Media Dialogues – Editorial Meeting in Beirut

Quatrina Hosain (Pakistan), Nil Mutluer (Turkey/ Germany), Elisabeth Eide and Kristin Skare Orgeret (both Norway, JMIC and MEKK) met in Beirut from January 18 to 21, to discuss the forthcoming anthology Media Dialogues: Transnational Journalistic Enounters. The anthology contains contributions from scholars and journalists in the following countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Norway, Pakistan, Syria, Tunisia, and Turkey.

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1 comment

  1. When you add Pakistan you must consider its biological father India ? Pakistan is considered as a major state sponsoring cross border terrorism and exporting terrorists across borders of nations like Iran Iraq Syria Yemen etc. India is a singular victim of Pakistan sponsored trans-border terrorism since 1948. Anthology will not be balanced without India being represented on it. Further I have been longing for a collaboration with Oslo Akershus University JMIC since I met Prof Roy last.

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