Title and affiliation: José Luis Benítez. Professor, Universidad Centroamerican a José Simeón Cañas (UCA), San Salvador.
Country: El Salvador
Tittle on paper: Violence against journalists: a key challenge for press freedom in the Northern Triangle of Central America.
A few words about your fields of research: media policies, journalism and democracy; communication and transnational migration; communication for development. He holds a PhD in Mass Communication from Ohio University.
Pluralism, Digitalization and the Contemporary Challenges of Media Policy in El Salvador (2014). Media systems and communication policies in Latin America. M. A. Guerrero and M. Márquez-Ramirez (Eds.). England: Palgrave Macmillan.
La comunicación transnacional de las e-familias migrantes (2011). (Transnational communication and migrant e-families). San Salvador: UNDP and UCA.
Salvadoran Diaspora: Communication and Digital Divide (2010). A. Alonso & P.J. Oiarzabal (Eds.). Diasporas in the new media age. University of Nevada Press.
Title and affiliation: Yennué Zárate Valderrama, PhD and Lecturer, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City.
Country: Mexico
Tittle on paper: Specialised training of journalists in a conflict and reportin peace: the Colombian endeavour
A few words about your fields of research: My field to research is “Journalism Studies”, particularly “War and conflict journalism studies” I also work on socio-anthropology of journalism, cultural studies and gender. I’m specialized in Latin America (i.e. Colombia, Mexico).
Publications: Zárate, Y. (Ed.) 2011, “Revisiting Latin American Media and Cultural Studies”, Westminster Papers of Communication and Culture, 8 (1).
Zárate, Y. (2017) “Revamping journalism in Latin America: Colombian
and Mexican journalists, a comparative regard”. (forthcoming).
More: Former journalist and human rights NGO professional.
Title and affiliation: Altaf Ullah Khan, Professor, Department of Journalism & Mass Communication, University of Peshawar
Country: Pakistan
Tittle on paper: The Fixer in the Corporate Media
A few words about your fields of research: development communication, media system in Pakistan, media ethics and laws, issues in communication, peace journalism, and trauma and journalists, peace journalism, freedom of expression, and human rights and the media.
Website: http://www.iprjmc.org.pk
Indo-Pak Press; an unpopular view (1994) News Media and Journalism in Pakistan (2011) Reporting the frontier: media and media capacity building in north western Pakistan (2011)
More: Link to profile: https://theconversation.com/profiles/altaf-khan-328336 http://thefarbridge.com
Title and affiliation: Soumaya Berjeb – PHD Student at Institute of Press and Sciences of Information (IPSI – Manouba University)
Country: Tunisia
Tittle on paper: Safety of Tunisian journalists in conflict zones: who’s responsible for it?: Case of Sofian Chourabi & Nadhir Ktari.
A few words about your fields of research: Media studies and Communication sciences: I belong to the Information and Communication Sciences, I am very interested in analyzes of media discourses and research on the security affairs of journalists. I have worked extensively on affairs that have significant aspects in political and journalistic scenes, such as: terrorism, violence, human rights, ethics, political issues, international crisis, and others.
Berjeb. Soumaya (2015), Tunisian TV Channels discourse focused on the Bardo terrorist’s attack (2015): Agenda setting, objectivity &ideological orientations – Tunisia In Transition – Institute for Near and Middle Eastern Studies – Ludwig Maximilian’s University(Germany)
Berjeb. Soumaya (2016), Role of Tunisian Woman in the political scene in Tunisia: Her representations and her representative existence – Faculty of Laws and Political sciences – Tipaza University (Algeria).
Berjeb. Soumaya, (2016), Approach of Human rights in higher Education in Media Studies – papers of ABDEM Project – Tempus project- European Union program.
More: Researcher in communication and public space’ alterations – the research project ‘PHC Maghreb 2017’ (France, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria) – IPSI, Higher Institute of Documentation (ISD) & Paul Sabatier Toulouse 3 University (France) and several Maghrebin universities (Tunisia, Morocco Algeria).
Researcher in Arab woman’ role in the political prospect in MENA zone – hosted by the Abdallah Moursili Universal Center and the Faculty of Laws and Political Sciences – TIPAZA University (Algeria).
Researcher in Human Rights Approach Based in Higher Education in the Maghreb – the Research Project (ABDEM) / TEMPUS: program of 12 Universities from the European Union (EU) and the Maghreb Zone/ the University of La Rioja, project leader EU: (Spain, UK, Italy, Belgium) & Maghreb: (Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco)
Researcher in Media Studies and political discourse analysis for Tunisia in Transition Project / Change by change administered by the Chair of International Politics at the University of Passau and Institute for Near and Middle Eastern studies at the Ludwig Maximillian’s University Munich and several Tunisian partners and supported by DAAD (Germany).Researcher in social sciences /She ‘d participated in the 22nd International Conference of the German Middle East Studies Association (DAVO) 1st Section Conference of the Islamic Studies Section of the German Oriental Society (DMG)/ at Bochum University (Germany)
Title and affiliation: Dr. Musibau Tunde Akanni, Senior Journalism Lecturer, Lagos State University.
Country: Nigeria
Tittle on paper: The Ethical Dilemma of Nigerian Journalists in the Face of Boko Haram Insurgency
A few words about your fields of research: Currently a full time faculty member in the Communication Programme of the Lagos State University, Nigeria. Professional experience also spans journalism and development work across non-governmental and governmental sectors as well as the international arena.
Akanni, M. T (2017) “Issues in Newspapers’ Reportage of Oil-Induced Conflicts in Selected Niger Delta Communities”. In Pate, U A. and Oso, L. (eds.). Multiculturalism, Diversity and Reporting Conflict in Nigeria. Ibadan. Evans Brothers (Nigeria Publishers) Limited.
Akanni, M. T. (2017) “In Search of Women-Supportive Media for Sustainable Development in Nigeria”. In Salawu A and Owolabi T O S (eds.) Exploring Journalism Practice and Perception in Developing Countries. London. IGI
Akanni, T. (2012). “A Critical Evaluation of the Status of the Factors of Law, Policy and Technology in Relation to Community Broadcasting in Nigeria” Africa Journalism and Communication Review (AJCR) Vol. 1/4, 104-118
Distinguished British Chevening award alumnus, Akanni is a member of the budding Global Network of Scholars on Internet Governance, GIGANET, and the Internet Society, ISOC, as well as the Freedom of Information Coalition. He is a development activist who has been consistent with the study and use of media for development. In recognition of his erudition and commitment, Dr. Akanni was in January 2017 appointed to the board of the Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism.
Name and title: Azam Jan, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication and Media Studies, Hazara University Mansehra.
Country: Pakistan
Tittle on paper: Threats to Journalists in the Post War on Terror Scenario in Pakistan
Topic of my MPhil research was “War on Terror as Covered in the Editorial Contents of Daily Dawn (Pakistan) and daily The New York Times (USA)” Currently, I am a member of the research group constituted by Media House Islamabad (2015), for designing different courses on war reporting.
