Welcome to CEDIC

The Center for Digitalization of Public Services and Citizenship (CEDIC) at Oslo Metropolitan University aims to produce cross-disciplinary knowledge about the digitalization of society and its consequences for people’s life opportunities.

What’s New at CEDIC?

Join Our Guest Lectures!

To broaden our knowledge and awareness of social consequences of digitalization, we invite distinguished international and national researchers to give open guest lectures. You can usually attend these lectures both online and on campus.

Upcoming CEDIC Talks


The Digitalization of Public Services and Citizenship

Norway is one of the world’s most digitized countries. The population is increasingly connected through electronic platforms, and the transition from analogue to digital systems in public administration has a significant social impact. While new digital technologies can make public administration more cost-efficient and accessible, they can also lead to a rise of new societal problems such as exclusion, marginalization, and increased social differences. CEDIC aims to develop multidisciplinary knowledge about the relationship between digitalization and the provision of welfare services, and the risks of exclusion from the opportunities to enjoy full and effective social citizenship.

CEDIC Is Organized in Six Research Groups

The Platform Economy and Sustainable Welfare

Focuses on social innovation for sustainable welfare models in the context of the twin green and digital transitions and resistance to digitalisation and digital surveillance.

Digitalization and Everyday Life

Explores how digitalization affects the everyday life of families and domestic life, and their interaction with school, health and welfare services.

Digitalization, Law, and Governance

Examines regulatory policies, legislation, and ethical issues to ensure good governance of digitalized public welfare services. It also aims to produce new knowledge on how legislation and policies in this domain are shaped, transformed, and implemented.

Data Science Methods in Social Research

Applies, adopts and develops data science methods for use in digital social research.

Digitalization, Innovation, and Implementation

Explores innovation processes within welfare services, from initial idea conception and development to the practical implementation of new solutions across various welfare institutions.

The Digitalization Process and AI Adoption in the Public Sector

Examines the management and benefit/cost-effects of digitalization and artificial technologies within public services and society. The research group also contributes to technology development and innovations in the field.

CEDIC Hosts the National Research School on Digitalization, Culture, and Society (DIGIT)

The research school DIGIT is a collaboration between seven Norwegian universities, one research institute, and six partners from the public and private sectors. The school is funded by the Research Council of Norway and hosted by the center CEDIC at OsloMet. It offers a two-year programme of high academic quality and workplace relevance for PhD candidates or postdocs registered at Norwegian universities. 

The research school accepts up to thirty top qualified PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows each year until 2028. The first class was enrolled autumn 2022.

By facilitating dialogues across these established fields of study, DIGIT will foster opportunities for new theorization and exchange about new research methods. The goal is to build capacity in new digital methodologies, such as digital ethnography, visual ethnography, digital narratives, and big data analysis.

Reach out to CEDIC

Further questions? Want to contact us? Reach out to our team and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Oslo Metropolitan University
Postboks 4, St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo
Phone: 67 23 50 00

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