Risk Resilience and Resistance Journalism and journalists in Brazil in continous resistance

This short doc aims to contextualize and introduce the growing attacks against journalism and journalists in Brazil, the risks they are exposed and how they are building resilience and resistance against the threats. Produced by: A partnership between University of Sao Paulo – Scholl of Journalism and Publishing and Reporter Brasil – NGO Elizabeth Saad, Director – Senior Professor for graduation programs and… Continue reading Risk Resilience and Resistance Journalism and journalists in Brazil in continous resistance

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Risks, Resistance, Resilience – South African Journalists fight back

The COVID-19 Pandemic has heightened the focus on safety of Journalists in South Africa after numerous incidents of intimidation and police brutality have been reported formally by the South African National Editors Forum. We meet Azarrah Karrims, a journalist who survived getting shot at by the police and reflect on the general safety of journalists and… Continue reading Risks, Resistance, Resilience – South African Journalists fight back

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Academic Conference on Safety

As part of the World Press Freedom Conference 2020 (9-10 December), the Academic Conference on Safety will bring together researchers from different disciplines working on issues related to the safety of journalists, such as safety of journalists in challenging environments, safety of female journalists, and local politics and safety of journalists. It will take on an innovative format, allowing… Continue reading Academic Conference on Safety

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Journalism in Colombia: From Risk to Resilience

Thanks to: Jineth Bedoya, Fidel Cano, Jonathan Bock, and Héctor Abad Faciolince provided us with their testimonies. Produced by: Marta Milena Barrios and Oscar Arias-Diaz. Marta Milena Barrios is an Associate Professor at the School of Communication and Journalism at Universidad del Norte, in Barranquilla, Colombia. Before joining academia, she was a radio and television reporter. Her… Continue reading Journalism in Colombia: From Risk to Resilience

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Forsaken Heroes of COVID-19

This video showcase the importance and prominence of the image and video (Photo/Video journalist) during the time of crisis which is in most cases taken as secondary to the main traditional duties (processes) of journalism. This video is about the resilience of Nepali Photo and Video journalist during the pandemic of COVID-19 and how they managed… Continue reading Forsaken Heroes of COVID-19

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They will not silence our voices (No callarán nuestras voces)

The film explores threats and gendered violence against Mexican female journalists. Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in which to practice journalism, and female journalists face a double challenge: working in a country with a high level of hostility against journalists while the country is ravaged by femicides. This short doc is a… Continue reading They will not silence our voices (No callarán nuestras voces)

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Short films: Risk, Resistance and Resilience

  In December, we publish a series of short documentaries about the safety of journalists around the world. The documentaries will take us to Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Nepal, Bangladesh and Turkey. Journalists experience harassment and violence. Still, journalists find ways to continue informing the public. The documentaries moves beyond merely explaining challenges… Continue reading Short films: Risk, Resistance and Resilience

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Call for papers: Safety of journalists – Risks, Resistance, Resilience

Call for Papers The 6th international conference on the Safety of journalists – Risks, Resistance, Resilience OsloMet, Norway The conference will take place in Oslo on November 2, 3 and 4th 2020 in connection with UNESCO’s International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists at OsloMet University and The Freedom of Speech Foundation (Fritt Ord),… Continue reading Call for papers: Safety of journalists – Risks, Resistance, Resilience

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Safety Handbook for Women Journalists in Arabic

The International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT), in cooperation with Journalism & Media International Center (JMIC) at OsloMet, has launched an updated Arabic-language edition of the Safety handbook for Women Journalists, that was produced with the support of UNESCO, entitled “What if”. The Arabic edition of the handbook charts a path to safety for women… Continue reading Safety Handbook for Women Journalists in Arabic

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Fredsnasjonen Norge?

MEKK-medlem Rune Ottosen, professor emeritus ved OsloMet storbyuniversitetet, statsviter, journalist og faglitterær forfatter deltok i februar på Kongsberg Fredslags arrangement om Norge som fredsnasjon. Norge er et av de landene i verden som oftest deltar i krig utenfor eget territorium, og dette skjer nesten uten offentlig debatt til tross for at flere av krigene ikke… Continue reading Fredsnasjonen Norge?

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