The research group Media, War and Conflict (MEKK) at OsloMet want to thank everyone who came to Oslo for the 5th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists – Digital Safety. Aproximatly 200 people participated throughout the conference, 40 papers on digital safety and safety for journalists from over 30 countries were presented at… Continue reading Thank you all for a great conference in Oslo!
Category: News
Keep Truth Alive
The 5th annual conference on the safety of journalists started with a key note by Guy Berger from UNESCO and a panel conversation with Leandro Demori, from the Intercept Brazil, Neena Kapur from New York Times and Osman Kibar from Dagnes Næringsliv at Fritt Ord. The conference continue today and tomorrow at OsloMet with… Continue reading Keep Truth Alive
Digital safety while reporting – Conversation today at FRITT ORD
5th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists – Digital Safety November 6th, 7th and 8th 2019 Organized by the Research group Media, War and Conflict, MEKK & Fritt Ord supported by UNESCO, the Journalism and Media International Center (JMIC) and OsloMet Digital Journalism Research Group (DJRG) Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway The 5th annual… Continue reading Digital safety while reporting – Conversation today at FRITT ORD
Safety for journalists: Conference & pre-lecture by Hanan Badr
Tomorrow, the 6th of November, we start the 5th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists – Digital Safety. Participants from 30 countries will gather for three days to discuss the safety and security for journalists with a particular focus on digital safety. For full program follow this link It is still possible to register.… Continue reading Safety for journalists: Conference & pre-lecture by Hanan Badr
Paper sessions on the 5th annual conference
Paper Sessions FRIDAY 8th of November 0900 – 1245 Pilestredet 46, Clara Holst hus, (third floor) OsloMet Session 1: Law, impunity and the role of the journalist in the media Pilestredet 46, Clara Holst hus: PA304 09.00 – 10.00 Moderator: Rune Ottosen Abit Hoxha: Thinking like NGO – working like journalist: Working… Continue reading Paper sessions on the 5th annual conference
Conference presentations
MEKK-member Rune Ottosen presented the Paper: “The Echo Chambers in Social Media promoting terror – experience from two terror attacks in Norway”, at the Technology and Digitalization as Forces of Change at the Odense University October 3-4, 2019 and the paper: “How Norway bombed Libya to a failed state in the name of peace” at… Continue reading Conference presentations
Safety and Equality for Female Journalists
Senegal, West Africa: Last week Kristin Skare Orgeret led a refreshment course in safety and equality together with 50 women journalists from the entire continent. The journalists have previously been trained as safety trainers in Dakar, Johannesburg and Tunis, and have all together conducted 100 training workshops in their respective countries. The training is… Continue reading Safety and Equality for Female Journalists
Register for the Safety Conference
5th annual conference on the Safety of Journalists – Digital Safety November 6th, 7th and 8th 2019 Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway Organized by the Research group Media, War and Conflict, MEKK & Fritt Ord supported by UNESCO, the Journalism and Media International Center (JMIC) and OsloMet Digital Journalism Research Group (DJRG) Registration is now open,… Continue reading Register for the Safety Conference
Tragediens bilder
Onsdag 16. oktober deltar MEKK-medlem Anne Hege Simonsen på Landskonferanse foto 2019. Konferansen vil se nærmere på norsk fotohistorie i perioden fra 9. april 1940 til 22. juli 2011, og på hvordan fotografiet inntar en stadig mer sentral posisjon i samfunnsutvikling og kultur. Hvordan kan denne historien forstås og fortelles? Og hvordan har fotografiet bidratt… Continue reading Tragediens bilder
Det norske jødehatet. Boklansering med Bjørn Westlie
I dag, mandag 14. oktober, presenterer MEKK-medlem Bjørn Westlie sin nyeste bok. I krig er sannhet det første offeret, og slik var det også i Norge under andre verdenskrig. Nasjonal Samling (NS) presset avisene til å trykke jødefiendtlige artikler fra partiets eget pressebyrå Norsk Artikkeltjeneste (NAT). NATs funksjon og innholdet i artiklene har til nå… Continue reading Det norske jødehatet. Boklansering med Bjørn Westlie