Chilling effects

Guy Berger From UNESCO

Guy Berger From UNESCO

The 4th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists was held at Oslo Metropolitan University 5 – 6 November under headline “the chilling effects”.

Guy Berger, Director for Freedom of Expression and Media Development in UNESCO in Paris, spoke about “From global norms to national mechanisms for protecting journalists”. Read More

Brazilian visit

Elisabeth Saad, researcher and consultant in digital communications and media, visited OsloMet – and JMIC – this week.

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Climate Change Journalism in Bangladesh

Mofizur Rhaman, a member of the MediaClimate network, and co-editor of the anthology “Negotiating Journalism: Core Values and Cultural Diversitiet”, defended his doctoral thesis “Climate Change Journalism in Bangladesh: Professional Norms and Attention in Newspaper Coverage of Climate Change” at the University of Bergen 26.10, as a part of the cross-disciplinary Climate Crossroads project.
Congratulations to Dr. Mofizur Rhaman!

News and misinformation


JMIC board member Kristin Skare Orgeret held a presentation about ‘The Role of News in the Age of Misinformation’ for Civic School of Political Studies in Thessaloniki in Greece in the beginning of October.  Read More