
Successful Sino-Nordic workshop on digitalization of welfare at the Nordic Centre, Fudan University  

The emerging digital transformation is having a profound effect on the provision of welfare services in China and the Nordic countries, and beyond. Digitization is expected to continue changing service offers and public administration. Expectations range from hopes for increased efficiency, justice and accountability, to dreaded problems such as social exclusion, dehumanization and inequality. In […]

Successful Sino-Nordic workshop on digitalization of welfare at the Nordic Centre, Fudan University   Read More »

Rune Halvorsen has been elected board member of the portfolio board in the Research Council of Norway

Rune Halvorsen, co-director of CEDIC, will sit on the Research Council of Norway’s (RCN) portfolio board for welfare and education from January 1, 2024. The portfolio boards make decisions regarding the allocation of funds by the RCN and are tasked with providing advice on academic, thematic, and structural development, as well as future investment needs.

Rune Halvorsen has been elected board member of the portfolio board in the Research Council of Norway Read More »

Lars E. F. Johannessen får prisen Årets lovende forsker

Tirsdag 23. november delte OsloMet ut prisen Årets lovende forsker til Lars Emil Fagernes Johannessen. Johannessen har vært tilnyttet CEDIC siden oppstart, og er førsteamanuensis ved Senter for profesjonsforskning ved OsloMet. «Vinnerens forskning har vært preget av en kombinasjon av høye ambisjoner, noe som reflekteres i et usedvanlig høyt antall publikasjoner og siteringer, og en

Lars E. F. Johannessen får prisen Årets lovende forsker Read More »

Conference: Sustainable Welfare in a Global Context

From 4 to 6 September 2024, CEDIC will organize the conference Sustainable Welfare in a Global Context at OsloMet. The event is the annual conference of the Research committee on poverty, social welfare and social policy (RC19). The purpose of RC19 is to promote research on social problems, social programs, and public policies and intervention

Conference: Sustainable Welfare in a Global Context Read More »

CEDIC på NAVs årlige erfaringskonferanse

CEDIC bidro under NAV + Akademia = Sant? – den nasjonale konferansen som formidler forskningssamarbeidet mellom NAV og den akademiske verden 27. oktober. Årets tema var «Digitalisering i et samfunnsperspektiv». På konferansen presenterte og diskuterte representanter fra NAV og flere universiteter forskning på digitalisering. CEDIC forskeren, Julia Köhler-Olsen, presenterte forskningsprosjektet PÅDIGVEL. Innlegget hennes tok opp

CEDIC på NAVs årlige erfaringskonferanse Read More »

Invitation to workshop on the digital transformation of welfare services in Shanghai on December 14-15

The workshop welcomes participants from both academic and non-academic sector. The workshop will be open for researchers (including early-stage researchers and PhD students), policymakers, market sectors, and NGOs in the Nordic countries and China with expertise on e-governance, information systems, digitalisation and automatisation of welfare services, AI, social policy, public administration and governance. Deadline for

Invitation to workshop on the digital transformation of welfare services in Shanghai on December 14-15 Read More »

Alban Davesne from CEDIC is this month’s employee at OsloMet

Alban Davesne holds a doctorate in political science from Sciences Po, Paris. For almost two years he has been working as a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellow at CEDIC. MSCA fellowships offer a unique opportunity for researchers to focus on their own projects, and OsloMet has a strong track record of attracting early-career researchers

Alban Davesne from CEDIC is this month’s employee at OsloMet Read More »

Social Policy: A Critical and Intersectional Analysis with Professor Fiona Williams, University of Leeds

Welcome to a seminar with Professor Fiona Williams, University of Leeds on 28 September 2020 from 11:00 – 13:00. In this seminar Professor Fiona Williams will talk about her most recent book, Social Policy: A Critical and Intersectional Analysis (Polity, 2021). The book provides a new and critical analytical and ethical agenda for social policy

Social Policy: A Critical and Intersectional Analysis with Professor Fiona Williams, University of Leeds Read More »

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