Knowledge 4 Change (Uganda/Zanzibar)


Knowledge for Change (K4C) is a registered charity and NGO in the UK, Uganda, . For over 10 years, we have run international development and global health research projects aiming to improve health and education systems in Uganda.

We have previously hosted 9 OsloMet MA students in Uganda and now 3 in Zanzibar, and all of their research has supported the evaluation of our active projects and informed our strategy for future interventions. Some of their research areas have included: the application of inclusive education policies for children with disabilities; empowering parents of children with disabilities; provision of respectful care for women during childbirth; the lives, experiences and challenges of orphans; corporal punishment in parenting; the role of labour pain in Ugandan culture; and challenges of living with limb loss in Uganda.


1) Examining the roles of visitors/‘attendants’ for hospital patients in Uganda

Levels of hospital acquired infections (including Covid-19) are very high in Uganda which increases numbers of illnesses and deaths. We expect one of the main causes to be the high numbers of visitors that each patient receives; most have between 1 and 5 ‘attendants’ who stay with them whilst they are in hospital and perform tasks such as bathing them, preparing food, collecting medicines and providing emotional support.

We want to know more about who these attendants are and what roles they play for patients. This will enable us to design effective interventions to ‘manage’ their behaviour and thereby reduce rates of hospital acquired infections.

2) Improving access to HPV vaccination for 12-year-old girls living in ‘hard to reach’ communities in Uganda.

Cervical cancer is the most common cause of cancer related deaths for women in Uganda. The main cause of cervical cancer is the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) which is a sexually transmitted virus. Vaccines have been developed to prevent women contracting HPV and the Ugandan government has recently launched a free vaccination programme for 12-year-old girls.

Currently, this programme targets girls via schools, however data suggests that many girls from ‘hard to reach’ communities are being completely missed or are not receiving their 2nd dose of vaccine. This group includes girls who do not regularly attend school, or whose parents are not educated and may not see the benefit of their child being vaccinated and therefore not give permission (due to common misinformation and fake news).

Researching this topic will help us design interventions to improve girls’ access to HPV vaccinations and thereby reduce cases of cervical cancer amongst these vulnerable populations.

3) Assessing the needs and priorities for preventative men’s health interventions in Uganda.

The vast majority of K4C (and other NGOs) activities focus on improving women and children’s health and education, in line with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and priority groups. However, we are concerned about the non-positive (possibly detrimental) impact that this has on men’s health in low-and middle-income countries.

We are interested in assessing the health needs and priorities of neglected vulnerable male populations in order to improve health outcomes for these groups. Some neglected areas of health that we have initially identified are testicular and prostate cancers. Further research will support our planning of future interventions.

4) Assessing the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on children’s education

Across the world, children’s education has suffered as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. In Uganda, levels of pupil attendance have hit record lows, impacted directly by government restrictions and parent’s fears of virus transmission, but also indirectly as a result of reduced parental incomes and their ability to afford transport and/or essential scholastic materials. Prior to the pandemic, K4C had made strong progress in increasing school attendance for children with disabilities at Canon Apollo Primary School, however we are worried this may be reversed as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Research into this area will support 2 key areas of activity. Firstly, it will help to highlight priority areas of the curricula for teachers to focus on once schools return. Secondly, it will inform K4C interventions and initiatives to maximise school attendance, particularly for those children with physical and mental disabilities.


All OsloMet MA students are co-supervised by Professor Louise Ackers (University of Salford, UK) and receive pastoral and academic support from K4C’s experienced research, project management and clinical staff in Uganda. After their period of fieldwork, students have the option of travelling back to Norway via the UK, where they may be asked to present their research to staff and stakeholders at K4C and Salford University.

COSTS AND FUNDING – 2022 estimate

Students are responsible for making their own flight, travel and subsistence arrangements in both Uganda (and the UK if applicable), ensuring they are covered by an appropriate insurance policy for the duration of their placement. K4C will assist students wherever possible in making these arrangements and will provide free airport transfers in Uganda.

K4C accommodation is provided at GBP200 (NOK2.340). There is an additional tuition fee of GBP1,225 (NOK14.280) to cover a 3-month fieldwork period in Uganda. Eligible students can apply to for Lånekassen support to cover these costs.


K4C facilitates students who want to undertake voluntary work during their fieldwork period in Uganda. This can be beneficial for local communities and also supports ethnographic research and gaining a rich understanding of culture and context. We have close links with various partners working in each of the research fields including schools, health facilities and community based organisations.

Contact person

For questions and application, please contact James Ackers-Johnson – email:

Investigating the Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancies in Arusha, Tanzania (Lyanna Foundation)

About the project

Teenage pregnancies are a significant problem in Tanzania, with nearly one in four girls becoming pregnant or giving birth to their first child by the age of 18. This has a significant impact on the lives of these young girls, as they are often forced to drop out of school and face limited economic opportunities. The situation is particularly dire in Arusha, where teenage pregnancy rates are among the highest in the country.

In many communities, there are taboos around discussing sexual and reproductive health with the youth and children, which creates an opening for children, both boys and girls, to seek information from social media and the internet. This can lead to exposing them to pornography, exploitation, online bullying and other harmful content.

Factors such as poverty, gender inequality, social norms, low levels of education, and the lack of comprehensive reproductive health education all contribute to the problem. A comprehensive approach that addresses these underlying issues is needed to reduce the incidence of teenage pregnancies and improve the lives of young girls in Tanzania.

Iyanna Foundation aims to address this problem by providing safety and economic opportunities to out-of-school girls in the community, promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics subjects to young girls in the local community, and raising awareness on attitudes towards sex and health education among teenagers and youths. However, more needs to be done to address the root causes of teenage pregnancies in Arusha, Tanzania.

Topics for the thesis

Iyanna Foundation is seeking master students who can study and address the problem of the underlying cause of teenage pregnancies. The study can focus on the individuals and /or institutions (with an interest in addressing the pregnancies) or structural challenges, such as poverty, gender inequality, social norms, low levels of education, lack of comprehensive reproductive health education any other factor that contributed to the problem of teenage pregnancies. The study can also explore the impact of taboos around discussing sexual and reproductive health with children and the role of the internet in shaping attitudes towards sex and reproductive health.

The study findings will help the Iyanna Foundation and other stakeholders in the local community be informed and develop targeted interventions and programs to address the problem. The study will be shared with local organizations and community members. Further, The Iyanna Foundation will use the insights to develop targeted interventions and programs to address the problem. At the same time, other organizations can also use the information to create their initiatives.

Relevant for

Students from International Social Welfare, Social Work, Child Welfare, Family Therapy.

Max number of students: 3

About us

Iyanna Foundation is a non-governmental organization established in Tanzania; the organization aims to address the challenges faced by girls and women in our community in Arusha and the regions surrounding us. Our Aim as an organization is to provide safety and economic opportunities to out-of-school girls in the community, promote science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM Subjects) to young girls within the schools in the community, and raise awareness on attitudes towards sex and health education among teenagers and youths.

Another primary goal of the Foundation – since its inception, has been working with local secondary and primary schools in Arusha and Moshi by giving life skills education to both boys and girls with a focus on leadership, self-awareness, reproductive health, and promoting STEM subjects, especially to underprivileged girls. The organization uses the game of chess as a tool to reach out to the youth, promoting the benefits of chess but at the same time not making chess an end but a means to achieve our objectives.

Website of the organization: IYANA FOUNDATION

Contact persons

Application and questions can be sent to:

Welfare States, Climate Change and New Social Risks (Nova/OsloMet)

Background for the project

Since the 1970s European societies have undergone significant transformation. Labour markets and family structures have become more instable. International economic competition associated with globalisation have intensified, and the consequences of expected demographic trends have put social protection systems and eldercare under pressure. These developments have underpinned the emergence of new kinds of social risks. Therefore, in the 1990s and the 2000s much of the comparative welfare state literature was concerned with how welfare states could and should respond to these changes. The sustainability of advanced welfare states was at stake, but this challenge was mainly couched in social and economic terms.

Two decades into the new millennium the mentioned challenges of population ageing, instable labour markets and family structures have not disappeared. Nonetheless, the question of sustainability in the context of European welfare states can no longer be reduced to a matter of balancing long-term fiscal and social concerns. In the 21st century it should be commonplace for social policy scholarship to include the ecological dimension when discussing the sustainability of modern welfare states.

