Call for abstracts: 

The research group MEKK at OsloMet’s safety of journalists conference, 2024: Safety of journalists in the coverage of political elections/ Safety of journalists in war We are happy to announce that we are now accepting abstract submissions to the tenth annual Conference on the Safety of Journalists. The conference, organized by MEKK in cooperation with… Continue reading Call for abstracts: 

The Safety of Journalists Conference 2023

A huge Thank You to the excellent key note speakers, panelists, and all participants at the 9th annual safety of journalists conference at OsloMet University 1-2 November! Please find some of the Norpart MA student journalists’ reports from the conference below: Reporters Without Borders (RSF) and MEKK Join to Advocate for Journalist´s Safety by Theodorah… Continue reading The Safety of Journalists Conference 2023

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ICFJ celebrates acquittal of Nobel laureate Maria Ressa; looks to Supreme Court decision

The International Centre forJournalists (ICFJ) and the Hold the Line coalition confirm that Nobel laureate and journalist Maria Ressa has been acquitted of financial fraud. The charge threatened to land her in jail for a decade and was a threat to freedom of speech in the Philippines and around the world. In a press release… Continue reading ICFJ celebrates acquittal of Nobel laureate Maria Ressa; looks to Supreme Court decision

2023 Conference Program is here!

Subject to revision, we are happy to present the program for the 2023 Safety of Journalists Conference, “A Call to Action: Advancing Safety in Environmental Journalism for a Better Future.” Paper presentations will occur in the afternoons of both days, along two tracks (A. and B.). All paper session allocations are subject to revision. Note… Continue reading 2023 Conference Program is here!

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Call for Papers: 9th Annual Conference on the Safety of Journalists

We call on the world’s journalists to reflect on the real threat climate change poses in their reporting and to apply best practices to improve coverage on the most pressing problem of our time. The IFJ also encourages all its affiliates to include the climate issue in their agendas and to work together to launch… Continue reading Call for Papers: 9th Annual Conference on the Safety of Journalists

Samba in a panel on fake news & disinformation

The 28th March MEKK’s Samba Badji will take part in an online panel on Fake News and Disinformation : Consequences of Fake News and Disinformation on Democracy, How to resist?

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Meeting with the Union of Journalists of Ukraine

MEKK’s Oleksandra Hrybenko and Kristin Skare Orgeret met with President Sergiy Tomilenko and Vice President Lina Kushch of the Union of Journalists of Ukraine, together with the Director of the Institute of Journalism (IJ) Siri Skaalmo and Norwegian Union of Journalists (NJ)’s Eva Stabell. One of the key priorities of the National Union of Journalists… Continue reading Meeting with the Union of Journalists of Ukraine

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Book launch

On March 10th, the research group MEKK organized the launch of Kjetil Selvik and Jacob Høiglit’s book Journalism in the Grey Zone. Pluralism and Media Capture in Lebanon and Tunisia. The book explores the political role of journalism in the hybrid situations of Lebanon and Tunisia where democratic and nondemocratic elements coexist. Through interviews with… Continue reading Book launch

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Talking to Nobel laureate Jody Williams

MEKK’s Oleksandra Hrybenko talked to Nobel laureate Jody Williams about solidarity, activism, and Ukraine’s brave women and men in an event organized by Nobel Peace Centre and Nobel Women’s initiative in Oslo on 24th January. Jody Williams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997, jointly with the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), for… Continue reading Talking to Nobel laureate Jody Williams

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Third short doc by Emmy-awarded documentary filmmaker Loretta van der Horst for DD-MAC

In the third short doc from Ethiopia, it becomes evident that the media public’s lack of education and digital literacy disturbs them from consuming filtered information. Elham Ali Mehammed describes how her motivation to defend herself and Ethiopia’s communities encourage her to work with youth and instruct them on the information disorder.

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