“Nicaragua: The beginning or the end of a revolution?”

By Voice of America – https://www.voanoticias.com/a/nicaragua-violencia-protestas-por-reformas-al-seguro-social/4357428.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=68553240

Head of MEKK, professor Roy Krøvel will discuss the escalating situation in Nicaragua in a panel with other experts on Nicaragua; Mariel Aguilar-Støen, Elin Cecilie Ranum and faciliator Benecticte Bull firstcoming Friday, June the 8th, from 6 to 7:30 PM, room: Laboratoriet, 3rd. floor, Youngs gate 6, Oslo. The event is initiated by Norwegian Latin America Research Network (NorLARNet). The seminar is open for everybody.

For more than a month now, Nicaragua has been facing demonstration against corruption, cutbacks and against the concentration of power in the hands of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo -the presidential couple. The situation has escalated in brutality, and over a hundred people have so far been killed.

What might be the reasons for the situation in Nicaragua? Who are the protesters, and why do security forces react so violently? Are Ortega’s days as a president, over? How can the crisis be resolved, and how should the international community respond? In this evening seminar, one of the participants from the The InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) visitation in May, will give an introduction before we have a conversation between three experts with different backgrounds from work in Nicaragua.

Read the whole report from the The InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) vistiation in Nicaragua.

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