Project description

We offer thesis supervision to MA students in social policy or social work who would like to study the welfare state-climate change nexus theoretically and/or empirically.  

Possible thesis questions

Examples of questions and themes that could be further developed in a thesis include (but are not limited to):

  • There is a knowledge gap regarding the implications of climate change and mitigation for the social risks against which traditional welfare states are designed to protect, such as poverty. Put differently, how does climate change give rise to a new generation of social risks and what are the implications for mature welfare states?
  • Are the ‘old’ tools and institutions of social protection and welfare/social services sufficient to meet the social challenges linked to climate change/climate policy? What kind of new policy tools do welfare states need in response to climate change? These are questions relevant to the fields of social and labour market policy as well as social work.
  • What is the significance of factors like inequality and (re)distribution in different types of welfare states? Under which institutional conditions do they hamper or facilitate the development of balanced eco-social policy agendas? 
  • What implications does climate change have for the way welfare programmes are funded?
  • To what extent is the European Union as a forerunner in the development of an integrated eco-social agenda
  • The politics of eco-social policy: What social, ecological and economic interests and associated actor constellations are mobilised in the political struggles over the ‘green’ transition at national and/or European level? How and why do these differ across countries and with what consequences for policy output?
  • The political potential for reforms that push welfare states in a ‘sustainable’ direction, including studies of popular attitudes, political party/electoral manifestos or elite discourses.
  • Are some welfare models or varieties of capitalism better at balancing long-term ecological and contemporary social concerns. If so, what are the mechanisms driving differential policy performances?
  • How may have hegemonic perspectives shaped imaginaries concerning the “sustainable Norwegian welfare state” historically and currently? In the face of climate change, how may welfare policy ideologies, policy development and policy “solutions” regarding welfare state sustainability reinforce such perspectives? How may we need to re-orient such perspectives in addressing climate change in a globally equitable way?
  • We need further research on the normative and empirical dilemmas facing the Norwegian welfare state in the context of climate change and global social justice. This kind of knowledge serves to understand better the implications of different choices when it comes to future institutional reforms in the fields of social and labour market policy. 

Methods and data

Policy, media and other document analysis, process tracing, popular attitude survey data, qualitative and/or quantitative methods depending on the chosen thematic focus.

Relevant for

International Social Welfare and Health Policy, Social Work.

Potential supervisors are

Mi Ah Schoyen, NOVA

Therese Dokken, NOVA

Erika Gubrium, Department of Social Work, Child Welfare and Social Policy

Contact person

We encourage potentially interested students to contact Mi Ah Schoyen ( as soon as possible and to submit a short outline (1-2 pages) of preliminary interests and ideas along with a brief CV by 15 March 2024.

Ny EU-forordning om beskyttelse av barn mot seksuelle overgrep på internett / New EU regulation on the protection of children against sexual abuse on the internet (ECPAT)

See English text below

Bakgrunn for prosjektet

Dette prosjektet er foreslått av organisasjonen ECPAT Norge (ECPAT: End Child Prostitution and Trafficking), og vil undersøke om en ny EU-forordning om forebygging og beskyttelse av barn mot seksuelle overgrep på internett vil gjøre barn tryggere.

Den 11. mai 2022 la Europakommisjonen fram et forslag til forordning om regler for forebygging og bekjempelse av seksuelle overgrep mot barn. Forslaget er merket EØS-relevant. Forslaget pålegger relevante internettbaserte tjenestetilbydere å oppspore, rapportere, forhindre og fjerne materiale som viser seksuelt misbruk av barn på deres tjenester, samt etablering av et europeisk senter for forebygging og bekjempelse av seksuelt misbruk av barn.

I 2022 var EUs medlemsland vertskap for 60 % av alt overgrepsmateriale som ble rapportert til Internet Watch Foundation. THE CHALLENGE – Child Safety Online ( Dette materialet deles ofte flere ganger på nettet, og slik blir barn utsatt for nye overgrep kontinuerlig. EU har lovet å sørge for at barn er trygge på nettet, og den foreslåtte lovgivningen har som mål å oppnå dette.

