Quantum food production?

It was a truly pleasant surprise when Anja Løkken Stokke at NCE Heidner Biocluster in late November contacted our hub to ask if we would be interested in giving a webinar. (Of course we were.)
The NCE Heidner Biocluster is Norway’s leading national cluster for green bioeconomy and sustainable food production. Representing the entire value chain in green bioeconomy, the cluster consists of 66 companies, research and educational institutions, and other relevant partners. As strategic areas of interest, they list
- Intenational commercialization
- Digitalization
- Circular economy and sustainability
- New business models and strategies
- Biotechnology
So it makes perfect sense that they would be interested in how the second quantum revolution may affect our future.
It was a pleasure to see the diverse turnout at the webinar, held December 14th this year. Around 20 leaders and researchers/developers in various companies and institutions took actively part. The lecturer was quite impressed by the level of both interest and insight.
It would seem that the second quantum revolution will not catch the Norwegian bio-industry off guard!
Quantum is already producing a lot of food (for thoughts).