More: Currently, a member of the research group constituted by Media House Islamabad (2015), for designing different courses on war reporting. Developed two courses and training manuals– Conflict Sensitive Journalism and Crisis Reporting for students of journalism and working journalists.
Title and affiliation: Mariateresa Garrido. PhD Candidate, United Nations mandated University for Peace, Costa Rica
Country: Venezuela
Tittle on paper: The impact of domestic regulations in journalists’ safety. The Venezuelan case
A few words about your fields of research: My main research area is related to the exercise of the right to freedom of expression in the digital era and the
protection of journalists in Latin America. I am interested in the improvement of the existing legal mechanisms (domestic and international) as well as in the training of journalists on legal issues related to their safety.
Garrido V., M. (2017). The Protection of Citizen Journalists during Armed Conflicts, pp. 267-278, in The Assault of Journalism, Carlsson, U., Pöyhtäri, R. (Eds.). Gothenburg: NORDICOM.
Garrido V., M. & Garrido V., A. (2017). Libertad de expresión, participación ciudadana y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en Venezuela, in Garrido V., M. (Ed.) Human Rights and Technology. The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. San Jose: University for Peace.
Garrido V., M. (Forthcoming). Journalists not Spies. The importance of the legal distinction for the protection of journalists during armed conflicts. Journal of the Association for Journalism Education.
More: Have been working on the approval of the National Plan for the Protection of Journalists in El Salvador and Honduras (as an UNESCO consultant) as well as in the creation of the Central America Network of Lawyers for the Protection of Journalists.
Title and affiliation: Dr. Miral AlAshry, assistant professor at school of Mass Communication, department of journalism at the Canadian international college (CIC) Egypt & Media Advisor at the World Federation of United Nation in Cairo, Egypt.
Country: Egypt
Tittle on paper: The conflict between journalists and the constitution 2014 in Egypt
A few words about your fields of research: media laws and ethics, press freedom, freedom of expression, and Islam and media.
Framework for presenting political protests in Egyptian press. Comparative analytical study during the period from January to July 2013, Egyptian Journal of Media Research, Cairo University, Issue No. 47, April-June 2014.
The Attitudes of the Communicator to the Concept of Freedom of the Press and the Laws of Practice After the Second Transition Period, the 20th International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Information, Cairo University, “The Future of Egyptian Media under Constitution of 2014”, Cairo University 22-23 June 2014.
The Legislative Policy of the Freedom of Information Law in Egypt, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing , Published in Germany 2016 (book).
Title and affiliation: Olunifesi Adekunle SURAJ is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos.
Country: Nigeria
Tittle on paper: Trend of ‘Blackmail journalism’ and its threat to safety of Journalists in Nigeria
A few words about your fields of research: Digital Safety of Journalists, Social Media & Citizen Journalism, Media and Information Literacy & Intercultural Dialogue, Internet Radicalization & Extremism
Suraj, O.A. and Olaleye, W. (2017). “Digital Safety among Nigerian Journalists: Knowledge, attitude and practice” (pp 329-333). In Ulla Carlsson and Reeta Poyhtari (Eds.). The Assault on Journalism: Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression, NORDICOM Publication, 2017.
Suraj, O.A (2014). “Re-defining the public sphere in the digital era” (pp. 327-351). In Oso, L., Olatunji, R.W. and Owens-Ibie, N. (Eds), Journalism and Media in Nigeria, Context, Issues and Practice, Canadian University Press, Concord, Ontario, Canada.
Suraj, O.A (2013). “Media Regulation, Surveillance and Censorship in Africa: The Challenges for the New Media” (pp 65- 87). In Ngu, J., Oso, L. And Sorenekun, O. (Eds). Journalism, Gender and Democratic Governance in Nigeria, UNESCO Publication, Nigeria (ISBN -978-978-932-422-4).
Bellarmine Ezumah and Suraj, O. A. (2012) “A Review of Privacy, Internet Security Threat, and Legislation in Africa: A Case Study of Nigeria, South
Africa, Egypt, and Kenya”, (pp115-136). In Abawajy, J.H, Pathan, M., Pathan, A.K and Deris, M.M. (Eds.). Internet and Distributed Computing Advancements: Theoretical Frameworks and Practical Applications Hershey, PA 17033, United States: IGI Global (USA). (ISBN- 978-1-4666-0163-5). (USA)
More: Member of the UNESCO MILID University Network. He is the National Coordinator for UNESCO University Twinning Programme (UNITWIN) in Nigeria, a member of UNESCO International Organizing Committee on Global MIL Week Conference and a key member of UNESCO GAPMIL Pan African Chapter. Holds a Master and Doctorate Degrees in Information Science (from University of Ibadan, Nigeria) and a Postgraduate Degree in Mass Communication (from University of Lagos, Nigeria).
Title and affiliation: Dr. Marta Milena Barrios Associate Professor School of Communications Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia
Country: Colombia
Tittle on paper: The Peace we are Missing: Violence Against Journalists in Colombia´s Post-Conflict
A few words about your fields of research:
The relation between Colombian society and the informative media. Her research focuses mainly in the study of the texts produced as a result of that relation, including areas such as disaster coverage, political conflict, gender stereotypes, risk management. Outstanding research projects include the international coverage of the war in Iraq, and letters to the editors of the press in Colombia, among others.
Book Chapters:
McCombs, M. & Barrios, M. (2012) Evolución de los Tres Niveles de la Teoría de Agenda Setting: El Impacto de las Noticias en el Público. McCombs, M & Algarra, M. (Eds.) In: Communication and Social Life. Studies in honor of Professor Esteban López-Escobar. Comunicación y Vida Social. Estudios en honor del Profesor Esteban López-Escobar. Pamplona: Eunsa. ISBN: 978-84-313-2903-7. Depósito Legal: NA-2235-2012.
Arroyave, J. & Barrios, M. (2012). Journalists in Colombia. Weaver, D & Lars, W. (Eds.) In: The Global Journalist In The 21st Century. p. 400-412. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-88577-5
Barrios, M.M & Miller, T. (2016) Green Passion Afloat, The discourse on Colombia’s Magdalena River in letters to the editor. Journalism Studies. 17:1-16. DOI: 10.1080/1461670X.2016.119824 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1461670X.2016.1198241#abstract ISI-SCOPUS Q1
Title and affiliation: Dr. Sadia Jamil, PhD Graduate, the University of Queensland, Australia, Co-Vice Chair, Journalism Research and Education Section, IAMCR
Country: Pakistan
Tittle on paper: Culture of impunity and journalists’ protection: Is safe journalism a distant dream in Pakistan?
A few words about your fields of research: Journalism, freedom of expression, press freedom, journalists’ safety and protection
Jamil, Sadia. (2017). Freedom under pressure? Threats to journalists’ safety in Pakistan. In U. Carlsson and R. Poyhtari (Eds.), Assault on Journalism. Gothenburg: NORDICOM.
