Qhub@CAS Workshop

In May, 2023, both Andre Laestadius and Sølve Selstø from the Hub had the pleasure of being invited to the CAS workshop Molecular quantum dynamics, organized by Simen Kvaal and Thomas Bondo Pedersen at the Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Science. The workshop is affiliated with the CAS project Attosecond Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation.

Andre presentation was entitled Homotopies and Coupled-Cluster Theory; the coupled-cluster method is a widely used approach in quantum chemistry which, in recent years, also have found several applications to quantum dynamics as well. Sølve presented ideas on using complex absorbing potential to obtain photoelectron spectra and simulate detectors.

OsloMet celebrates 150 years of engineering education

OsloMet has been educating engineers for 150 years, and celebrated the occasion with a full-day event. There were scientific and historic presentations during the day, and a formal dinner during the evening.

Sølve Selstø, Maryam Lotfigolian and Sergiy Denisov presented quantum technologies and quantum computing during the scientific programme – as seen from the academic side, the student side, as well as the industrial side.

Dr. Shaukat Ali joins the Quantum Hub

It is our pleasure to announce that Dr. Shaukat A joins the OsloMet Quantum Hub. His role will be central to all aspects of the quantum hub activities, and we look forward to having him om board.

PASQAL presents quantum

Dear all,

Tuesday April 18th

we will have the pleasure of having Aleksander Wennersteen PASQAL visiting us. PASQAL is a company that develops quantum computers. One of its founders is Alain Aspects, one of last year’s recipients of the Nobel prize in physics, which was awarded for experiments with entangled photons, establishing the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering quantum information science.

Aleksander will tell us about the development work going on at PASQAL.

Snakcs and refreshments will be served. So do let us know if you will come – as soon as you can.

Note that we are in P46 this time.

Do feel free to forward this invitation to anyone who may be interested.

Happy Easter!

2023 Winter Workshop in Quantum Computing

We were very happy to invite you to our event “Kvantesprang og matematikk til Soria Moria” to be held December 12-14 2022, fittingly set to the Soria Moria Hotel in Holmenkollen. The aim of the event was share ideas and discuss topics that will be important for the (near) future related to quantum technologies and mathematics. We also seized this opportunity to celebrate the opening of the OsloMet Quantum Hub and related activities.

In addition to students and staff at OsloMet, we also had the pleasure of having several external experts joining us, including invited lecturers Nadia Larsen, Mårten Skogh and Johan Tunberg in addition to quantum error correction expert Alexander Hüller-Hermes.

Organization committee:

André Brodtkorb, Andre Laestadius and Sølve Selstø

QCNorway: The need for a Norwegian quantum strategy

November 7th and 8th, 2022, jointly with Simula, Sigma 2 and Sintef, OsloMet organized a workshop in order to highlight and emphasize the need to establish a Norwegian strategy when it comes to quantum computing.

Website: https://www.qcnorway.no/

The workshop featured contributions from several notable experts in the field of quantum computing and more than 80 in-person participants.

All presentations may be found on the website.

Here is the OsloMet Quantum Hub’s own contribution: The OsloMet Quantum Hub: Bringing the Quantum to the People.

Note also this interesting presentation from Shaukat Ali: Time for another Simula

and Umair Imam’s presentation on how Ruter has sucessfully implemented quantum machine learning: How Ruter uses Quantum computing in its machine learning algorithms.

Aleksandar Davidov, Sergiy Denysov and Sebastian T. Overskott at our Quantum Hub are all affiliated with this project.

QHub@Sopra Steria

Andreas Ahlgren at Sopra Steria is a genuine quantum enthusiast. In September 2022 his enthusiasm was merged with that of Lars Nordbryhn at IBM and Sølve Selstø from our Quantum Hub at Sopra Steria’s “Quantumkväll”. Together they presented their perspectives on quantum computing – what it is and how it could be used. It was a pleasure to see that several of Andreas’ colleges decided to join. The enthusiasm seems to be contagious.