Terror in the media

Media researchers Rune Ottosen, Walid Al-Saqaf and Stig Arne Nohrstedt at the conference in Kalmar 9 May

The truck attack in Stockholm 7 April was the starting point at the international conference Journalism in a world of terrorism organised by the Media Institute Fojo and The Linnaeus University in Kalmar in Sweden 9 – 11 May.

The Head of news in Swedish Television (SVT), Ulf Johansson, told about the reactions and the editorial dilemmas after the attack. Media researcher Walid Al-Saqaf presented the findings about how Twitter was used extensively through #openstockholm.

Suvojit Bandopadhyaya broadened the perspective with a presentation about terrorists and their tactical use of social media platforms. Daya Thussu held a keynote speech about (Mis)Representing Terrorism in Global Media.

Exiled Can Dündar, former editor of the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, could unfortunately only join on skype to tell about what happens in his country. Finally Courtney C. Radsh in the Committee to Protect Journalists gave an overview of Journalism in the Age of Terrorism.

The international conference for media-researchers and journalists continued with workshops and panel discussions for two more days in Kalmar. Read more

Rune Ottosen in the National Commission for UNESCO

JMIC staff member Rune Ottosen has been appointed as a member of the Norwegian National Commission for UNESCO in the period 2017-2020 by the Minister of Education and Research Torbjørn Røe Isaksen.

The new Commission has eight members from different academic and civil sectors. The composition of the Commission reflects the four disciplines UNESCO: education, science, culture and communication.

The National Commission’s mandate is to promote UNESCO’s ideas and make UNESCO known in the Norwegian society. Co-operation with other National Commissions and international actors is a priority for the Commission. Read more

Visitors from media in Angola

They are attending a course in human rights organized by International Law and Policy Institute (ILPI) for the third time in Norway 21 – 25 November.

The delegation´s visit is part of a larger human rights project focusing on capacity building in international human rights standards and mechanisms. The theme of this course is journalism, freedom of expression, privacy, defamation, ethics and mechanisms for self-regulation and complaints.

The participants represents the Journalist´s Association, the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Social Communication Ministry and civil society organizations in Angola, according to ILPI advisor Anja S. Østgård.

Member of The World Press Photo Contest 2017 Jury

JMIC staff member Jon Petter Evensen is appointed member of the jury forjon-petter The World Press Photo Contest 2017. Jon Petter Evensen will serve on the specialist jury for Short form in the Digital Storytelling Contest. The Digital Storytelling Contest reward «those producing the best forms of visual journalism enabled by digital technologies and the spread of the Internet».

The appointment is a great acknowledgement of both Jon Petter Evensen and the photojournalist education at HiOA. Read more about the competition and the juries.

Kristin Skare Orgeret is awarded Communicator of the year

The jury pointed out that Orgeret is actively contributing to the public debate with a media perspective on political, social and cultural aspects of our contemporary society, both nationally and internationally and with special emphasis on a North-South perspective. She continuously contributes to draw attention to how gender is represented in media and thereby to keep the pressure on Norwegian editors to work for a more equal gender representation.

The jury underlined that Orgeret is making significant efforts to put important research issues on the national media agenda, and thus contributes to build bridges between research and the public sphere.

JMIC’s leader Elisabeth Eide was awarded the prize in 2008.

Conference for investigative journalists in Nepal

David Kaplan in Global Investigative Journalism Network (GIJN) and Namrata Sharma in Centre for Investigative Journalism (CIJ) are wishing the participants welcome to Uncovering Asia, the second Asian investigative journalism conference, from 23 to 25 September in Kathmandu in Nepal. Around 350 journalists from 50 countries are present – for more information

Report from the Nepal Africa Film Festival

The Norhed Network represented by Erik Adrian Eileng, Kristin Skare Orgeret and Helge Rønning participated, together with their partners from Nepal, Uganda and South Sudan, at the opening of the Nepal African Film Festival in Kathmandu on September 7. The Vice President of Nepal, representatives from NORAD as well as the Norwegian ambassador to Nepal were also present at the opening ceremony. During their stay in Kathmandu the Norhed team held their annual meeting with NORAD and a research seminar where two of the project’s PhD candidates also presented their work.

On Tuesday 13 of September, Professor Orgeret gave a 25 minutes live interview on Nepal national television about the Norhed project and the book Journalism in Conflict and Post Conflict Conditions (Nordicom 2016).


From rector Curt Rice

“The center plays an important role in our strategy for internationalizing education and research. I’m particularly proud of the vast global network this center offers the HiOA community”