Oslo by air, Akers elva and surrounding buildings.

Research seminar: Housing, technology and health in Norway and Wales

Join us to explore the connections between housing quality, technology, and health, and gain insights from leading experts, including visiting researchers from Wales!

Date/time: 6. March 2025, 09.00-11.30.
Event location: Pilestredet Campus, Stensberggata 26, first floor, Rindalrommet
Host: BOVEL (HOUSINGWEL) and Velferdsforskningsinstituttet NOVA (Norwegian Social Research)

Register here (nettskjema.no)

HOUSINGWEL is proud to invite all interested colleagues, researchers and members of the public to an English language research seminar on housing, technology and health in Norway and Wales. The seminar is part of the program for the upcoming visit by researchers from University of South Wales (USW), Housing and Health Research Network to HOUSINGWEL – Centre of housing and welfare research. 

The seminar will cover central policy relevant topics in housing and health research, including the relationship between housing quality and health outcomes, technology acceptance and energy efficiency in social housing, temporary shelter for households in danger of becoming homeless, and the housing dimension of ‘ageing in place’. 

Preliminary Program

9.00 – 9.15 Introduction to HOUSINGWEL and USW’s Housing and Health Research Network
Jardar Sørvoll, Research Professor at Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University & head of HOUSINGWEL, centre of housing and welfare research and Dan Bowers, Head of Psychology at the University of South Wales and leads the USW Housing and Health Research Network. 

9.15 – 9.45 The relationship between noise pollution and sickness absence
Janis Umblijs, Research Director at Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University
9.45 – 10.15 Temporary housing in Norway
Maja Flåto, Senior Researcher at Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University

10.15 – 10.45 Enabling Ageing in Place – a presentation of a new research project
Jardar Sørvoll, Research Professor at Norwegian Social Research, Oslo Metropolitan University & head of HOUSINGWEL, centre of housing and welfare research

10.45 – 11.30 Technology acceptance in Social Housing in Wales.
Dan Bowers, Dr Bowers is the Head of Psychology at the University of South Wales and leads the USW Housing and Health Research Network. 

(Photo: Colourbox)