Studies and reflections in the digital age
Ulla Carlsson, Publisher:
Nordicom, Published:
2016-05, Pages: 199
ISBN: 978-91-87957-22-2
Language: English
Type: Printed, PDF
Series: Research, Antologies
280,00 kr
28,00 EUR
The issues raised by today’s global and multicultural societies are complex, and it is urgent for the research community to help improve our understanding of the current problems. Digitization and globalization have changed our communication systems in terms of time, space and social behaviour; they have resulted in a transformation of functions as well as management practices and the market by adding new types of transnational companies. The context of freedom of expression has shifted.
In 2009, Nordicom published Freedom of Speech Abridged? Cultural, legal and philosophical challenges, and a few years later Freedom of Expression Revisited. Citizenship and journalism in the digital era. The current publication may be seen as a follow-up to these earlier titles. It is based on research in the Nordic countries, but many of the studies are global in nature and the result of collaborations between researchers from many parts of the world. It is hoped that this collection will contribute to knowledge development in the field as well as to global and regional discussions about freedom of expression, press freedom, and communication rights in contemporary societies.