Jamil, Sadia. (2016). Journalism practice and freedom of expression: Challenges and constraints in Pakistan. In B. Lippe and R. Ottosen (Eds.), Gendering War and Peace Reporting: Some Insights – Some Missing Links. Gothenburg: NORDICOM.
Jamil, Sadia. (2014). Freedom of Expression and Press Freedom: Journalists’ Understandings and Practices in Pakistan. In C. Schimdt (Ed.), Pakistan’s Media Landscape: The Effects of Liberalization’ (pp. 46-85). Bonn: DW AKADEMIE.
More: The presenter’s holds two research awards given by the University of Queensland (International Postgraduate Research Scholarship and the University of Queensland’s Centennial Award) and two industry awards (gold medals) in
Pakistan. She is also the member of editorial board for Brazilian Journalism Research Journal’s special edition (volume 14, 1) on ‘journalism and gender studies’ that will be published in April 2018. Moreover, her research blue print is being evaluated within the areas of radicalization, violent extremism and communication for postdoctoral research (for commencement in 2018).
Title and affiliation: Umaru Pate, Professor and Dean, Faculty of Communication, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria
Country: Nigeria
Tittle on paper: Professional Training, Journalists Safety and Media Freedom in Conflict Ridden Nigeria
A few words about your fields of research: Communication, Multiculturalism and Diversity; safety of journalists and impunity; media and society
Pate, UA and Idris, H (2017). How Journalists Survived to Report: Professionalism and risk management in the reporting of terror groups and violent conflicts in North East Nigeria. In Carlsson, Ulla and Poyhtari (eds). The Assault on Journalism: Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression. Gothenburg: Nordicom. Pp 159-179
Pate, UA and Oso, L (2017) (ed). Multiculturalism, Diversity and Reporting of Conflicts in Nigeria. Ibadan: Evans Publishers
Pate, UA and Wilson, J (2015). Interactivity and the evolving social media platform in online newspapers in Nigeria. In Theoret, Yves (ed). Social Media: Levers and Spaces for Transformation? Montreal: UQAM and ORBICOM. Pp239-271
Title and affiliation: Abeer Saady, war correspondent, safety trainer, and Researcher at Dortmund University.
Tittle on paper: Safety of local journalists in Islamic State Areas/ and new handbook for safety of women journalists
A few words about your fields of research: Safety of journalists, Conflict Sensitive Reporting, Ethics for reporters and photographers, dealing with radical groups (especially Islamic State), Self-regulation and establishing codes of ethics, Diversity and media, and Capacity building trainings.
More: Between 2007 and 2015, was elected three times as Vice President of The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate, promoting press freedom, quality journalism, and safety of journalists, drafting codes of ethics and Media laws, and establishing a self-regulation model. Later, tried to implement self-regulation models for the Syrian and Iraqi media entities.
In 2015, elected to be member of the board of International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT), an international organization for female journalists. Done several activities including contributing to establishing the first “Female Africa Film Festival” and giving safety trainings in South Africa, Nepal, and India. Drafted a safety handbook for woman journalists in hostile environment.
More: Public speaker at international events, and effective communicator in issues related to Media, radicalization and conflicts
Title and affiliation: Mugo Patrick, Journalist, Author and Conflict Researcher. Television Producer, Horn and Central Africa Bureau, Aljazeera Media Network
Country: Kenya
Tittle on paper: The Ballot, Bullets, and Batons: Walking the Thin Line in Covering Conflicts in Eastern, Horn, and Central Africa.
A few words about your fields of research: correlation between conflict transformation and contradictions brought about by the changing structures of rural economy with key area of focus been: media and the coverage of rural
violence & electoral violence in Kenya, Burundi, DR Congo, countering religious extremism and humanitarian crisis at Horn of Africa.
Violent Extremism in Kenya: Countering Al-Shabaab Threat Through Softer-Community Approach (2016, September) Publisher: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing (September 30, 2016) ISBN-10: 3659954977, ISBN-13: 978-3659954979 Link: https://www.amazon.com/Violent-Extremism-Kenya-Countering-Softer-Community/dp/3659954977
Sexual Violence in Mogadishu: Ending Impunity is Far From Reality (2015, April), Publisher: Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). Femicide: Targeting of Women in Conflict a Global Issue That Demands Action Volume III by Link: http://acuns.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Femicide-III_Core-Stanzell.pdf
Title and affiliation: Dr. Behlül Çalışkan Marmara University, Faculty of Communication, Istanbul
Country: Turkey
Tittle on paper: Digital Security Awareness and Practices of Journalists in Turkey
A few words about your fields of research: My research interests include new media, alternative media, online journalism and leaking journalism.
Çalışkan, B. (2016). Kitlesel Gözetime Karşı Kolektif Bir Üretim Biçimi Olarak Sızıntı Gazeteciliği (Leaking Journalism as a Form of Peer Production Against Mass Surveillance). Communication Journal of Galatasaray University (25), 127-154.
Çalışkan, B., & Dilmen, N. E. (2015). Piyasa Dışı Kültürel Üretime Sundukları Katkıda Altyazı Çevirmenlerinin Motivasyonları (Motivations of Subtitle Translators in Contributing to Nonmarket Cultural Production). In N. Mazıcı (Ed.), Türk Sinemasının. 100. Yılına Armağan (pp. 289-304). Istanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Yayınevi.
Çalışkan, B. (2009). Enformasyonun Metalaşması Üzerine (On Commodification of Information). Communication Journal of Marmara University (15), 23-46.
Title and affiliation: Anthony Feinstein is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Toronto and a neuropsychiatrist
Country: Canada
Tittle on paper: Moral injury, not PTSD is the challenge faced by journalists covering the refugee crisis in Europe
A few words about your fields of research: His research and clinical work focuses on people with multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury and Conversion Disorder
Journalists Under Fire: The psychological hazards of war reporting. John Hopkins University Press (2006). Translations (French, Arabic)
Feinstein, A., Wanga, J., & Owen, J. (2015). The psychological effects of reporting extreme violence: a study of Kenyan journalists. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine: Open, 6(9); 1-6.
Feinstein A, Starr S. (2015) Civil War in Syria: The psychological effects on journalists. Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Research, 7(1), 57-64.
Title and affiliation: Banafsheh Ranji, PhD candidate, Department of media and communication, University of Oslo
Country: Iran/Norway
Tittle on paper: Challenges and threats to journalism in a restrictive context: The case of Iran
A few words about your fields of research: I am a PhD research fellow in political communication and journalism. I have a journalistic background, and worked as a journalist in Iran for several years. My current research is on journalism in Iran. The study investigates what shapes journalistic practice in a restrictive context by exploring the mechanism of censorship and self-control, how journalists perceive the influential factors, how they act upon the factors, and how they shape policies to maneuver and circumvent the restrictions.
