Dawit Shawel Abebe

I am a first-generation immigrant from Ethiopia and a father of three second-generation children. My personal and academic journey has provided me extensive knowledge and experience and career competencies to conceptualize and to study DISPARITY.
In this webpage, I and my team present our research projects and publications including collaborative projects aiming to understand ethnic disparities in well-being and mental health, particularly focusing on immigrant children and their families.
I am a Professor of Public Health at the Faculty of Health, Department of Nursing and Health Promotion. I have a Ph.D. in Public Health/Epidemiology (2014) from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. I also received M.Phil in Community Health (2009) from the University of Oslo and a Master in Nutrition (2006) from the University of Gent, Belgium. My research focuses on risk factors and developmental trends of mental health problems from childhood to young adulthood and comorbidities between mental disorders and somatic diseases. I am interested in investigating social gradients in health and health service utilization, particularly focusing on ethnic disparities in well-being and mental health across the life course.
Dawit Shawel Abebe
E-mail: daab@oslomet.no
Twitter: @DawitSA