Head of MEKK, Roy Krøvel has played a major part in the latest edition of “Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift” (The Journal of Media History) as guest editor. Professor and member of MEKK, Rune Ottosen has also contributed with an article to the journal.
In February, the Norwegian Mediahistorical Union inititated the seminar: “100 years since the Russian Revolution. What significance did it have for the Norwegian Press?” Several topics from this session have now been further elaborated.
These include:
Fra revolusjonsbegeistring til brobygging, Åsmund Egge
Revolusjonsfrykt og klassekamp, Rune Ottosen
Revolusjon og folkelesning, Birgitte Kjos Fonn
Garborg, Uppdal og revolusjonen, Roy Krøvel
Sigurd Simensen, avismann og agitator, Kristian Steinnes
Karl Johanssen, liberaler blant kommunister, Gudleiv Forr
Quislings opplevelser i Petrograd, Hans Fredrik Dahl