Communicator of the year
JMIC staff Bente Kalnes has been awarded as communicator of the year by the Association of Norwegian Media Researchers.
Fojo calls for international center against hate and threats
Fojo Media Institute presents a unique report based on an extensive study, financed by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. The study proposes an international center for prevention of hate and harassment.
How media dealt with Afghanistan’s recent parliamentary election
Director of Nai Supporting Open Media in Afghanistan has sent this article based on his observations of the Afghan parliamentary elections, which took place 20 and 21 October.
How media dealt with Afghanistan’s recent parliamentary election (pdf)
Climate Change in haiku
In partnership with Datamation Foundation, India, JMIC will host a workshop in New Delhi on how to develop fruitful manuals for journalism education regarding climate change. Participants from many countries will contribute, and the workshop will also focus on the recently released IPCC report on the 1,5 degree target for global warming.
Read the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) in haiku poem:
News and misinformation
JMIC board member Kristin Skare Orgeret held a presentation about ‘The Role of News in the Age of Misinformation’ for Civic School of Political Studies in Thessaloniki in Greece in the beginning of October. Read More
International Day for Universal Access to information

The participants in a workshop in Uganda last week discussed strengths and weakness of their respective Right to Information (RTI) laws in groups. Here are the groups from South Sudan and Rwanda. Photo: Article 19
Passing a law is not enough
An exchange of experiences with use of the Right to Information (RTI) as a tool for journalism in Eastern Africa revealed big challenges. Implementation and safety are issues to consider.
During a workshop in Kampala, journalists from five countries came together to learn more about how they can use RTI when they investigate stories on mining, oil and gas.
The effort was a result of a cooperation between JMIC at OsloMet, Article 19 Eastern Africa and Makerere University. The aim is to understand how journalists use RTI as a tool, and to help expand their toolkit on this arena.
OsloMet has organised similar workshops in North-Africa and South Asia as well, with Article 19 as partners.
Investigating extractive industries in the East Africa region

Henry Maina, regional director for Article 19 Eastern Africa, giving his opening address at the workshop. Photo: Tarjei Leer-Salvesen
Journalists from five countries came together to learn more about how they can use RTI when they investigate stories on mining, oil and gas.
OsloMet joined forces with Article 19 and Makerere University and conducted a regional workshop on how journalists can use the Right to public information (RTI) when investigating stories in extractive industries such as mining, energy and fisheries. Read More
Upcoming stories from North Africa

Hanene Zbiss teaching investigative journalism (Photo: Ole Dag Kvamme)
Ten journalists from North Africa participated in a workshop on Access to Information in Tunis from 6 to 8 September.
Journalists from Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya participated in an interactive training with experts on Access to Information and Investigation where they learned new methodologies to help them carry out future projects in the next three months after attending this workshop.
Another NORHED Doctor!

Florence Namasinga Selnes with her study on the use of social media
Florence Namasinga Selnes from Uganda defended her Ph D thesis “Sourcing in converged media spheres. A study of how print journalists in Uganda use social media in routine news coverage” at the University of Oslo Friday 31 August.