Title and affiliation: M.Soc.Sc. Iilmari Hiltunen is doctoral researcher of journalism in the University of Tampere in Finland.
Country: Finland
Tittle on paper: Another day in paradise? Outside interference, threats and harassment experienced by Finnish journalists.
A few words about your fields of research: This paper is based on survey results from dissertation project focusing interference and emerging threats to journalistic autonomy in the Nordic context.
Title and affiliation: Leire Iturregui Mardaras, Assistant Professor, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)
Country: Basque Country
Tittle on paper: Gender and Safety: a case study with Spanish female journalists
A few words about your fields of research: war, peace and conflict journalism; journalism safety; journalism studies; press offices; public relations; gender and communication
Iturregui Mardaras, Leire; Cantalapiedra González, María José and Moure Peñín, Leire (2017) “Embedded Journalism and Its Implications in the Field”, in Carlsson, Ulla and Pöyhtäri, Reeta (Ed.) The Assault on Journalism. Building knowledge to protect freedom of expression, Göteborg: Nordicom. pp.255-266
Iturregui Mardaras, Leire; Cantalapiedra González, María José and Moure Peñín, Leire (2015) “Forces armées et communication en Espagne”, in Catellani, Andre; Crucifix, Audrey; Hambursin, Christine; Libaert, Thierry (Dir.) La communication transparente: l’impératif de la transparence dans le discours des organisations. Louvain: Presses Universitaires de Louvain. pp.179-194.
Iturregui Mardaras, Leire; Cantalapiedra González, María José; Moure Peñín, Leire; Martín Sabarís, Rosa (2014) “Corresponsales de guerra en el campo de batalla: un estudio de su relación con militares desde Crimea a Irak (War reporters in the battlefield: a study about their relation withe the military from Crimea to Iraq)”, Historia y Comunicación Social, 19, pp.645-654.
Iturregui Mardaras, Leire (2011) Origen y evolución de la relación entre periodistas y militares en operaciones: el sistema de empotrados Irak 2003
(Origin and Evolution of the Relations between Journalists and Military. The Embedded System in Iraq 2003) PhD. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco.
Title and affiliation: Dr. Anastasia Veneti, Senior Lecturer in Marketing Communications, Bournemouth University
Country: UK
Tittle on paper: A report from the front line of post-2010 anti-austerity protests in Greece. The role of spatial dynamics during photographing the ‘battlefield’
A few words about your fields of research: My research lays at the intersection of media and politics. So far, I did research on political communication including political advertising, political campaigns, the use of SNS and digital applications (Twitter and selfies) by politicians and political parties. My research also includes projects on protests and social movements. My most recent work in this area involves the examination of the media framing of protests and social movements from the Indignados to the Hong Kong Umbrella movement, as well as the exploration of the broader relationship between protesters and activists and the different forms of art that are used as outlets for political expression. My current research focuses on the production, publication and circulation of protest imagery drawing on empirical data from in depth interviews with photojournalists.
Reilly, P., Veneti, A., Atanasova, D. (2017). (Eds.) Politics, Protest, Emotion: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. A Book of Blogs. Sheffield: Information School, University of Sheffield. Also available: https://pauljreillydot.files.wordpress.com/2017/01/politics-protest-emotion-interdisciplinary-perspectives-1483709019-_print.pdf
Patsiaouras, G., Veneti, A., Green W. (2017) Marketing, art and voices of dissent: promotional methods of protest art by the 2014 Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement. Marketing Theory, 1-26. DOI: 10.1177/1470593117724609
Veneti, A. (2017) Aesthetics of protests: An examination of the photojournalistic approach to protest imagery. Visual Communication,16(3): 279-298. DOI: 10.1177/1470357217701591
Title and affiliation: Demeter Marton PhD Associate Professor, Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church
Country: Hungary
Tittle on paper: Journalists in the crossfire of state propaganda: the case of Hungarian independent journalism
A few words about your fields of research: Science contribution, science communication in CEE, Collaboration networks in communication and media studies, Comparative political communication in international context
Demeter, M. (2017). Control, Communication, and the Voice of the Leader. A Control-Character Analysis of the 2016 US Presidential Debate. KOME: An International Journal of Pure Communication Inquiry Vol 5 Issue 1 pp 40-64. DOI: 10.17646/KOME.2017.13
Demeter, M. (2017) The Core-Periphery Problem in Communication Research: A Network Analysis of Leading Publication. PUBLISHING RESEARCH QUARTERLY 33:(4) online first article DOI: 10.1007/s12109-017-9535-2
Demeter, M. (2017). Author Productivity Index: Without Distortions. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS 2017, online first article DOI: 10.1007/s11948-017-9954-7
Title and affiliation: Silvia Chocarro, Consultant on freedom of expression
Country: USA
Tittle on paper: The safety of journalists and the issue of impunity: What UN resolutions tell us (in process)
A few words about your fields of research: I am a consultant on freedom of expression issues for international organizations and NGOs. I also do research in this field, particularly on the issue of the safety of journalists. My interest in this particular field started when I worked developing the first ever UN strategy on this issue, the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity. This become the focus of my PhD dissertation, submitted in 2016. Currently, I am looking at how violence against journalists is being address by various UN bodies and analysing the impact of their decisions. I am also interested in the gender perspective of attacks against media workers.
Chocarro Marcesse, S. (2017). The UN´s Role in Promoting the Safety of Journalists from 1945 to 2015. In Assault on Journalism. Carlsson, U., Poyhtari, R. Ed. Nordicom. http://www.nordicom.gu.se/en/publikationer/assault-journalism
Chocarro Marcesse, S. (2017). Estandares Internacionales de Libertad de Expresión. Una Guía para Operadores de Justicia en América Latina. Ed. CIMA, UNESCO, RELE. http://www.cima.ned.org/publication/estandares-internacionales-de-libertad-de-expresion-guia-basica-para-operadores-de-justicia-en-america-latina/
Chocarro Marcesse, S. (2016). The Role of the IPDC in Promoting the Safety of Journalists: A Way Forward. Policy paper prepared for UNESCO and presented at UNESCO HQ in Paris. http://www.unesco.org/new/fileadmin/MULTIMEDIA/HQ/CI/CI/pdf/Analytical_Paper_IPDC_Safety_of_Journalists_Schocarro_DE.pdf
Title and affiliation: Professor Dr. C.S.H.N.MURTHY, Ph.D and Chair Professor Digital Arts Communication Research Department of Creative Arts and Media Studies
Country: India
Tittle on paper: Designing Curriculum for ‘Safety and Security of Journalists’ in Indian Journalism Education: Do it now, better late than never!
A few words about your fields of research: A few words about your fields of research: Media and Film studies: Designing Curricula for different domains of media education; Developing E-learning, Mobile Learning and ICT strategies,
Journalism Research on print and television content, Research on Digital media, Film studies.
C.S.H.N.Murthy (2006): Designing Media and ICT Strategies for the Rapid Educational Transformation in Eritrea: Journal Adult and Continuing Education. 12(1). 45-75. ISSN 1477-9714. (now published by University of Manchester Press, Manchester UK).
C.S.H.N.Murthy (2006): Designing Course and Curricula for Teacher Development, Open School and Vocational Education through Media Education in Eritrea: Educational Media International (Routledge). Vol. 43(2).181-196.
C.S.H.N.Murthy (2008): Designing E-Learning Programs for Rural Social Transformation and Poverty Reduction: Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education. 9, Article No. 11. Jan-Mar.
C.S.H.N.Murthy (2011): Dilemma of Course Content and Curriculum in Journalism Education: Theory, Practice and Research. Asia Pacific Media Edcucator, Vol.21. Pp: nil
C. S. H. N. Murthy, PhD, is a Professor in Mass Communication and Journalism, teaches Film and Television production and conducts research on mise-en-sce`ne-based film and television Studies at Tezpur University, India. He was a media expert for Ministry of Non-Formal Education, Government of Eritrea, Sub-Saharan Africa during 2003-2005. He has so far published more than 25 research papers in peer-reviewed international journals of reputed publishers such as Routledge, Sage and Intellect. He is presently on the editorial boards of peer reviewed international journals: Asia Pacific Media Educator (Sage), Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. In the past he is on International Advisory Board of Communication Studies (Routledge). He was an Associate of Singapore Internet Research Centre (SiRC) of Wee Kim Wee School of Communication, NTU, Singapore, during 2010-2014. He has a wide range of research interests in Media and Film studies.
Title and affiliation: Julieta Brambila – PhD candidate, School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds, United Kingdom.
Country: UK / Mexico
Tittle on paper: Between Violence and Resistance: Journalists’ strategies for coping and resiliance in “insecure democracies”
A few words about your fields of research: Comparative political communication, human rights and security, as well as public opinion and public diplomacy in México and the Americas. She has been awarded scholarships and grants to conduct research from Annenberg School for Communication at University of Pennsylvania, United States; Society of Latin American Studies in the United Kingdom; Open Society Foundations and the Mexican Council of Science and Technology, Mexico City.
“Lobbying for Life: Violence against the Press and the Public Interest”, In Public Interest Communication: Critical Debates and Global Contexts, London: Routledge (J. Johnston and M. Pieczka, Edits.) (Forthcoming).
“Forced Silence: Determinants of Journalist Killings in Mexico’s States, 2010–2015”, Journal of Information Policy (Pennsylvania State University Press), October, Vol. 7.
“Public Service Media in Mexico and Latin America: Recent Improvements and Future Challenges”, In Public Media Initiatives in the Global South, Simon Fraser University Library and Open Society Foundations (A. Rahman and G. Ferrell Lowe Edits.), 53-71.
Title and affiliation: Sara K. Torsner, PhD researcher, Centre for Freedom of the Media, University of Sheffield.
Country: UK
Tittle on paper: The design and structure of Journalism Safety Trends data sets as indicators of the risk to the practice of free journalism and as indicators of civil loss
A few words about your fields of research: My PhD research focuses on the design of Journalism Safety Trends data sets as a tool that will anticipate journalistic risk. It argues that any a independent journalism, as an institution of civil society, can be understood and measured in terms of civil loss, or the fragility of civil society.
Publications: Measuring Journalism Safety in The Assault on Journalism. Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression eds. Ulla Carlsson and Reeta Pöyhtäri
Title and affiliation: Kenneth Andresen, Professor of Media Studies at University of Agder, Norway.
Country: Norway
Tittle on paper: Working conditions and threats dichotomy for journalists in transitional societies and influence in media production: The case of Western Balkans (Co-author: Abit Hoxha)
A few words about your fields of research: My research fields are in the area of journalism and conflict areas, with a focus on Western Balkans. I have worked in the area of production research (newsroom ethnography) as well as historical research and the study of media in transition societies. Over the last few years I’ve worked together with Abit Hoxha (PhD researcher at LMU Munich) and we are currently developing several research projects in the Western Balkans, especially how media deals with troubled pasts. We are also currently working on a research project involving a collection of 1,400 historical postcards from Kosovo from 1900 to 1999.
Andresen K., Hoxha A. & Godole, J. (2017). New Roles for Media in the Western Balkans: A study of transitional journalism. Journalism Studies 8(5) pp. 614 – 628. Andresen, K. (2015). Journalism under pressure. The case of Kosovo. PhD Dissertation, University of Oslo, 2015.
Andresen, K. (2015). Erfaringer fra Kosovo – kan medieledelse eksporteres? [Lessons learned from Kosovo – can media management be exported?]. In Vaagan, R. W. & Barland, J. (2015). Entreprenørskap og ledelse i media [Entrepreneurship and management in media]. Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Andresen, K. (2009). “Producing ‘protocol news’ in Kosovo’s public broadcaster: Journalism culture in a transitional risk society.” Conflict & Communication Online 2/2009.
I became a grandfather (to my grandson Max) a year ago, which is greater than all academic accomplishments combined!

Visit Marte Høiby at HIOA´s staff page
Title and affiliation: Marte Høiby, PhD Candidate at Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies Oslo and Akershus University College (HiOA)
Country: Norway
Tittle on paper: Covering Mindanao: journalist-fixer relations and safety in the field
A few words about your fields of research: Marte Høiby is a PhD candidate, and fellow at the Dept. of Journalism and Media Studies (HiOA) specializing in the topic of journalist safety. Her research examines impacts of violence against the press, gender issues in journalist safety, and strategies for risk mitigation among news organizations and journalists in the field.
Høiby, M and Ottosen, R (2017) Journalism under pressure in conflict zones: A study of journalists and editors in seven countries. Media, War & Conflict 1: 1-18.
Høiby, M (2016) Sexual Violence against Journalists in Conflict Zones – Gendered Practices and Cultures in the Newsroom. In: von der Lippe, B. and Ottosen, R. (eds.), Gendering War and Peace Reporting. Some Insights – some Missing Links. Oslo: Nordicom, 75-87.
Høiby M and Ottosen R (2016) Reduced security for journalists and less reporting from the frontline. In: Carlsson U (ed.) Freedom of Expression and Media in Transition: Studies and Reflections in the Digital Age. Oslo: Nordicom, 183–191.
Title and affiliation: Therese Patricia C. San Diego is program officer at the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC)
Country: Philippine
Tittle on paper: Integration of ‘Safety of Journalists’ in the Curricula of Philippine Journalism Schools, a paper she co-authored with Ramon R. Tuazon and Ann Lourdes C. Lopez.
A few words about your fields of research: she conducts research in the areas of communication for development, health communication, child rights, and safety of journalists. She teaches Research Writing and Communication for Development at the Miriam College Department of Communication, and facilitates seminar-workshops on writing and communication planning under the AIJC Professional Development Program.
Assault on Journalism (2017) “Philippine and Global Research on News Media Safety: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps,” co-authored with Tuazon and Paz H.
Title and affiliation: Ramon R. Tuazon is the secretary general of the Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) and the president of the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC).
Country: Philippine
“Multidisciplinary Inquiry on the Culture of Impunity in the Killing of Journalists” (2013)
“Philippine and Global Research on News Media Safety: Crossing Disciplines, Bridging Gaps” (2017).
More: He has served UNESCO in various capacities including as Media Development Specialist for Myanmar, and has provided media research and consultancy services in several countries including Maldives, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Bhutan, Indonesia, and France. Since 2007, he has served as Chair of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Technical Committee for Communication and Member of the CHED Technical Panel for Social Sciences and Communication.
Title and affiliation: Dr Naglaa Elemary, Professor of Media Studies, British University in Egypt
Country: Egypt
More: Dr Naglaa Elemary is currently lecturing at both the British University in Egypt in Cairo and the Jordan Media in Institute in Amman. She is also a Media trainer and consultant for some international organizations mainly the Thomson Reuters Foundation in London. Prior to this, Naglaa worked as reporter, presenter and Editor for the BBC World Service in London then she moved to Cairo as the BBC WS Bureau Chief leading at the same time the BBCWS Special projects in the Arab World. She has an extensive knowledge of Media reform in many Arab countries especially in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt and Iraq where she worked closely with different local institutions
Title and affiliation: Bora Ataman Assoc. Prof. & Doğuş University, Department of Communication Sciences
Country: Turkey
Tittle on paper: Safety tactics for and by the activist citizen journalists
A few words about your fields of research: alternative new media and networked social movements, activist citizen journalism and safety of citizen journalists working in conflict zones.
Ataman, B. & Çoban, B. (2017). “How Safe Is It? Being an acitivist citizen journalists in Turkey”. The Assault on Journalism (Eds. U. Carlsson & R. Pöyhtari)
Ataman, B. & Çoban, B. (2017). “The Gezi Resistance and activist citizen reporters”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research. Vol. 42/1.
Title and affiliation: Elisabeth Witchel, Impunity Campaign Consultant Committee to Protect Journalists
Country: United Kingdom
Tittle on paper: Getting away with Murder- findings from CPJ’s 2017 Global Impunity Index and trends over the last decade in impunity in murders of journalists.
A few words about your fields of research: CPJ will release its 2017 impunity index on October 31, 2017 and it will be the 10th year the organization has published this ranking of countries with the highest rates of impunity in journalist killings. I will give an overview to our findings this year as well as reflect on patterns that have emerged from 10 years of data. In addition, I will highlight approaches to combatting impunity that are emerging in different places around the world.
Publications: 10 years ago CPJ launched its global campaign against impunity in the killings of journalists. I have worked on the campaign since then, producing several reports looking at causes of impunity, trends, and responses to the problem. My work includes compiling and analyzing findings for eight editions of CPJ’s annual global impunity index.
Some previous editions can be found at the following links: https://cpj.org/reports/2016/10/impunity-index-getting-away-with-murder-killed-justice.php https://cpj.org/reports/2015/10/impunity-index-getting-away-with-murder.php https://cpj.org/reports/2014/04/impunity-index-getting-away-with-murder.php Please see www.cpj.org for others. Other research in this area includes: The Road to Justice: Breaking the Cycle of Impunity in the Killing of Journalists https://cpj.org/reports/2014/10/the-road-to-justice-killing-journalists-impunity.php
Title and affiliation: Hannah Storm, Director of the International News Safety Institute. I also work as a freelance media and gender consultant, specialising in humanitarian work/post-conflict/GBV, and have worked for several UN agencies
Country: UK
A few words about your fields of research:
Hannah Storm is Director of the International News Safety Institute (INSI), a UK registered charity whose members include some of the world’s leading news organisations. INSI’s work focuses on physical, psychological, and digital safety and it provides a network for members to share information to ensure journalists stay out of harm’s way. Storm is author of The Kidnapping of Journalists: Reporting from High Risk Conflict Zones (with Robert G. Picard) and No Woman’s Land: On the Frontlines with Female Reporters. Before joining INSI, she worked for organisations including the BBC, Reuters, ITN, and Oxfam
No Woman’s Land – On the Frontlines with Female Reporters (2012) – published by INSI and the first book dedicated to the safety of women journalists (co-authored with Helena Williams and others)
The Kidnapping of Journalists: reporting from high risk conflict zones (2016) – published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (co-authored with Professor Robert Picard)
The Emotional Toll on Journalists Covering the Refugee Crisis (2017) – INSI and the RISJ (co-authored with Professor Anthony Feinstein)
Title and affiliation: Samiksha Koirala, University of Oslo
Country: Nepal/Norway
Tittle on paper: Silenced once again: Women Journalists and digital harassment in post-conflict Nepal
A few words about your fields of research:
I am a PhD candidate at the IMK, UiO, in partnership with the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at HiOA under NORHED project. I was working as a journalist in Nepali daily newspaper, Republica for more than three years. I have also worked as a lecturer in College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Kathmandu for two years. My research interest includes gender, media representation, media and conflict and South Asia. My PhD dissertation is about gender representation in the Nepali press during the armed conflict and post-conflict situation.
Koirala, S. Experiences of Female Journalists in Post-Conflict Nepal. In Orgeret, K. S., & Tayeebwa, W. (2016). Journalism in Conflict and Post-Conflict Conditions. WORLDWIDE PERSPECTIVES. Nordicom.
Title and affiliation: Mofizur Rhaman is a Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Mass Communication and Journalism at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Country: Bangladesh
Tittle on paper: He will talk on the book planned to be launched at the conference that he has co-edited with Elsebeth Frey and Hamida Bour titled “Negotiating Journalism: Core Values and Cultural Diversities” published by Nordicom.
A few words about your fields of research: Mofizur is a founding member of global MediaClimate Network and researcher in the Climate Crossroad Project at the University of Bergen, Norway. he has been publishing in journals and books locally and internationally. He wrote couple of chapters on climate change and journalism in international anthology such as Global Climate – Local Journalism: A transnational study of how media make sense of climate system, Media Meets Climate: The global challenge for journalism, Media and Global
Climate Knowledge: Journalism and the IPCC. He takes special interest on the issues of journalistic norms and values in general and their application in climate change and environmental journalism in particular. He has also published on media, gender and advocacy campaigning that shows his interest on exploring underlying gender values in media materials. Recently he has developed a guideline for gender reporting in the media in Bangladesh
Title and affiliation: Susana Sampaio-Dias
Country: UK
Tittle on paper: Per diem payments as a form of censorship and state control in Guinea-Bissau’s journalism
A few words about your fields of research:
I joined the University of Portsmouth in September 2014 as a Lecturer in Journalism. I hold a PhD from Cardiff University, where I also worked as a researcher. I collaborated with Profs. S. Cottle, R. Sambrook and N. Mosdell, conducting interviews with war correspondents that featured in the book Reporting Dangerously: Journalist Killings, Intimidation and Security (Palgrave, 2016). Prior to my academic career, I worked as a broadcast journalist and news producer for RTP, the Portuguese public service broadcaster. I have recently published my first monograph Reporting Human Rights (Peter Lang, 2016), which explores the relationship between human rights issues and journalism, international law and the Responsibility to Protect, media and news production. My research interests broadly concern freedom of the press and the safety of journalists. I have been researching the journalism in Guinea-Bissau since 2015, where I also collaborate with the international project of environmental communication and conservation biology Primaction.
Sampaio-Dias, S. (2016). Reporting Human Rights. New York: Peter Lang
Title and affiliation: Abit Hoxha, Doctoral Researcher at the Department of Communication Studies and Media Research, LMU Munich
Country: Germany
Tittle on paper: Working conditions and threats dichotomy for journalists in transitional societies and influence in media production: The case of Western Balkans (together with Kenneth Andresen)
A few words about your fields of research: Abit Hoxha is a doctoral researcher at the LMU Munich, Germany. His research focuses on comparative conflict news production.
Andresen, K., Hoxha, A., & Godole, J. (2017). New Roles for Media in the Western Balkans: A study of transitional journalism. Journalism Studies, 18(5), 614-628.
Hoxha A, Hanitzsch T (2017) How conflict news comes into being: Reconstructing ‘reality’ through telling stories. Media, War & Conflict.
Hoxha, A., Andresen, K. (2017) Training journalists in times of transition: the case of Kosovo. Journalism Education. Vol 6. Nr 2, 37-47
Title and affiliation: Hamida El Bour
Country: Tunisia
Tittle on paper: Hamida El Bour will be talking about the anthology Negotiating Journalism Core Values and Cultural Diversity with Elsebeth Frey and Mofizur Rahman.
A few words about your fields of research: Her research interests are press freedom, media and gender, investigative journalism and journalism ethics. Her resarches has been published in Tunisian, French and Spanish books and journals. She is editor of a book on public media in the Arab countries (2013) , co editor of a handbook on covering politics (2013) , co editor with Dr. Larbi Chouikha of a book on being journalist in a globalized communication context (2014) and co editor with Dr Saloua Charfi of a book on investigative reporting (2015).
More: Hamida El Bour is associate professor at the department of journalism at Institut de Presse et des Sciences de l’Information IPSI of La Manouba University in Tunisia. She has been a journalist for 13 years in Tunisian print media and she was CEO of the Tunisian public news agency TAP (February 2015 – April 2016).
Title and affiliation: Sallie Hughes, PhD, Department of Journalism and Media Management Program in Latin American Studies University of Miami
Country: USA
Tittle on paper: A few words about your fields of research: Sallie Hughes is the Faculty Director and Senior Faculty Research Area Research Lead for Latin American Studies at UMIA. She t
ethnic media and oversees UMIA programming for faculty and graduate students.
Newsrooms in Conflict: Journalism and the Democratization of Mexico (2006)
Co-author of Making a Life in Multiethnic Miami: Immigration and the Rise of a Global City (2014).
Title and affiliation: Elisabeth Eide, professor, PhD
Country: Norway
Title on paper: Tongue-tied by security threats? Afghan journalists tackling security issues
A few words about your fields of research:
Media/journalism and climate change; Media and marginalization (gender, minority issues, etc.)
A Country Without Mercy. Afghan Journalists Caught in Crossfires. I: The Assault on Journalism. Building Knowledge to Protect Freedom of Expression.
Nordicom 2017 Lectures en contrepoint. Caricatures et contextes d’interprétations. Communication et langages 2016 (187)
Afghanistan. Journalism in Pseudo-Post-Conflict. Conflict and Post-Conflict: A Clash of Definitions?. I: Journalism in conflict and post conflict conditions. Worldwide perspectives. Nordicom 2016
Title and affiliation: Barış Çoban, Professor & Doğuş University, Department of Communication Sciences
Country: Turkey
Tittle on paper: Safety tactics for and by the activist citizen journalists
A few words about your fields of research:
I am currently studying on topics such as alternative (new) media and social movements, peace journalism, activist citizen journalism and safety of citizen journalists.
Çoban, B. (2010) “Globalisation of Violence: The Death Game of New Imperialism”. Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory. Vol. 38/2.
Ataman, B. & Çoban, B. (2017). “How Safe Is It? Being an acitivist citizen journalists in Turkey”. The Assault on Journalism (Eds. U. Carlsson & R. Pöyhtari). Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Çoban, B. & Ataman, B. (2017). “The Gezi Resistance and activist citizen reporters”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research. Vol. 42/1.
Title and affiliation: Greta Gober, PhD in Media and Cultural Studies; Guest researcher, Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo & Researcher – Female researchers on track project (FRONT), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo
Country: Norway
Tittle on paper: Organizational responses to online abuse of female journalists.
A few words about your fields of research: I am a feminist media and organization researcher. My PhD work was in area of Feminist/Critical Media Production studies and my current work is in the area Gender, Work & Organization.
Gober, G. (2015). Political parallelism and the case of women in management positions in public media in Poland. An ethnographic study. Communication Papers. Media literacy & Gender studies, Special Issue: Gender and Newsroom Culture4(7): 80- 95. Open access.
Gober, G., & Nastasia, D. I. (2015). Gender Equality and Social Justice in Public Media: Media monitoring research in eight countries across four continents. Nairobi, Kenya: International Association of Women in Radio & Television.
I am a founding member of the European chapter of the Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG) & member of the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT)
Title and affiliation: Saumava Mitra, PhD Graduate Affiliation: Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Country: India/ Canada
Tittle on paper: The good news and the bad news: Implications of the shift from ‘embedding’ international photojournalists to engaging local photojournalists in Afghanistan
A few words about your fields of research:
I am interested in visual-textual representations of war and conflict, the production processes behind such representations and the experiences of and roles played by the journalists and photojournalists who produce such representations for global audiences. In particular, I am interested in exploring the links between the socio-culturally shaped perceptions of journalists and photojournalists, and their practice and performance while covering conflicts.
Mitra, S. (2017). Adoptability and acceptability of peace journalism among Afghan photojournalists: Lessons for peace journalism training in conflict-affected countries. Journal of the Association for Journalism Education, 6(2), 17-27.
Mitra, S. (2016). Display-through-foregrounding by photojournalists as self-reflexivity in photojournalism: Two case studies of accidental peace photojournalism. Conflict and Communication Online, 15(2), 1-12.
Mitra, S. (2016, Ahead of print). Socio-Cultural Contexts and Peace Journalism: A case for meso-level comparative sociological investigation of journalistic cultures. Journalism: Theory, Practice & Criticism, Doi: 1464884916657510, 1-17.
Mitra, S. (2015). Communication and Peace: Understanding the nature of texts as a way to resolve conceptual differences in the emerging field. Global Media and Communications 11(3), 303-316.
