Professor and head of MEKK, Roy Krøvel has collaborated with The Latin American Group (Latin-Amerika gruppen) on a series of seminars about Latin America that will take place at Arbeidersamfunnets plass this fall, and next Spring. The occasion for the seminars, is the group´s 40th anniversity. The seminars will concentrate on Chila, Nicaragua, Chiapas, Brazil, Guatemala and Colombia. Through presentations and conversation, there will be discussions about the group´s past, with the intention to lay a foundation for the future.
An overview of the seminars that will take place:
27. October: Chile: I begynnelsen var det et statskupp
16. November: Nicaragua: Revolusjon og oppgjør
7. December: Chiapas: Selvstyre i motvind
25. January: Brasil: Jorda er for alle
15. February: Guatemala: Håp og tyranni
15. March: Colombia: Fred for fremtida
7. December: Chiapas: Selvstyre i motvind
25. January: Brasil: Jorda er for alle
15. February: Guatemala: Håp og tyranni
15. March: Colombia: Fred for fremtida