MEKK member and Scholar at Risk at the Department of Journalism and Media Studies, Iranian scholar Mahmud Farjami PhD presented his on-going research on humor and Islam in a seminar on May 12. Iranian scholar Dr. Mahmud Farjami is the author of books such as An Introduction to Humor Studies, Iranian Political Satirists: Experience and Motivation in… Continue reading Mahmud Farjami on humor in Islam
Author: kristo
The annual Safety of Journalists conference. 2-3 November 2021
Call for Papers: Safety of journalists in times of infodemics Oslo, Norway 2-3 November 2021 The term ‘infodemics’ had its breakthrough in 2020. The term – a combination of information and pandemics – describes a rapid and important spread of both factual and false information in a situation marked by uncertainty, also for those who… Continue reading The annual Safety of Journalists conference. 2-3 November 2021
What is Press Freedom? New research article out.
MEKK’s Elsebeth Frey and partners Farid Abdel-Fattah, Abdel-Latif Abudheir, Charlotte Ntulume, and Jacques Araszkiewiez have published the article “What is press freedom? A study on journalism students’ perception of press freedom ” in Journalism Education. Vol. 10, issue 1. Pp. 59-68.The article is based on experiences from the ‘rig’ on press freedom in France, Norway,… Continue reading What is Press Freedom? New research article out.
Diplomas for good journalism on the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs
Roy Krøvel and Kristin Skare Orgeret from MEKK in collaboration with Arnfinn Nygaard and the RORG-network organised a digital seminar on Journalism and the SDGs in Norway Friday 8 January A report on the journalistic coverage of the SDGs was launched and a panel of journalists and NGO workers, Hildegunn Marie Tønnessen Seip, Ingrid Fadnes,… Continue reading Diplomas for good journalism on the Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs
Academic Conference on Safety
As part of the World Press Freedom Conference 2020 (9-10 December), the Academic Conference on Safety will bring together researchers from different disciplines working on issues related to the safety of journalists, such as safety of journalists in challenging environments, safety of female journalists, and local politics and safety of journalists. It will take on an innovative format, allowing… Continue reading Academic Conference on Safety
Ingrid’s new film is out
From the 26th of November 2020 MEKK member Ingrid Fadnes’ and co-director Fábio Nascimento’s film Mata from Brazil is shown digitally at Film from South. Mata is a highly timely documentary about the loss of biodiversity and the united struggle of the indigenous peoples and farmers to be able to live off the land in the… Continue reading Ingrid’s new film is out
Global Conference World Press Freedom Day – Safety of Journalists
MEKK participates in the organisation of the academic conference on the safety of journalists as part of the World Press Freedom Day’s Global Conference in Addis Ababa 1-3 May 2019. The academic conference will allow researchers from different disciplines to share and discuss recent research on safety of journalists. This will be the fourth edition of… Continue reading Global Conference World Press Freedom Day – Safety of Journalists
Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field
From May 1st, 2019 until December 31st, 2019, eight journalists from war zones and crisis areas will be invited to Berlin for a period of four months each. During their stay in Berlin they can enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program in digital security issues relevant to their work.
Shahidul Alam – Time Magazine’s Person of the Year
Time Magazine’s Person of the Year is “The Guardians,” a group of journalists who have been targeted for their work in “the pursuit for greater truths”. One of them is photographer Shahidul Alam, our colleague to whom we dedicated this year’s MEKK Safety for Journalists conference in Oslo, 5th of November. Shahidul was beaten, detained by state… Continue reading Shahidul Alam – Time Magazine’s Person of the Year
Safety and Gender Equality for Women Journalists
Kristin Skare Orgeret is chief trainer of a five days intensive Training of Trainers course in Safety and Gender Equality for journalists in Tunis, Tunisia organized by IFJ and NJ. The course was in French and Arabic with enthusiastic participants from Algeria, Egypt, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia.