Gerald Walulya in Oslo for his PhD

Gerald Walulya defended his thesis “Hybrid Journalism? An Investigation into Press Coverage of Elections in East Africa’s One-party Dominant States of Tanzania and Uganda” 7 March at the Department of Media and Communication at the University of Oslo. He was the the first NORHED PhD-student to do so.

Walulya is Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Journalism & Communication at Makerere University in Kampala in Uganda. He was the local coordinator for a course in safety for journalists students organized by JMIC last year (more information)





“Still Inside the Glass Dome”

Women from all over Pakistan, Asia and the world were in the audience – and some men.

Institute for Communication Studies together with JMIC and AMCAP (Association of Media and Communication Academic Professionals), hosted a two-day conference on women and media on 28 February and 1 March at Punjab University, Lahore. A considerable number of academics, journalists, and media students presented both journalistic experiences and research papers in plenaries and seminars. Participants came from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Norway, and from a wide range of cities in Pakistan. 

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