Om prosjektet

ECPAT International startet opp med “Project Beacon” i 2020, for å bidra til å adressere de mange bekymringene rundt endringene i retningslinjene for digitale rettigheter i EU. Målet er å påvirke til at retningslinjer og juridisk rammeverk blir vedtatt hvor barns sikkerhet blir en topp prioritet i digitale rom og krypterte miljøer på tvers av EUs medlemsland.

Prosjektet er del av et større samarbeid med en internasjonal allianse (ECLAG) bestående av over 60 sivilsamfunnsorganisasjoner. I de pågående diskusjonene i EU legges det vekt på viktigheten av å finne en balanse mellom personvernrettigheter og beskyttelse av barn på nettet, samtidig som at barns rett til et særskilt vern fremmes.

Forslag til problemstillinger

Studenten kan fokusere på innholdet i forordningen (gjøre en dokumentanalyse): hva er de konkrete tiltakene eller påbud, hva er begrensninger, hva har diskusjoner og uenigheter vært og hvilken betydning det har hatt for det endelige utkastet. Videre kan man gjøre en analyse av hvilken betydning denne forordningen vil ha i forhold til eksisterende lovgivning og praksis i Norge; hva eventuelt konsekvensene vil være for forebygging og beskyttelse av barn mot seksuelle overgrep på internettet i Norge.

Studenten kan undersøke data fra EU, European Child Sexual Abuse Legislation Advocacy Group (ECLAG) ECLAG ENG – Child Safety Online ( og Project Beacon fra ECPAT International: Placing children’s rights into the heart of the EU’s digital policy – ECPAT, samt stortingets oppdateringer: LIBE-komiteen posisjon om CSAM-forordningen vedtatt – I tillegg finnes følgende meningsmåling: Public Opinion is Clear: Urgent Legislation Required to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation! – ECPAT


Dette vil primært være en dokument studie hvor det vil gjøres en dokumentanalyse. Det kan suppleres med intervjuer.

Studentene kan også gjøre intervjuer med nøkkelinformanter blant ECLAG organisasjonene, EU-parlamentarikere, Stortingsrepresentanter og eventuelt andre relevante aktører (ECPAT Norge kan foreslå).

Aktuelt for

Aktuelt for International Social Welfare and Health Policy, Barnevern, Sosialt arbeid og Familiebehandling.

Om ECPAT Norge

ECPAT Norge er en del av ECPAT International ( sitt globale nettverk av 126 frivillige organisasjoner som samarbeider i 104 land for å få slutt på alle former for seksuell utnyttelse av barn. Dette omfatter barn som utnyttes seksuelt i forbindelse med prostitusjon, menneskehandel, seksuell utnyttelse på nettet og i reiseliv og turisme. ECPAT Norge har kompetanse og lang erfaring innen menneskerettigheter, barns rettigheter og barnevern knyttet til seksuell utnyttelse, behovene og rettighetene til ofre og overlevere, samt politisk arbeid på nasjonalt, regionalt og internasjonalt nivå, forskning, prosjektledelse og kommunikasjon.


Søknad og spørsmål sendes til: Ann-Kristin Vervik, mobil: 92832848, epost:

Project background

This project is proposed by the organization ECPAT Norway (ECPAT: End Child Prostitution and Trafficking), and will investigate whether a new EU regulation on the prevention and protection of children against sexual abuse on the internet will make children safer.

On May 11, 2022, the European Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on rules for the prevention and combating of sexual abuse against children. The proposal is marked as relevant to the European Economic Area (EEA). The proposal obliges relevant internet service providers to trace, report, prevent, and remove material depicting the sexual abuse of children on their services. It also proposes the establishment of a European center for the prevention and combating of sexual abuse of children.

In 2022, EU member states hosted 60% of all abuse material reported to the Internet Watch Foundation. The material is often shared multiple times online, exposing children to new abuses continuously. The EU has pledged to ensure the safety of children online, and the proposed legislation aims to achieve this.

