The right competences on the right task at the right time
The involvement of the right competences at the right time is of great importance for public investment. This provides better solutions, lower operating costs, and a basis for efficient implementation.
The transport systems of the future must become more sustainable and public funds must be utilized in the best possible way. This can be the result if the right competence is engaged in the projects at the time when their contribution has the most impact on the outcome, while at the same time taking into account both regulations and other framework conditions. It is not easy to assess what is the right time and there is currently a lack of a systematic method/tools for this.
This project will develop such a method and test it out in five different projects to document the effect. This requires new knowledge about the impact of early involvement of the parties. The method should be made available through a tool or a guide that helps public developers assess the right time to engage entrepreneurial competence in infrastructure projects. The trial will include both roads and railways at the state and municipal level.

Optimaltid workshop

Two phases
The work is divided into two phases where the first consists of gathering knowledge and designing the methodology to determine the best time for involvement. Both the cost and benefit side must be taken into account in addition to the positions of the various actors in the project.
The method is intended to help to focus on the right aspects of the problem and at the same time ensure compliance with the regulations (Act relating to public procurement). Great emphasis is placed on balancing considerations of the process along the way and the result created through planning, engineering, and development.
The next phase is about testing the method in real projects and documenting the effect of what is done. This new knowledge will be unique in an international context and have great practical and economic potentials in the development of the transport systems of the future.
What happens in the project?
Stay tuned for Optimaltid – Knowledge Material
Project management
Project owner: Paulos Wondimu
Norwegian Public Roads Administration
Project coordinator: Allen Tadayon
Associate Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University
Project manager: Ole Jonny Klakegg
Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Video modules
About the research project Optimaltid:
- Bærekraftig mobilitet, Ole Jonny Klakegg, NTNU (20 minutes)
- Rett kompetanse på rett oppgave til rett tid, Ole Jonny Klakegg, NTNU (20 minutes)
About early contractor involvement, experiences from Australia:
- An introduction to ECI concept, benefits and challenges. Part 1, Farshid Rahmani, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (30 minutes)
- Part 2, Farshid Rahmani, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia (30 minutes)
About early contractor involvement, experiences from Norway and internationally:
- Tidlig entreprenør involvering: Måter å gjøre det på. Del 1, Paulos Wondimu, Norwegian Public Roads Administration (30 minutes)
- Del 2, Paulos Wondimu, Norwegian Public Roads Administration (30 minutes)
About early contractor involvement, experiences from New Zealand:
- Early Contractor Involvement, when is Early? Daniel van der Walt, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (40 minutes)
- ECI, 10 years on, experiences from NZ. Eric Scheepbouwer, University of Canterbury, New Zealand (40 minutes)
Video modules 3-8 are recordings from webinars 12/11 and 3/12 2020.
The Optimaltid partners experiences of early contractor involvement:
- Erfaringer med tidlig involvering av entreprenør i Statens vegvesen. Bente Aase and Kjell Håvard Belsvik (45 mins)
- Erfaringer med tidlig entreprenørinvolvering i Nye Veier. Bjorn Børseth (20 minutes).
Report no. 1.
A Review of Different Construction Project Lifecycle. Allen Tadayon, Farshid Rahmani and Nadina Memic, 25.06.2020
Report no. 2.
How to Measure Effect. An Unstructured Literature Review. Atle Engebø, 01.1.2021
Report no. 4.
OECD-verktøyet Support Tool for Effective Procurement Strategy (STEPS). Ramya Sivakumaran and Ola Lædre. 11.19.2021
Report no. 5.
Kompleksitet. Forklaringa på alt som er vondt og vanskeleg?, Ole Jonny Klakegg, 23.03.2022
Report no. 7.
Optimaltid-metoden: løsningskonseptet, Nadina Memic, Ole Jonny Klakegg, Allen Tadayon, 25.05.2022