JMIC celebrates Maria Ressa
What happens when women’s voices in media are silenced?
is the question in the Norwegian Press House in Oslo Thursday 9 December at 18 – 19 hrs.
The event takes place in collaboration with the Norwegian Press House, the Norwegian Chapter of the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) and JMIC.
Participants are Violet Gonda (President of IAWRT, originally from Zimbabwe), Najiba Ayubi (Head of the Afghan Chapter of the IAWRT and originally from Afghanistan) and Lady Ann (Icy) Salem (who works for the IAWRT in the Philippines).
Moderator is Hege Moe Eriksen in the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK). Some of the particpants will be online.
Maria Ressa participated in an online protest action organized by JMIC and IAWRT in collaboration with UNESCO Press Day 3 May this year: -and-freedom-of-expression / # more-6085
She receives the Nobel Peace Prize Friday 10 December 2021: