Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences gets a visit

It was a true pleasure when the Hub was contacted by Arnstein Wee, from the Stavanger-branch of Norges tekniske vitenskapsakademi, the Norwegian Academy of Technological Sciences. He wanted to hear more about quantum computing. Of course, asking a quantum hubber whether she or he would like to talk quantum, is a bit like asking “is the pope catholic?”. Yes!

The turnout at the gathering, March 20th was impressive. And so was the interest and quality of questions posed by the attentive audience. A true pleasure!
When yours truly is given a microphone and asked to talk about an interest close to heart, chances are that the sum of the many words which come out at a rather high pace, combined with the many, many slides, can be quite overwhelming. With this in mind, I am particularly thankful for the hospitality and the enthusiasm I was met with.