About the project

ECPAT International initiated «Project Beacon» in 2020 to address concerns about changes in digital rights guidelines in the EU. The goal is to influence the adoption of guidelines and a legal framework where the safety of children is a top priority in digital spaces and encrypted environments across EU member states.

The project is part of a larger collaboration with an international alliance (ECLAG) consisting of over 60 civil society organizations. Ongoing EU discussions emphasize the importance of finding a balance between privacy rights and protecting children online, while promoting children’s right to specific protection.

Possibilites for thesis

The student can focus on the content of the regulation (conduct a document analysis): what are the specific measures or requirements, what are the limitations, what discussions and disagreements have arisen, and what significance it has had for the final draft. Furthermore, one can analyze the implications of this regulation in relation to existing legislation and practices in Norway; what potential consequences there might be for the prevention and protection of children against sexual abuse on the internet in Norway.

Students can investigate data from the EU, European Child Sexual Abuse Legislation Advocacy Group (ECLAG), ECLAG ENG – Child Safety Online (, and Project Beacon from ECPAT International: Placing children’s rights into the heart of the EU’s digital policy – ECPAT, as well as updates from the Norwegian Parliament: LIBE Committee position on the CSAM regulation adopted – Additionally, there is the following poll: Public Opinion is Clear: Urgent Legislation Required to Protect Children from Sexual Exploitation! – ECPAT.

Students can also conduct interviews with key informants among ECLAG organizations, EU parliamentarians, Members of Parliament, and possibly other relevant actors (ECPAT Norway can provide suggestions).


This will primarily be a document study involving document analysis. It may be supplemented with interviews.

Relevant for

Relevant for students from International Social Welfare and Health Policy, Child Welfare, Social Work and Family Therapy

About ECPAT Norway

ECPAT Norway is part of ECPAT International (, a global network of 126 voluntary organizations collaborating in 104 countries to end all forms of sexual exploitation of children. This includes children exploited sexually in connection with prostitution, human trafficking, sexual exploitation online, and in travel and tourism. ECPAT Norway has expertise and extensive experience in human rights, children’s rights, and child protection related to sexual exploitation, the needs and rights of victims and survivors, as well as advocacy work at national, regional, and international levels, research, project management, and communication.

Contact person

Application and questions can be sent to: Ann-Kristin Vervik, mobile: 92832848, email:

The Literature Review Project

About the project

The Literature Review Project (TLRP) is looking for 2-4 master’s students to write a master’s thesis as a literature review. If you do not yet know the objective of your thesis, you can go for one of the options presented here. One topic could be on interprofessional cooperation. If you want to focus on policy, it can be to summarize research on “What’s the problem represented to be?” (Bacchi, 2016; Bacchi & Goodwin, 2016), “Wicked problems” (Rittel & Webber, 1973), “The Advocacy Coalition framework” (Sabatier, 2007), “The Multiple Streams Approach” (Kingdon, 1984), “The policy cycle” (Jann & Kai, 2007), or “Incrementalism/ The science of muddling through” (Lindblom, 1979). But also “Punctuated Equilibrium” (Baumgartner et al., 2018), are relevant theoretical policy perspectives.

The student is advised to follow a 10-point elective course called “Research Training” (SIW4500) via the project “The Literature Review Project” in autumn 2024, but this is not an absolute requirement. The advantage of participating in the elective TLRP course, is that you will be part of a group where you will learn to reflect on each other’s literature search, critical assessment of the literature, interpretations, and summary of the research. This helps you answer the questions “What do we know about this topic?” and “What does the review add to existing knowledge?”. The project also gives you additional knowledge about choosing your type of literature review, most often a variant of “aggregative review” or “interpretive review”, or possibly a combination. Literature on different types of literature reviews will be presented in the elective course (SIW4500).

Data and methods

Data is available via the University Library and digital databases at OsloMet, as well as literature available on the internet. Literature on different types of summaries.

Why write a literature review thesis?

Interpretations of literature reviews of research are knowledge that working life increasingly needs as knowledge-based policy spreads. This will particularly apply to students who wish to apply for jobs in knowledge organizations, such as universities, directorates, United Nations or NGOs. They also learn the benefits of working systematically, get an overview of the field, and answer what a study can add to existing knowledge in the field. They will understand much more about what it takes to be able to publish in international journals.

