistant in the courses FYS2160 – Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics, FYS-MEK1110 – Mechanics, and FYS1100 – Mechanics and Modelling.


Master’s thesis in DUO Research Archive.
Presentation on a QEDFT model at the Center for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters.