
June 2024: TRILL in Stockholm, Sweden

The TRILL project members had a busy week in Stockholm, Sweden, 11th–14th of June. On the first day, we held a workshop dedicated to presenting and discussing TRILL papers in progress. For the rest of the week, the project members attended the 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology at the Karolinska Institutet. Many thanks to congress president Carin Lennartsson, who is a key member of TRILL, for organising a very inspiring and motivating conference!

Photo: Martina Brandt

TRILL’s project coordinator, Marijke Veenstra, held a truly thrilling keynote lecture at day two of the conference. Veenstra spoke about social inequalities among older adults and the mechanisms that shape (un)equal opportunities for ageing well, which is a topic of central interest in TRILL.

Photo: Katharina Herlofson

May 2024: Another new article out

Heine Strand is the lead author on yet another new TRILL publication. The article investigates the impact of spousal bereavement on later life physical and cognitive capability and applies a historical cohort study design that includes 5,739 married respondents of the Tromsø study.
The paper is available at

April 2024: New publication available

TRILL’s Georg Henning, Gøril Kvamme Løset and Oliver Huxhold used NorLAG data to examine whether the transition to retirement and the former job of the retiree are associated with personality changes. Read what they found out here:

March 2024: Meeting with the stakeholder group

TRILL met with the project’s stakeholder group on the 1st of March. Representatives from the Norwegian Directorate of Health and KS (The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities) provided input on the project’s work so far and future directions.

February 2024: Round two of the qualitative data collection

TRILL project member Gøril Kvamme Løset has been back in Tromsø for a second round of the qualitative data collection (11th–14th of February). We want to thank the Tromsø Study for facilitating the stay and all informants for their time!

Tromsø city in winter light. Photos: Gøril Kvamme Løset

January 2024: Key note speaker in Stockholm

We are excited to announce that TRILL’s project coordinator, Marijke Veenstra, is a key note speaker at the upcoming 27th Nordic Congress of Gerontology in Stockholm, Sweden, in June. The title of her lecture is “Tackling social inequalities at older ages – A battle worth fighting?”. Press the video below to watch Veenstra giving an overview of her talk.

The theme of the conference is “Ageing in a transforming world”. More information about the conference is available here.

December 2023: TRILL publication in the media

Katharina Herlofson has been interviewed about the article that she published with TRILL colleague Marijke Veenstra earlier this year – Life course transitions in later life: the importance of gender and socio-economic position – by Kilden. Read the interview here.

November 2023: Qualitative data collection in Tromsø

TRILL is excited to be in Tromsø this week for a qualitative data collection (27th–30th of November). We are talking to older individuals themselves to get their views on aspects that define, and conditions for, ageing well. Many thanks to all informants!

Polar night season in Tromsø. Photos: Gøril Kvamme Løset

October 2023: TRILL at conference in Fornebu, Norway

The TRILL project was represented by four presentations at the 8th Norwegian Congress in Ageing Research at Fornebu (23rd–24th of October):

Husberg-Bru, V., Rognmo, K., & Veenstra, M. Dimensjoner av sosial ulikhet i eldre år: Alkoholbruk før og etter pensjonsalder. (Alcohol consumption and hazardous alcohol use following the transition to retirement: Insights from a registry linked population-based study)

Hellevik, T., & Herlofson, K. Alternative veier ut av arbeidslivet – ikke for alle? (Alternative exit routes from working life – not for everyone?)

Løset, G. K., Haukedal, C. L., & Veenstra, M. Skarpe øyrer? Høyrselstap og variasjonar i livskvalitet i eldre år. (All ears? Hearings loss and variations in well-being dimensions in later life)

Eyjólfsdottir, H. S., Hellevik, T., Pedersen, A. W., Herlofson, K., Lennartsson, C., & Veenstra, M. Avgang fra yrkeslivet – hvilken rolle spiller eldre arbeidstakeres psykososiale arbeidsmiljø? (Psychosocial working conditions as a predictor for exit from paid employment)

September 2023: TRILL in Ancona, Italy

Successful TRILL project meeting and conference participation in Ancona, Italy!

Photos: Tale Hellevik, Gøril Kvamme Løset and Heine Strand

Members of the TRILL project held six presentations at the 13th Interdisciplinary Conference on Aging and Social Change:

Veenstra, M. Inequalities in opportunities for ageing well: The significance of transitions in later life

Løset, G. K., Kok, A., & Veenstra, M. Subjective well-being and bereavement in later life: Adjustment to multiple losses

Strand, H. et al. Spousal bereavement and effects on later life physical and cognitive capability: The Tromsø study

Eyjólfsdottir, H. S. et al. Psychosocial working conditions as a predictor for exit from paid employment

Huxhold, O., Løset, G. K., & Henning, G. Ageing and changing personalities in different social groups – the impact of retirement

Herlofson, K. & Hellevik, T. Late careers and work exit variants in Norway: Retirement as a process

August 2023: Conference participation “Aging & Social Change”

Members of the TRILL project will be presenting a colloquium on Inequalities in Opportunities for Ageing Well:
The Significance of Transitions in Later Life at the upcoming 13th Interdisciplinary Conference on Aging and Social Change in Ancona, Italy. The project group will also meet for a writing seminar in Ancona ahead of the conference.

The conference program can be found here: Aging & Social Change

June 2023: New publication out

Another new TRILL publication is now available. Tale Hellevik, Katharina Herlofson and Axel West Pedersen review different methods for measuring the timing of retirement found in recent Norwegian and international research. They compare the results of two operationalizations, one based on survey data, the other on register data.

Read the article here:

April 2023: New publication available

A new publication from the TRILL project is out. Katharina Herlofson and Marijke Veenstra have examined whether the number and timing of transitions in later life vary by gender and socio-economic position.

Read the article here:

February 2023: TRILL visiting the Tromsø Study

TRILL visit to the Tromsø Study. Heine Strand, Gøril Kvamme Løset and Marijke Veenstra presented the project and preliminary research findings. We also had fruitful discussions about research collaborations and possibilities for conducting the qualitative study including informants from the Tromsø Study.

TRILL meeting scientific committee Tromsø Study. Photo: Heine Strand

October 2022: Project seminar in Oslo, Norway

TRILL project members from Norway, Germany, Iceland and Sweden got together for a two day workshop to present and discuss ongoing research on transitions in later life. There were presentations based on NorLAG as well as the Tromsø study, for example on patterns of transitions in later life (Katharina Herlofson), and on health consequences of bereavement (Heine Strand & Milan Chang) and retirement (Harpa Eyjolfsdottir & Carin Lennartsson).

June 2022: TRILL symposium at 26NKG

Members of the TRILL project group will be presenting a symposium on Socioeconomic inequalities in ageing and transitions in later life at the 26th Nordic Congress in Gerontology in Odense (26NKG)

November 2021: Meeting with the stakeholder group

Meeting in TRILL user group – Directorate of Health and KS

October 2021: First TRILL publication

Special issue in Frontiers in Psychology Psycho-Behavioral Factors and Longevity with a TRILL publication showing that both higher levels of wealth and perceived control are important for reduced elderly mortality over an 11-year period.