Contact person

Send applications to Simon Innvær –


Bacchi, C. (2016). Problematizations in Health Policy: Questioning How “Problems” Are Constituted in Policies. SAGE Open, 6(2).

Bacchi, C., & Goodwin, S. (2016). Poststructural Policy Analysis : A Guide to Practice (1st ed. 2016. ed.). Palgrave Macmillan US : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot.

Baumgartner, F. R., Jones, B. D., & Mortensen, P. B. (2018). Punctuated Equilibrium Theory: Explaining Stability and Change in Public Policymaking. In P. A. Sabatier & C. M. Weible (Eds.), Theories of the policy process (Fourth edition. ed.). Routledge.

Jann, W., & Kai, W. (2007). Theories of the policy cycle. In F. Fisher, G. J. Miller, & M. S. Sidney (Eds.), Handbook of Public Policy Analysis (Vol. 125, pp. 20). CRC Press, Taylor and Francis.

Kingdon, J. W. (1984). Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies. Little Brown and Company.

Lindblom, C. E. (1979). Still Muddling, Not Yet Through. Public Administration Review, 39(6), 517-526.

Labour-market integration of Ukrainian refugees in Norway. Preparing for long term stay or fast return? (NIBR)

About the project

Coordinated by the Norwegian Institute for Urban and Regional Research (NIBR) at OsloMet.

The 4-year project with funding from the Research Council of Norway started up in December 2023.

The Russian full-scale invasion of Ukraine has resulted in the largest yearly influx of refugees in Norway to date; more than 1% of the population in Norway are now Ukrainian refugees. Refugees from Ukraine have been granted collective protection for up to 3 years, one year at a time, but their future length of stay in Norway is uncertain. In this project we study Ukrainians’ inclusion in the Norwegian labour market under such uncertainty. We look at how different actors deal with the uncertainty: national policy-makers, actors at the local/municipal level, and Ukrainian refugees themselves.

The students are free to choose a relevant theme within this broader framework.

Ideas for MA thesis themes (proposed by potential co/supervisors)

  1. Many of the Ukrainian refugees are women with children (the men in the age group 18-59 are not allowed to leave Ukraine). Challenges of balancing solo responsibility for children with paid work can be studied both from the perspectives of the refugees (how to balance), and the accommodation by municipal services (NAV, schools/kindergartens, introduction programme, etc.)
  2. Health aspects: Our surveys reveal widespread psychic health challenges among the refugees, many of whom have war traumas. How do municipalities offer and organise health services to enable the refugees to cope with and recover from such traumas and to enhance their capacity to participate in the labour market?
  3. For NORPOL or MIS students, a Swedish-Norwegian comparison of some labour-inclusion topic could be a relevant angle (in Sweden for various reasons more refugees are in work, but more often in the low-paid and precarious end of the labour market).
  4. Labour market integration strategies: Legislative changes implemented in Norway since February 2022 have brought about increased flexibility and freedom of choice for Ukrainian refugees. These changes encompass integration programs offering educational measures, employment opportunities, free Norwegian language courses, specialized integration benefits, and assistance with supported housing. Norwegian authorities have chosen a rapid model for labour market integration for Ukrainian refugees that could lead to multiple structural barriers and individual challenges.

    a) How do Ukrainian refugees (primarily women responsible for caring for children without proficient English) experience their labour market integration in Norway?

    b)What strategies do they employ to overcome the existing challenges, barriers, and risks at various social levels, including national, regional, and local contexts?
  5. Street-level bureaucrats in NAV and the refugee service are tasked with implementing integration policies. How do they perceive the changes in policies and laws that have taken place after the arrival of the Ukrainians? Goal conflicts or ambiguous rules may leave street level bureaucrats with a large scope of discretion. How do employees in NAV and the refugee service perceive this scope, and which factors shape their use of discretion (e.g.  informal political signals, personal values, previous experience, work pressure, bureaucratic norms such as equal treatment etc)?

Data collection

Data from surveys to Ukrainian refugees and to municipal refugee services (such surveys were conducted in 2023, 2024, and will be conducted annually – at least the one to the refugees). Can be used both as primary and secondary data source.

Transcripts from interviews with municipal stakeholders (from four case studies to be carried out in four Norwegian municipalities).

Even if the project will have data that can be used by the students, we propose that the students do their data collection, conduct interviews among various municipal services, among Ukrainian refugees themselves, or at workplaces with Ukrainian refugees (employers, trade unions, workers).

The project is particularly relevant for students within Social Work, Nordic Social Policy and Global Sustainable Development, as well as MIS.

We can accept up to 3 students. Students who are accepted are likely to be offered a study desk (Masterstudentplass) at NIBR together with other Masters students from OsloMet and other universities.

Project group

Aadne Aasland (project leader), NIBR
Vilde Hernes, NIBR
Kristian Rose Tronstad, NIBR
Tone Liodden; NIBR
Oleksandra Deineko, NIBR
Marthe Handå Myhre, NIBR
Mariann Stærkebye Leirvik, NIBR
Blanka Støren Vaczy, SAM

Contact person

Aadne Aasland –

More about the project

Sustainability, Performances, Evidence and Scenarios (SPES) – Citizens’ perspectives on the transition: Individual perceptions and collective interests (Nova)

We offer supervision to MA students who are interested in questions related to processes of societal and economic transition towards ecologically sustainable societies, in the Global South as well as in European countries. Students will have the opportunity to write their dissertation within the framework Sustainability Performances, Evidence and Scenarios (SPES). This is an international collaborative research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme. The project is coordinated by the University of Florence, Italy, and NOVA/OsloMet is one of twelve international partners, and responsible for facilitating co-design workshops in Norway.

About the project

By generating new knowledge about the nexus between economic growth, human flourishing and sustainability, the SPES project aims to create a novel integrated framework to foster the transition towards sustainable human development (SHD) in Europe. A core ambition is to provide policymakers with original concepts and evidence about past, present and future transition performances, as well as to propose new pathways to achieve SHD.

SPES focuses on the four pillars of sustainable human development, both theoretically and empirically:

  1. Productivity, defined as pursuing an efficient use of economic, human and natural resources through innovation processes;
  2. Equality for all, defined as fostering equal political, economic, social and cultural opportunities;
  3. Sustainability, defined as promoting climate change mitigation and adaptation and ensuring the protection, restoration and improvement of the environment;
  4. Participation and empowerment, defined as enabling citizens, social groups and communities to be active agents of their future.

NOVA/OsloMet leads the work package about Citizens’ perspectives on the transition: Individual perceptions and collective interests. This part of the SPES project aims to understand the drivers of public support for and opposition against transition trajectories towards more environmentally sustainable societies. Objective and perceived inequalities and unevenly shared costs of transition processes take centre stage.

The tasks in the work package rely on existing microlevel surveys of individual attitudes in different parts of the world. It also entails collection of primary data, through the organisation of co-design workshops in Norway, several other European countries, and three countries in the Global South. Co-design workshops will take place in autumn 2024.

Possible thesis questions

Depending on the specific thematic interests and methods skills of potential candidates, we envisage supervision of up to three dissertations, covering the following areas:

  1. Quantitative comparative analysis of individual perceptions or preferences linked to transition and sustainability related questions, based on cross-national attitude survey data. For instance, how do attitudes towards environmental sustainability and policy vary across groups with different socio-economic background among citizens in Europe and/or the Global South, and how have such attitudes changed over time? Potential data sources: European and World Value Surveys; International Social Survey Programme (ISSP). Part of the task could be to look for other suitable datasets from other regions/continents.
  2. The use of participatory methods, in particular co-design workshops, in the study of sustainability transitions. This topic would rely on review of relevant existing academic literature and critical reflections based on the hands-on experience of designing and implementing co-design workshops in the Norwegian context.
  3. A study of the nature of public support for and opposition against transition trajectories towards more environmentally sustainable societies in Norway. This topic should draw on the primary data collected in the Norwegian co-design workshops. In addition, ambitious candidates may adopt a mixed methods design, drawing also on micro level survey data for Norway.

