Umbrella for artificial intelligence methods
The AI Lab is a joint research centre for OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University and SimulaMet located in the heart of Oslo. The Department of Computer Science is the host of the centre located in Pilestredet 52 in Oslo.
People and society
We have an interdisciplinary approach to the development of artificial intelligence that takes people and the society into account. The centre will contribute to a better coordination of research on artificial intelligence and facilitate collaboration with other environments.
At the forefront
The Applied Artificial Intelligence research group (AAI) took the initiative to the centre, which has a team of experts in different fields of AI, and is at the forefront of artificial intelligence in Norway.
Research, education and innovation
Together we administer research and student projects in artificial intelligence, both applied and basic research, including theory and the use of machine learning in different areas.
Have a look at some of our ongoing projects.