In the aftermath of the Safety of Journalists conference in Oslo, Jackie Harrison and Sara Torsner from the Centre for Freedom of the Media welcome those who contributed with papers and expertise at the conference to join the Journalist Safety Research Network, by filling out their Google form, as well as join their Facebook group ‘Journalists’ Safety Research Network.
Category: News
Security training for journalists in Uganda
MEKK-member Marte Høiby has together with war correspondent and safety trainer Abeer Saady conducted a training in safety for journalists and students at Makerere University in Uganda. The focus of the two day training was on risk management, conflict reporting, situation awareness, topical issues in the region and ethical issues – with many examples and… Continue reading Security training for journalists in Uganda
Challenges for investigative journalism in Nepal
Professor Kristin Skare Orgeret has just recently returned from a week in Katmandu, where she has connected with CMJC (College of Journalism and Communication), whom she workes together with on topics related especially to war, peace and conflict. The cooperation is a part of a larger Norhed-project, funded by NORAD, in which Orgeret is the… Continue reading Challenges for investigative journalism in Nepal
MEKK-members attend “Social Justice: Women in the Media on Conflict and Crisis.”
The conference for the International Association for Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) took place in the Philippines this year. The organizers´ intention was to initiate dialogue between local organizations and movements which are women-led or involve substantial female participation, and women in media from all over the world. Three MEKK-members, Heidi Røsok-Dahl, Marte Høiby… Continue reading MEKK-members attend “Social Justice: Women in the Media on Conflict and Crisis.”
How the Russian Revolution played a role in the Norwegian press
Head of MEKK, Roy Krøvel has played a major part in the latest edition of “Mediehistorisk Tidsskrift” (The Journal of Media History) as guest editor. Professor and member of MEKK, Rune Ottosen has also contributed with an article to the journal. In February, the Norwegian Mediahistorical Union inititated the seminar: “100 years since the Russian… Continue reading How the Russian Revolution played a role in the Norwegian press
“A disruptive and disturbing conference”
This is what Ramon Tuazon asked for at the conference Safety of Journalists Covering Conflict & Sensitive Issues. This is what he got:
Collaboration with The Latin American Group on seminars
Professor and head of MEKK, Roy Krøvel has collaborated with The Latin American Group (Latin-Amerika gruppen) on a series of seminars about Latin America that will take place at Arbeidersamfunnets plass this fall, and next Spring. The occasion for the seminars, is the group´s 40th anniversity. The seminars will concentrate on Chila, Nicaragua, Chiapas, Brazil,… Continue reading Collaboration with The Latin American Group on seminars
Eide asks for a more humanitarian refugee policy
MEKK-member and professor Elisabeth Eide published a commentary about the lack of humanitiarianism in Norwegian refugee policy. The chronic was published in Bergens Tidende as a response to refugee Leila Bayat, who despite of pleading for asylum, was deported by the Norwegian government to Iran, where she received a penalty of 80 lashes by the… Continue reading Eide asks for a more humanitarian refugee policy
Upcoming conference: Safety of Journalists Covering Conflict and Sensitive Issues
More than 80 speakers from 30 countries will participate at this two day long conference in Oslo that will take place at Oslo and Akershus University College, Oslo Norway, the 2nd and 3rd of November 2017. See full programme. Read about the participants that will join.
Special edition of “Journalism Education” -an accomplishment originating from last year´s MEKK-conference
We are grateful for professor Roy Krøvel hard work as guest editor of the current special edition of Journalism Education, with the topic: Learning safety education from journalism educations in the global south. The journal published refereed papers given at last year´s MEKK conference on Best practice in teaching conflict, war and peace journalism at Oslo and… Continue reading Special edition of “Journalism Education” -an accomplishment originating from last year´s MEKK-conference