Potential supervisors

Mi Ah Schoyen, NOVA

Therese Dokken, NOVA

Contact person

We encourage potentially interested students to contact Mi Ah Schoyen ( as soon as possible. You should submit a short outline (1-2 pages) of preliminary interests and ideas along with a brief CV by 15 March 2024.

Amase – A multidimensional approach to social exclusion in later life (Nova)

About the project

Social exclusion, or the exclusion from mainstream society, is a multidimensional concept and has many faces. It can refer to those that cannot participate in civic society, but also to people who have a very small social network, or who are poor or who are excluded from health care services or public transport.

Being socially connected is a universal need and a fundamental human right, but a considerable number of older people in Europe and to some extent also Norway are socially excluded. Older people have an increased risk for social exclusion due to the accumulation of factors associated with age, such as poor health, loss of relatives and friends, and lower physical and social activities. Social exclusion is not only unwanted in its own right, but also because of the disruptive consequences for mental and physical health, leading to substantial social, economic and health expenditures for societies. With the AMASE project we hope to get more insight into the multidimensional nature of old age social exclusion and its consequences for mental and physical health of older adults.

Possible thesis questions

In this quantitative project, students can develop their own questions that are related to social exclusion in later life. Possible research questions that can be investigated are:

  • Who is at risk for social exclusion (in Norway or Europe)?
  • How are exclusion from different domains interrelated?
  • What are the health and wellbeing outcomes of social exclusion? Do welfare states moderate associations between social exclusion and health/wellbeing?
  • How does social exclusion change over time?


Students can work with existing quantitative datasets such as the European Quality of Life Survey; the Norwegian Life-course and generation Study (NORLAG) or the European Social Survey.

Relevant for which study options

This project is relevant for International Social Welfare and Health Policy, and Social Work.

About us

See our web page

Contact person

Marja Aartsen –

What are the facilitator and inhibitor factors for young adults, who receive welfare benefits or health services in Norway due to long-term pain and psychological distress, to participate in education and work (OsloMet)

About the project

This Master’s Thesis project is a part of a broader PhD project at OsloMet where we involve young adults, health personnel, researchers, and NAV to answer our project questions using a needs-identified research model. We believe this method can remarkably contribute to increasing the usefulness and utility of the research.

Long-term pain and psychological distress in young people can negatively affect participation in education and work and have significant consequences for individuals and society. The project’s ambition is to contribute to developing more holistic knowledge about facilitator and inhibitor factors that influence young adults with long-term pain and psychological ailments to participate in education and work.

The primary purpose of this master project is to identify the viewpoints and perceptions of the target group, young adults who receive welfare benefits or health services in Norway, and to understand what are, in their view, the factors that can facilitate or inhibit their participation in education or at work (job, career). We hypothesize that we will identify a list of factors that can facilitate and inhibit their participation in education and work, where the evidence can help us delineate a strategy that enhances their participation and limit or minimize the barriers.

The project is part of the bridge-building initiative at the Faculty of Health Sciences and is a UNIKOM collaboration between the Bydel Grünerløkka and OsloMet.

Aims and method(s)

A Cross-Sectional Study will be designed, with the aid of an anonymous online questionnaire to collect the data from the target group in Norway. With the aid of this method, the factors will be identified and evidence will be documented.

We expect to identify the key considerations in supporting this group by formulating and delineating a strategy to assist them in education and work and diminish barriers in their ways.

The ultimate goal is to have a collaborative strategy where NAV, the health care system, and the educational system can together implement a useful strategy for the target group in Norwegian society. This will not only benefit the target group, but the society as a whole in terms of health economy, NAV resources, educational resources, and manpower for the future of our society.

This project is an online anonymous survey and hence, no REK approval is required. We will inform SIKT. However, no sensitive or personal data will be collected via the online anonymous questionnaire.

We are looking for

A student in Social Work or International Social Welfare and Health Policy, with interest in cross-sectional quantitative studies with the aid of online anonymous surveys; A good understanding of long-term pain and psychological distress.


Principal supervisor/project manager: Parisa Gazerani PharmD, PhD, Professor
OsloMetropolitan University, P50, L239

Co-supervisor: Frida Elise Larsen, PhD candidate
Workplace – address OsloMetropolitan University, P50

Further reading / Inspiration
