To tell the truth, but not all of it

Monday 18th of March the 3rd Making Transparency Possible conference – Interdisciplinary dialogues was held at the OsloMet. The conference gather academics, investigative journalists, Tax Directors and others to a dialog of how to make transparency possible. The main focus for this year’s conference was: “Financial Secrecy and the impact of investigative journalism and cross-border… Continue reading To tell the truth, but not all of it

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Making Transparency Possible: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

The anthology Making Transparancy Possible: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue is now possible to download: This book will be of interest to anyone concerned about illicit financial flows, but especially to journalists, journalism students and journalism instructors seeking an understanding of what it takes to reveal the mechanisms behind illicit, global flows of wealth. Volume editor:… Continue reading Making Transparency Possible: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue

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“Financial Secrecy and the impact of investigative journalism and cross-border collaboration on the public understanding of illicit financial flows.” – the focus of his year´s conference A team of economists, financial analysts, professors in economics, journalism and communications and international investigative journalists will gather for the 3rd research conference in the series “Making Transparency Possible –… Continue reading MAKING TRANSPARENCY POSSIBLE – INTERDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUES 2019

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Journalism and antisemitism during and after the Second World War

Monday 12th of March the MEKK research group held a seminar on journalism and antisemitism during and after the second world war based on the work of Bjørn Westlie and Rune Ottosen. Anne Hege Simonsen was supposed to participate but fell ill and could not participate. Her recent book on Marie Hamsun is highly recommended.… Continue reading Journalism and antisemitism during and after the Second World War

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Bokbad: Journalistikk og antisemittisme før og under andre verdskrig

Forskargruppa Media, krig og konflikt inviterer til bokbad om journalistikk og antisemittisme før og under andre verdskrig. Programmet er basert på nye fagbøker og artiklar av Anne Hege Simonsen, Bjørn Westlie og Rune Ottosen. Arrangementet er ope for alle. Sted: Pilestredet, Oslo, Pilestredet 46, rom PA314 Dato/Tid: 12. mars 2019 – 14:00 til 16:00 Anne… Continue reading Bokbad: Journalistikk og antisemittisme før og under andre verdskrig

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International Women’s Day

The MEKK group salute all women and especially female journalists and researchers today. The 8th of March is the International Women’s Day and MEKK-member Kristin Skare Orgeret celebrates the day together with the freelance journalist Marte Vike Arnesen, with the launch of a #metoo poster. We have made the #metoo poster so that we will… Continue reading International Women’s Day

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MEKK Inspirational seminar

Monday 4th of March the MEKK group invited five presenters to an inspirational seminar. The idea is to share both academic research and journalistic work and together discuss project possibilities, journalistic experiences, conflict and freedom expression and on what platforms we can use to share research like film, radio and exhibitions. Samson Tewolde, journalist from… Continue reading MEKK Inspirational seminar

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Global Conference World Press Freedom Day – Safety of Journalists

MEKK participates in the organisation of the academic conference on the safety of journalists as part of the World Press Freedom Day’s Global Conference in Addis Ababa 1-3 May 2019. The academic conference will allow researchers from different disciplines to share and discuss recent research on safety of journalists. This will be the fourth edition of… Continue reading Global Conference World Press Freedom Day – Safety of Journalists

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Empowering Journalists in the Digital Field

From May 1st, 2019 until December 31st, 2019, eight journalists from war zones and crisis areas will be invited to Berlin for a period of four months each. During their stay in Berlin they can enjoy a break and complete a comprehensive training program in digital security issues relevant to their work.

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