Mitra, S. (2014). Rethinking the use of visuals for the purposes ofPeace Journalism. Communication and Conflict Online 13(2), 1-15.
Title and affiliation: Jon Camfield directs Internews Global Technology work, covering digital security and censorship circumvention tools, training, and organizational security. He is a co-architect of the SAFETAG framework and has over a decade of experience in using technology for social change that spans the public, private, non-profit, and social enterprise sectors.
Country: USA
Tittle on presentation: Adressing Organizational Risks. How can resource-constrained organizations operating in complex threat landscapes identify and mitigate attacks across their entire organization?
More: Prior to Internews, Jon was the technology strategist at Ashoka Changemakers, the director of the technology program at YSA, a Peace Corps volunteer, and a consultant for a range of startups and NGOs where he supported technology, knowledge management, and business processes. Jon has an MA in International Science and Technology Policy from the Elliot School at GWU and a bachelors’ degree from the University of Texas’ prestigious Plan II honors program.
Lydia Gachungi: NORCAP expert since 2014, deployed since late 2016 to UNESCO Nairobi office as Regional Communications Expert on Safety of Journalists and Media Development, and previously for 2 years as Programme Specialist on Safety of Journalists and Implementation of the UN Plan of Action in South Sudan. Lydia also has extensive prior experience as a specialist on communications and information with UNESCO, an MA in International Studies and Diplomacy, with research on the role of the media in conflict management, and a BA in Education and Information Science. Through her work, she advocates for national mechanisms to protect journalists and trains government officials, local authorities, police, media houses and journalism students in the intricacies and importance of freedom of speech.
Mogens Schmidt: Mogens Schmidt is an independent senior advisor and consultant on press freedom, media development and journalism training. He has been working within these fields for more than 30 years in his different capacities as Director of the Danish School of Journalism, Director of the European Journalism Centre, Assistant Director General of the World Association of Newspapers and Director of the World Editors Forum, Director for Press Freedom and Deputy Assistant Director General for Communication and Information at UNESCO as well as Director of UNESCOs global field operations. He also at UNESCO served as the overall coordinator of all of UNESCOs work in conflict and disaster zones. He retired from UNESCO two years ago and is now working as a senior advisor and consultant with UN and internationalorganisations and media NGOs on mainly strategic programme development, project design and fund-raising, media management, the safety of journalists, media in conflict and disaster zones, ethical and professional standards in journalism and developing journalism curricula. He also has wide experience with financial, administrative and personnel matters. He is the author of articles on mass communication, freedom of expression and media development and has organized and served as keynote speaker and panellist in numerous conferences. He speaks 8 languages, including English, French, German and Italian.
Title and affiliation: Jackie Harrison, is Professor of Public Communication, joint head of department and director of research at the Department of Journalism Studies, University of Sheffield
Tittle on paper: Journalism Safety in the Context of Impunity: The increasing threat of risk and hazard to free and independent journalism
A few words about your fields of research:
Jackie has chaired the Centre for Freedom of the Media since September 2008. Among her books are (with Amos M, & Woods L), Freedom of Expression and the Media: the application of legal standards to journalistic practice. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2012) and the development of a European Civil Society through EU public service communication. Palgrave Macmillan (2010).
Title and affiliation: Victoria Fontan, is the manager of the Quality Assessment and Learning Centre, hosted by the Bioforce Institute in Lyon, France. She is also visiting professor at the Western Institute of Technology and Higher Education (ITESO), Guadalajara, Mexico; at the Institut Supérieur des Techniques de Développement, Kalehe, République Démocratique du Congo;
Title on paper: Reporting from within the Drama Triangle: bound to become change(d) agents?
A few words about your fields of research: Her original specialization has been in insurgency studies, focusing on the role of humiliation in relation to the emergence of insurgencies, mostly in a Middle Eastern context. She has published on Lebanon and Iraq, and have worked on both countries for the first ten years of her career.
Fontan is currently on a break from full-time academia and focusing on quality learning and assessment of competencies for professionals in the humanitarian and development sectors. She is still engaging in selected academic activities within the fields of peace education, peace-building and critical terrorism studies. After conducting research in more than 15 countries on all continents (Burma, Colombia, DR Congo, Kashmir, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, etc), she is currently focusing on the localization agenda of humanitarian action as well as women in armed mouvements in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Title and affiliation: Sofia Iordanidou, Associate Professor of Journalism and Commu- nication at the Open University of Cyprus and the President of the «Advanced Media Institute, Applied Research in Communication and Journalism
Country: Cyprus
Title on paper: Feeling safe in unsafe places? Experiences of Greek/Cypriot journalists regarding safety and journalistic practices
A few words about your fields of research: Iordanidou has worked many years in the field of Journalism and Communication Strategy. In New York, she worked for the Voice of America and was the White House correspondent for newspapers in Greece, as well as responsible for the Mondale pre- election campaign. In Athens, she was a journalist for both ERT and MEGA channels. Her extensive experience includes political consultancy and advisory to many companies in corporate communication. She also created the Department of Communication and Press Office for MEGA CHANNEL, where she was Director and established NETNEWS, S.A., the first television agency in Greece and NETRESULT, Ltd., a communication strategy company.
More: Since 2011, the MA Communication and Journalism has been developed and is being offered at the OUC, under her responsibility. She is the publisher of “Dimosiografia” journal and the website manager of dimosiografia.com.
Title and affiliation: Evgenia (Eka) Javakhishvili; Psychosocial Trainer for IREX Initiative for Securing Access to Free Expression, EURASIA, PhD Student at Tbilisi State University
Country: Georgia
Title on paper: The Aspects of Resilience in Journalists Severely exposed to Traumatic Events (work in process)
A few words about your fields of research:
Psychology of trauma, Exposure to traumatic experience, Resilience and life story narratives of war/conflict affected journalists, perceptions of critical incident and security. https://www.irex.org/project/safe-securing-access-free-expression
More: Formerly working for Save the Children, UNICEF and other INGOs on issues of children rights, parenting skills, violence against children, children affected by conflict and children living or working on the street. The issues of Children Rights in Caucasus region remains my field of interest.
Title and affiliation: Hasina shirzad, BA in journalism, advisor JMIC (Journalism and Media International Center), freelance journalist/Dagbladet.
Country: Norway
Title on paper: Tongue-tied by security threats
A few words about your fields of research: My research field is South-Asia and Afghanistan and minorities in Norway.
Publications: https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/udi—i-henhold-til-sharia-anses-ekteskapet-som-opplost/68599179 https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/usas-nye-strategi-i-afghanistan—et-narrespill/68646103
More: After coming to Norway as refugee three years ago, I have started my career from scratch once again in Norway
Title and affiliation: Mireya Márquez-Ramírez, PhD, Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City
Country: Mexico
Title on paper: Covering conflict while learning to self-protect: the daily struggles of photojournalists in Mexico.
Márquez has analyzed how risks influence journalism practice in Mexico. She is currently involved in a research project on the daily struggles of photojournalists in Mexico.